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Everything posted by colap

  1. How can i configure php.ini configuration to display all error ? Is this correct ? error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = On
  2. How can i change my profile avatar/picture for this forum? Where is that option?
  3. It's cakephp. Can you please post your database.php for postgresql database connection?
  4. Suppose i have a view name.ctp. How can i count the page view for name.ctp? Is there any built in way in cakephp?
  5. Suppose i have an md5-encrypted password. Now to authentication i want to check the md5-password with the given input from user. How can i do this?
  6. Is it possible to create set array in PHP?
  7. It's a project written with php-4.3.9 It's not supported after installing php-5.3.6 How can i configure apache server to support php4 project?
  8. How can i remove starting and ending whitespace from an element of array with a php function?
  9. Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ubuntu [1] => [2] => apache ) } I want to remove [0][1] element then the new array will be Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => ubuntu [1] => apache ) }
  10. How can remove those element with only white space or empty element?
  11. A set doen't contain any duplicate value.
  12. Where would i put these lines? ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
  13. It's php4 code. Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in offline.php $iso = split( '=', _ISO ); How can i convert it to php5 code?
  14. It's depricated, how can i convert it into php5 code? $_VERSION =& new version();
  15. Hi, How can i convert php4 code to php5 code? Is there any script to covert? I tried to install php4tophp5.exe but it doesn't install. A project is written in php4 using CMS. Now i need to convert it. Can anyone help me to figure it out? Thanks.
  16. I can browse it putting it in htdocs folder.
  17. How can i check whether php is installed or not on windows? I didn't installed wamp or xamp. But i have installed Zend Apache. And i can do http://localhost/ from browser.
  18. How can i do the same thing from mysql prompt? I logged in from mysql prompt. mysql -u root -p password: mysql> Now is it possible to do mysqldump?
  19. How can i dump a mysql table and restore it?
  20. Suppose a dropdown list is added with a Zend form. I added value with Zend_Form_Element_Select("name") as associative array. Now how can i take/store/save the value of that dropdown list ? In controller there is action to check $form->getRequest()->isPost(){..}
  21. What is the difference between abstract class and concrete class ?
  22. Zend_Db_Table::setDefaultAdapter($dbAdapter); Is setDefaultAdapter a static function ? Is :: used for static functions ? Is it equivalent to the previous one ? $obj=new Zend_Db_Table(); $obj->setDefaultAdapter($dbAdapter);
  23. class myclass extends Zend_Db_Table{.. } class myclass extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{..} Which is better ? What's the difference ?
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