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  1. Silly me!! it works!! Finally. I had got the token information wrong in the address bar from the external site. So what I had posted last works with external sites in an iframe. It doesn't work with the include method. Thanks people for all your efforts in helping me achieve this.
  2. The small problem I have is that I can't use a local path. The only thing I have managed to come up with is: <iframe <?php $token = $_GET['token']; $source = $_GET['source']; $playerpage = "http://www.externalwebsite/player.pl?token=".$token."&source=".$source.".php"; ?> scrolling=auto id=rf src="<?php print $playerpage ?>" frameborder=0 allowtransparency=true style="width:100%;height:100%"></iframe> This comes up with a blank iframe, but the idea is there. I'm thinking of trying to put the $playerpage into the src of the iframe instead of using include (which only allows for local files) Any ideas?
  3. Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in \\NAS35ENT\domains\m\mywebsite.com\user\htdocs\video-test\index2.php on line 21 Warning: include(http://www.externalwebsite/myfolder/player.pl?token=61DKJH1B&source=WR.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in \\NAS35ENT\domains\m\mywebsite.com\user\htdocs\video-test\index2.php on line 21 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening http://www.externalwebsite/myfolder/player.pl?token=61DKJH1B&source=WR.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in \\NAS35ENT\domains\m\mywebsite.com\user\htdocs\video-test\index2.php on line 21 I have masked the sites as mywebsite and externalwebsite
  4. I have made some progress... <body> <?php $token = $_GET['token']; $source = $_GET['source']; $playerpage = "http://www.mywebsite/myfolder/player.pl?token=".$token."&source=".$source.".php"; include $playerpage; ?> </body> Now if I change include to echo I see the full string that I want to display as content. As soon as I change it to include it throws up lots of errors. The other thing is that I don't know how to get it to work within a iframe (i'm guessing this is simple).
  5. Unfortunately I have no understanding of php other than what it is capable of. Im not a student or anything looking to become a php expert I just need a quick bit of help with this. I can quite easily do this in flash - combining url variable string with a set url, but seeing as I cant do anything with that result I need to use php. I understand your trying to get people to learn through their own mistakes, but anything I put would be a mistake as I'm not sure how to start. I just found this below and tried to adapt it, but I don't understand it enough to modify it correctly. Any ideas? <body> <iframe> <?php if (!isset($_GET['token']) { $token = "about"; } else { $token = $_GET['token']; } include ("http://www.mysite.com/player.pl?".$token.); ?> </iframe> </body>
  6. Hi, I have an iframe in which I want to load an external page into. I only want to input the first half of the url in the coding. The second part of the url I want to input into the address bar i.e. address bar: www.mysite.com/myfolder/myiframepage.php?token=6IDKJH1B&source=WR (in red is the part of the url I want to pass to add on to the coded url) coded url: www.externalsite.com/externalfolder/externalfile.php? So it would end up getting the iframe page from www.externalsite.com/externalfolder/externalfile.php?token=6IDKJH1B&source=WR The whole point of this is to be able to make the content of the iframe changeable. Hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks so much for a quick and direct response. This works great, apart from the fact that some of the elements from the page are unformatted or missing. Im guessing this is because it is trying to run files local to my url folder that obviously exist on the other site. Is it possible to get the external content to run as if existing on its site? Don't know if this is possible, but hey worth an ask.
  8. I am very new to php so please be kind. To put it simply: I have an external url eg. http://www.externalurl.com/index.php?token=61DKJH1B&source=WR What I want to be able to do is pull that page into my own url eg http://www.myurl.com/myphp.php?token=61DKJH1B&source=WR So basically I need to display the external page and still be able to change the variable in the url to feed to the external page. Essentially I just want to mask the original url but still feed it the token=61DKJH1B&source=WR. Any ideas would be much appreciated?
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