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Everything posted by sico87

  1. cags you genious!! I have no idea why I didn't think of that!!!
  2. Can you just clarify what you mean by this? Do you mean if they click a link as the page is still loading? That's what it sounds like you mean, but that doesn't make a great deal of sense to me. Also is that URL actually in the address bar, or is it created by a htaccess redirect? Sorry I dont think I explained it very well, When the user first lands on the page the URI is /products.php?ptid=5 if the user then clicks on a product the URI changes to /products.php?ptid=5&pid=7. My issue is that while the user is at /products.php?ptid=5 my conditional statement checking that the URI matches /products.php?ptid=5 returns true if however the URI is /products.php?ptid=5&pid=7 it fails I need to be able to somehow use the /products.php?ptid=5 from /products.php?ptid=5&pid=7 so that my check returns true whatever happens as long as some of the URI is products.php?ptid=5 hope that makes more sense.
  3. Hi there I am hoping some will be able to able me, I current have a website that retrieves data from a database using a querystring from the URL something like this "products/product.php?ptid=5&pid=52" I am trying to re-skin one of the pages depending on the ptid, do this I check agains the URI that the ptid=5 in the URL. However this check is failing when the user click on a product as the URI is changing. Is there a way that I can limit my script so that diregards anything after ptid=5? I currently have something like this, $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ($uri == '/products.php?ptid=5') { $class-name = "class"; ......etc } I have no idea how I can limit how far it looks into the URI can anyone help?
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