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About stillkt1980

  • Birthday 09/04/1980

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    Atlanta, GA

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  1. THANK YOU! I'm so lame. I knew it had to be an easy fix and I probably wouldn't have ever caught it. I'd so buy you chocolate!
  2. Yes, email is assigned to the contact form which only consists of one text box and a submit button. Here's the website if you want to look at it. http://byevolution.com Thanks!
  3. I also forgot to add that the results page shows up just fine, even without the quotes.
  4. Thanks for your help! I entered the quotes as you said, and all I received in the email was: Email: EOD
  5. OK, guys... I wrote a very simple contact form script and it isn't working correctly. It sends me the email, but the requested info is missing. I'm new to scripting, so please be forgiving. If someone could possibly point out my error, what would be great! Thanks, guys! Here's the code: <?php /* Subject and Email Variables */ $emailSubject = 'Keep Me Updated!'; $webMaster = 'updates@byevolution.com'; /* Gathering Data Variables */ $emailField = $_POST['email']; $body = <<<EOD <br><hr><br> Email: $email <br> EOD; $headers = "From: $email\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers,); /* Results Rendered as HTML */ $theResults = <<<EOD <html> <head> <title>success</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="site_layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #apDiv1 { position:absolute; width:306px; height:38px; z-index:1; left: 479px; top: 419px; } --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a)&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a.indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a;}} } function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d)&&d.all) x=d.all; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers.document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} } //--> </script> <link href="success_layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onLoad="MM_preloadImages('images/myspace.jpg','images/facebook.jpg','images/twitter.jpg')"> <!-- Save for Web Slices (success.psd) --> <div id="site_layout"> <table width="1200" height="601" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="Table_01"> <tr> <td colspan="10"> <img src="images/success_01.gif" width="1200" height="50" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10"> <img src="images/logo.jpg" width="1200" height="221" alt="Begin You Evolution"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10"> <img src="images/definition.gif" width="1200" height="92" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10"> <img src="images/bar.gif" width="1200" height="50" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10"> <img src="images/interest.gif" width="1200" height="67" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="3"> <img src="images/follow.gif" width="424" height="120" alt=""></td> <td colspan="2"> <img src="images/success_13.gif" width="27" height="80" alt=""></td> <td><a href="http://www.myspace.com/byevolution" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('myspacebtn','','images/myspace.jpg',1)"><img src="images/images/myspace.jpg" alt="Follow us on Myspace!" name="myspacebtn" width="73" height="80" border="0"></a></td> <td> <img src="images/success_15.gif" width="39" height="80" alt=""></td> <td><a href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/BY-Evolution/112645499703?ref=ts" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('facebookbtn','','images/facebook.jpg',1)"><img src="images/images/facebook.jpg" alt="Follow us on Facebook!" name="facebookbtn" width="73" height="80" border="0"></a></td> <td> <img src="images/success_17.gif" width="39" height="80" alt=""></td> <td><a href="http://twitter.com/BYEvolution" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('twitterbtn','','images/twitter.jpg',1)"><img src="images/images/twitter_btn.jpg" alt="Follow us on Twitter!" name="twitterbtn" width="73" height="80" border="0"></a></td> <td> <img src="images/success_19.gif" width="56" height="80" alt=""></td> <td rowspan="3"> <img src="images/comingsoon_09.gif" width="396" height="120" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <img src="images/success_15-16.gif" width="1" height="40" alt=""></td> <td colspan="7"> <img src="images/copyright_success.jpg" width="379" height="39" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="7"> <img src="images/success_17-18.gif" width="379" height="1" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="424" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="26" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="73" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="39" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="73" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="39" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="73" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="56" height="1" alt=""></td> <td> <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="396" height="1" alt=""></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- End Save for Web Slices --> </body> </html> EOD; echo "$theResults"; ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
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