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Everything posted by upsidedownbin

  1. I am trying to find out how to convert HTML code to ePub format dynamically, i know it can be done, but i was wondering if anyone had a tutorial i could follow or something, Thanks.
  2. Hi has anyone figured out how to code a count up system for a comments page, it tells the user when the comment was sent without dispalying the time it was sent, for example, Comment sent 10 minutes ago, Comment sent 1 hour ago, Comment sent 1 year ago e.t.c, i dont need a whole comments page script, i just need some sort of function, that i can put a date stamp or date into it and its parameters and it will give me the length of time in words since it was published, thankyou
  3. hey does anyone know how to use imagemagick in xampp, i dont know if its installed or anything, can someone give me the rundown on how to use it with xampp, or install it plz
  4. lol, that made me laugh, however, i have googled the problem lots of times, and the methods are all just SQL and not an integration between SQL and PHP thanks anyway
  5. Hi all, I have some encrypted values stored in my database, theyre stored in AES_ENCRYPT format, is there a way to retrieve these values in plain text, thankyou
  6. Hi all, I'm making a video uploading site and i'm stuck at how to play the video on the page, This may not even be a php question, but can someone please direct me to a tutorial or something, I need to know how to make the player with the play, pause, fullscreen buttons as well, and how to stream the video through the player, thanks
  7. how do you embed a .pls stream in a website using flash, or other plug ins such as wmp but not using real player thanks
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