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Everything posted by ARTIS

  1. Also, If you are getting data back, that tells me that it is not a problem with the web service.
  2. I just get a blank screen. I added echo tags to pinpoint were the failure is occuring like so: echo " 1 " $client = new SoapClient('http://www.zbestlistings.com/WCF/Primedia.svc?wsdl'); echo " 2 " $response = $client->GetPropertyXML(array( "AccountID" => "12807175152", "eMailList" => "Sheryl@Rentingslc.com, Tenants@Rpmwestvalley.com, Tom@Rpmsouthernutah.com" )); echo " 3 " It never makes it to 2.
  3. Thank you Paul! I am guessing your tried this and an xml string was returned to you? I am still not getting anything and am wondering if there is may be a server configuration or something that I am missing.
  4. Hi! I need to retrieve data from a WCF Web Service and don't seem to be connecting when the "new SoapClient" is called. I am using php version 5.2. The service requires 2 Parmameters, an account ID and a comma separated email list. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks! <?php header('Content-Type: text/xml'); $client = new SoapClient('http://www.zbestlistings.com/WCF/Primedia.svc?wsdl'); $response = $client->GetPropertyXML(array( "AccountID" => "12807175152", "eMailList" => "Sheryl@Rentingslc.com, Tenants@Rpmwestvalley.com, Tom@Rpmsouthernutah.com" )); echo $response; ?>
  5. Hi, I am not a php programmer and need some help getting an xml feed property written to the web browser. The data is being retrieved from a mysql database. See my feed at: http://www.visualshows.com/test.php When I view the source behind the page, the XML Tags are there. What I don't understand is why the tags are not seen in the browser window as they are on this site: http://www.blueonerealty.com/rss_feed/xml_homes/trulia.php Can someone please give me some guidance? My coded is below Thanks! Graham <?php [Database stuff here] mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_user,$sql_pass); mysql_select_db($sql_db); $result = mysql_query('SELECT * from SyndicationExport'); $doc = new DomDocument('1.0','UTF-8'); $root = $doc->createElement('SyndicationExport'); $root = $doc->appendChild($root); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // add node for each record $listing= $doc->createElement('listing'); $listing = $root->appendChild($listing); foreach($row as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { $child = $doc->createElement($fieldname); $child = $listing->appendChild($child); //add data to the new element $value = $doc->createTextNode($fieldvalue); $value = $child->appendChild($value); } } echo $doc->saveXML(); ?>
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