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  1. i realised that you cam check for syntax error by execute php script on the command line. in this case, i forgot to install php5_mysql package, d'oh.
  2. elloo, i have php script that works fine on a dev server however on staging server it is a blank page. i have set 'error_reporting(E_ALL) ' and ini_set('dsiplay_errors', 1) however only information i get is some notices and no fatal errors. i'm aware that php stops executing if there is a fatal error (and appears as blank screen), is there some sort of directive in 'php.ini' which stop php from executing when there are notices. thanks in advanced
  3. Can the moderators tell me, why my Zend exam question post has been removed? Have I violated some terms that I'm not aware of. Many thanks :'(
  4. Thanks guys. I thought it as much that it creates an new instance of itself.
  5. elloo, i saw this code today and it struck some interest in me 'cause i had not seen this style of coding in foreach statement before. class Test { public $testString = "value"; public $testString1 = "value1"; private $testString2 = "value2"; public function &do_something() { eval('$rtn=new ' . get_class($this) . ';'); foreach($this as $prop => $val) { $rtn->$prop=$val; } return $rtn; } } $obj = new Test(); print_r($obj->do_something()); i'm tiny bit baffled by the line $rtn->$prop=$val what does the function &do_somthing() do? many thanks in advance
  6. elloo, i had a php test today and had to find what was wrong with the following regex preg_match('/^(?:ftp://)?([^/]+)@i'); my answer preg_match('/^(?:ftp:\/\/)?([^/]+@/i'); can anyone tell me if i'm correct or not. and just for understanding, can anyone explain to me what this means (?:ftp://)?([^/]+)
  7. you need user name and password to access page. if you can view the page through address bar then you can be able to fetch the content.
  8. elloo, I'm new to XML and XSLT and I've thought to learn more about it by trying do something basic. In this exercise I try to query the company.xml file using xpath and trying to save the result in result.xml. When I run my code I get this in result.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <annual> <company> <turnover id="2001">100,000</turnover> <turnover id="2002">200,000</turnover> <turnover id="2003">300,000</turnover> <employee id="001">Dicovery</employee> </company> <company> <turnover id="2001">300,000</turnover> <turnover id="2002">300,000</turnover> <turnover id="2003">400,000</turnover> <employee id="002">World</employee> </company> </annual> However my output should be this in result.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <annual> <company> <turnover id="2001">100,000</turnover> <turnover id="2002">200,000</turnover> <turnover id="2003">300,000</turnover> <employee id="001">Dicovery</employee> </company> </annual> ########Here Is My Code############### test.xsl <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:output method="html"/> <xsl:output doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"/> <xsl:output doctype-public="-//W3//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"/> <xsl:template match="annual"> <html> <head> <title><![CDATA[Annual Data & Report]]></title> </head> <body> <ul> <xsl:apply-templates select="company"/> </ul> </body> </html> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="company"> <li><xsl:apply-templates/></li> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> company.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <annual> <company> <turnover id="2001">100,000</turnover> <turnover id="2002">200,000</turnover> <turnover id="2003">300,000</turnover> <employee id="001">Dicovery</employee> </company> <company> <turnover id="2001">300,000</turnover> <turnover id="2002">300,000</turnover> <turnover id="2003">400,000</turnover> <employee id="002">World</employee> </company> </annual> <?php define("DEBUGGING", true); define("IS_WARNING_FATAL", true); define("SITE_GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE", "This site has taken a long break, I suggest you do the same"); set_error_handler("fusionad_error_handler", E_ALL); function fusionad_error_handler($errNo, $errStr, $errFile, $errLine) { $backtrace = print_backtrace(2); $error_message = "\nERROR: $errNo \nTEXT: " . $errStr . "\nLOCATION: " . $errFile . " Line " . $errLine . "\n" . date("F j, Y, g:i:a") . "\nBacktrace:\n" . $backtrace . "\n\n"; if(($errNo == E_WARNING && IS_WARNING_FATAL == false) || ($errNo == E_NOTICE || $errNo == E_USER_NOTICE)) { if(DEBUGGING == true) { echo "<pre>" . $error_message . "</pre>"; } }else { if(DEBUGGING == true) echo "<pre>" . $error_message . "</pre>"; else{ echo "<pre>" . SITE_GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE . "</pre>"; } exit; } } function print_backtrace($irrelevantTrace) { $s = ''; $MAXSTRLEN = 64; $traceArr = debug_backtrace(); for($i=0; $i<$irrelevantTrace; $i++) { array_shift($traceArr); } foreach($traceArr as $arr) { if(!empty($arr['class'])) $s = $arr['class'] . "."; $args = array(); if(!empty($arr['args'])){ foreach($arr['args'] as $v) { if(is_null($v)) { $args[] = 'null'; }else if (is_array($v)) { $args[] = "Array[" . sizeof($v) . "]"; }else if (is_object($v)) { $args[] = "Object: " . get_class($v); }else if (is_bool($v)) { $args[] = ($v ? 'true' : 'false'); }else { $v = (string)@$v; $str = htmlspecialchars(substr($v, 0, $MAXSTRLEN)); if(strlen($v) > $MAXSTRLEN) $str .= "..."; $args[] = "\"" . $str . "\""; } } } $s .= $arr['function'] . "(" . implode(", ", $args) . ")"; $Line = (isset($arr['line']) ? $arr['line'] : "unknown"); $File = (isset($arr['file']) ? $arr['file'] : "unknown"); $s .= sprintf(" # line %4d, file: %s", $Line, $File); $s .= "\n"; } return $s; } class Test { /* private members */ private $mXmlDoc; private $mXpath; private $mXsltPorc; private $mXml; private $mXslt; private $mHtml; /* public members */ public $mOutput; /* default constructor */ public function __construct($xml) { $this->mXmlDoc = new DomDocument(); if(!($this->mXmlDoc->load($xml))) { trigger_error(); } } /** * Function sets the XML output file name * * @param $xml - filename of the output file */ public function output($xml) { if(isset($xml) && strlen($xml) > 0) { $this->mOutput = $xml; }else{ trigger_error(); } } /** * Function prints XML data * * @ param $xml - filename string */ public function xmlQuery($xpath) { $this->mXpath = new DomXPath($this->mXmlDoc); $node_list = $this->mXpath->query($xpath, $this->mXmlDoc); foreach($node_list as $node) { echo "<pre>" . $this->mXmlDoc->saveXML($node) . "</pre>"; } $this->mXmlDoc->save($this->mOutput); } /** * Function convert XML to HTML * * @param $xml - xml filename * @param $xsl - xsl filename */ public function xml2html($xml, $xsl) { // create xslt processor $this->mXsltProc = new XsltProcessor(); $this->mXml = new DomDocument(); if(!($this->mXml->load($xml))) { trigger_error(); } $this->mXslt = new DomDocument(); $this->mXslt->load($xsl); $this->mXsltProc->importStylesheet($this->mXslt); if(!($this->mHtml = $this->mXsltProc->transformToXML($this->mXml))) { trigger_error(); } return $this->mHtml; } } $xmlProc = new Test("company.xml"); $xmlProc->output("result.xml"); $xmlProc->xmlQuery("/annual/company[employee[@id = '001']"); echo $xmlProc->xml2html($xmlProc->mOutput, "test.xsl");
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