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Everything posted by LolliTeam

  1. I installed php with the php .zip package, in the phpinfo() it says that the loaded one is in C:\windows and it's the one that I'm working on. To enable mysql I simply removed the ; before extension=mysql.dll. Everything seams perfect but for some strange reason it just won't work. I also checked if by chance there was another php.ini on the pc but I found nothing.
  2. The actual error is: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Programmi\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\mysql_test.php on line 8". I already checked the php.ini, and yes it's the right one, atleast i believe so. On phpinfo it points to the right file. Yes I tryed restarting the web server but nothing changes. The Code: $db= mysql_connect("localhost","root","prova"); if(!$db) { echo "<H1> errore </h1>"; exit; } else { mysql_select_db("test"); $query = "select * from name"; $result = mysql_query ($query); }
  3. lol no thats not the problem I'm posting from the pc where evreything works correctly, I didn't copy and paste the error message. I'm pretty sure it's not a typo, I checked the files to many times.. I would of seen them.
  4. Yes I did, even tryed enabling mysqli but nothing changes. I even copyed the libmysql.dll to c:\php\ext and to c:\windows. Edit: The only difference I can think of between the two computers is that on the laptop I had problems making apache to start, so I had to disable IIS Admin while on the desktop is still active, could that be the problem? But honestly I don't think it has anything to do with it.
  5. Hello, I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section. I got a weird problem, I have two Computers with the same exact setup, Win XP Pro Sp2. Both with MySql server 5.0, PHP 5.2.9-2 and Apache 2.2.11. Now we get to the tricky part, on one of the computers I installed everything and everything works fine (it's a desktop.. don't know if it's important or not) the otherone which is a laptop... I installed everything. Apache, mysql and php all work correctly but the only problem that I'm getting is that php doesn't load mysql functions. I tryed about anything... I added c:\php and c:\php\ext to the PATH, I deleted and recreated php.ini in C:\Windows, I even tryed putting in C:\php instead of windows. I also tryed copying the files from the desktop to the laptop, but always the same error showed up. Could anyone please help me? If I left out any information that you need let me know. Thanks
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