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  1. I am just trying things on localhost,any tweaks necessary in the WAMP config to make this work?
  2. I am trying a very simple thing , just to run an exe on local WAMP environment.The code below launches does launch notepad(can see in task manager) but doesn't show up.I want test.txt to be opened in a window. <?php $WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell"); $oExec = $WshShell->Run("notepad.exe C:\wamp\www\test.txt", 3, true); ?> I have tried exec as well .Same problem.What modifications are needed?
  3. Hi , I want to populate a combobox with data pulled from a mysql db . The value of second combobox depends on what's been selected in first combobox. I assume pulling the data completely when loading the combobox and then filtering it locally to populate the second combobox based on the selection in first combobox will suit my needs so that i do not have to query server.What is the best way of doing it?Any free javascript library which can make my job easier?Further any sample code snippet would be appreciated as i am a newbee in javascript/php.
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