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Everything posted by raccoon

  1. If you don't want to use tables, one way to do it would be to use str_pad() [help: http://ca2.php.net/manual/en/function.str-pad.php ] str_pad (string $input , int $pad_length) $pad_length should be longer than the longest column (in characters) in each column. And then use one <br /> for each line. You would need to set the font to a fixed width typeface for it to work though. Tell me if you need an example.
  2. I think there is something wrong around here: $img_file = "$new_name".".jpg"; $upload_file = $img_file.basename($_FILES[$curent]['$new_name']); Whether it be the that $upload_file will equal something like "something.jpgthensomemorestuff" and/or that $new_name is in single quotes
  3. I heard PHP MagpieRSS is one of the most simple, easy, robust php classes for RSS. http://magpierss.sourceforge.net/ I haven't used it myself yet, but apparently it's great.
  4. Hi, I've been looking around, and can't seem to find any code coverage tool for php other than Xdebug (which I've used) I was just wondering there is any good class that does this currently, written with php (as opposed to using dlls and such) Something simple like this: <?php require_once 'framework...'; CodeCoverage::start() ...all code, includes, etc. go here... example: if (true) { $something = 'else'; } else { $y = 'z'; } if (false) { $asdf = 'fdsa'; } else { $y45 = 'bc'; } CodeCoverage::end() CodeCoverage::display() ?> The displayed content would look something like this: _______ if (true) { > $something = 'else'; } else { X $y = 'z'; } if (false) { X $asdf = 'fdsa'; } else { > $y45 = 'bc'; } ____ Where X marks an line not executed, and '>' marks an executed line. Obviously this wouldn't be limited to a single file. I'm half-way finished making a class that does this myself, but I don't want to finish if there is already a well made class that does this. Thanks
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