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Everything posted by halwaraj

  1. halwaraj


    Hey guys, Just want some suggestion/ideas about multimedia. Could, anybody please tell me what would be the best approach towards adding multimedia on a site. Basically how does people store audio and video files for the site? In a DB? on a filesystem? how? Does the content (audio and video files) needs to be encripted during transmission? Please tell me more about this.
  2. If it's a *nix server, then create a php file that runs the delete query you need, and then set up a cron job on the server to ping that file every 10 minutes. Your hosting package will have the details for creating cron jobs in its FAQ somewhere, probably. You can write a trigger in the DB. Refer to the DB documentation. Thats the best way. The DB itself takes care of itself.
  3. I guess you can use Ifame with source as pointing to the site you want to point to. Not sure though.
  4. HAHAHAHA. . . People are forgetting that the above technique involves submitting the page. This is not the right way. Reasons - - Submiting a page and waiting for next page lot of time (min 30secs). Ridiculous. You want me to wait for 30 seconds just to see other two boxes??? - - What if I click on first radio(30 seconds), then second(30 seconds) and change my mind again and click first one again(30 seconds). So a total of close to or more than a minute just to make a choice???? :confused: - - Maintaining the old data would be a problem need to maintain it somehow - - This would increase server load and bandwidth usage as you are submitting the form a number of times :o :o Use javascript. Preferebly Jquery. Get following benefits: - - instant display (dont have to download everytime. Need to show and hide the respective elements.) - - What if I click on first radio(< 1 second), then second(< 1 second) and change my mind again and click first one again(< 1 second). So d total time taken here is practically the time taken to click ;D - -No extra load as it is the clients machine that executes the javascript. - - bandwidth usage reduced. Praveen
  5. I agree with crayon. What you can do is have all the form elements in the php. Hide the once you want to showup later using display:none as the style. When the user clicks on one of the options, just change the style from display:none to display:block
  6. OOPS really sry. What I did was copied the php.ini snippet from a site and somehow forgot to change the dll path to my local path. [debug] zend_extension_ts="C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.2.8/ext/php_xdebug-2.0.4-5.2.8.dll" xdebug.remote_enable=on xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp xdebug.remote_host=localhost xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_mode=req The "zend_extension_ts" was pointing to a non-existent file. Corrected that and everythings fine. Sorry for being a noob. Please dont mind. Thanks a ton for the support. Praveen
  7. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( You are right. It was getting redirected for installation. So I did the installation and tried to debug again. No luck. This time it did not get redirected, the URL had the debug parameter as http://localhost/pra/index.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug Netbeans, however, was not able to connect still. It kept on waiting and when i manually cancelled the wait process, it said either xdebug is either not installed or not configured properly. Please help
  8. Nope I have debugged the same code earlier. Actually my machine had swine flu (VIRUS ATTACK) and it died. So had to format and I lost everything.
  9. Hey guys I am trying to run remote debugger in Netbeans. My Environment: This is a Virtual Machine. VirtualBox.org by Sun Microsystems. Windows XP SP3 Wamp Netbeans 6.7.1 I am trying to debug drupal code base. I have tried to follow the instruction on Netbeans and other sites. NO LUCK YET. When I launch the debugger from NB the URL does show http://localhost/pra/index.php?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=netbeans-xdebug but it gets redirected to regular URL http://localhost/pra/install.php?profile=default Dont know what is the reason. I have tried both versions of xdebug dll ie thread safe and non thread safe. Please help Halwaraj
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