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  1. Hey guys im using paymentwall on my website and i need to replace [uSER_ID] placeholder with id or login of the user who is viewing the widget, so it should be different for each user. Here is the URL. <iframe src="http://wallapi.com/api/ps/?key=ab6d1a924fb8ee2202518c0ee251b815&uid=[uSER_ID]&widget=p1_1" width="750" height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe> I need to replace the USER_ID placeholder so who ever is viewing the widget there username will be there.but i havent got a clue what bit of code i need to put there so it grabs the user who is viewing the widget. Thanks
  2. Can anyone help me out please? we can use team viewer if it helps?
  3. Hey sup guys i need help Implementing top 10 users script into index.php. I got a screen shot of where it needs to go. I need to Implement it so its inside the grey container as in the picture. Here is the php for the top 10 users : <span style="float:right;"> <table width="200"> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center">TOP 10 USERS</td></tr> <tr><td align="left"><b>Username<b></td><td align="left"><b>Points</b></td></tr> <?php $i=0; if($num>0){ while ($i < $num) { $username6=mysql_result($result4,$i,"username"); $points6=mysql_result($result4,$i,"points"); $i++; echo "<tr><td>".$username6."</td><td>".$points6."</td></tr>"; Here is the image file for the graphic : <table width="165" height="236" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" td background="images/tablebg.png" > And here is the index.php : <? session_start(); include_once"config.php"; if(isset($_POST['login'])){ $username= trim($_POST['username']); $password = trim($_POST['password']); if($username == NULL OR $password == NULL){ $final_report.="Please complete both fields"; }else{ $check_user_data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '$username'") or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($check_user_data) == 0){ $final_report.="This username does not exist"; }else{ $get_user_data = mysql_fetch_array($check_user_data); if($get_user_data['password'] == $password){ $start_idsess = $_SESSION['username'] = "".$get_user_data['username'].""; $start_passsess = $_SESSION['password'] = "".$get_user_data['password'].""; $final_report.="<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0; URL=members.php'/>"; }}}} if(isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password'])){ header("Location: members.php"); } ?> <?php include("includes.php");?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title><?php echo $title ?> | #1 Spot for Free Paid Surveys</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" > <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="animated_favicon1.gif" > <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="Get free vouchers for online stores such as Amazon, ASOS, iTunes and more. 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While you certainly won't get rich quick or instantly win prizes, if you put in a bit of effort you can earn whatever you want! You can redeem points for online goods or for vouchers such as Amazon, iTunes, ASOS and Xbox Live, the choice is yours. <br><br> While you learn about new products, share information about yourself, or sign up for online services, you earn points. While MOST OFFERS ARE FREE, you will also find cashback shopping and paid/trial offers - a great way to get a deal on your online purchases! <br><br> </p> <h1>Just 3 steps to success!</h1> <p><br> 1. <b>Register:</b> The sign up process takes about 10 seconds, and we'll even give you <font color=#fcbc0c><b><?php echo $bonuspoints ?> FREE BONUS POINTS</b></font> when you <a href="register.php<?php echo $referral_string?>"><b>register</b></a>.<br><br> 2. <b>Earn points:</b> To be able to offer our users FREE gift vouchers to use at online stores such as Amazon and ASOS, you need to earn points. Earning these points are FREE, and you just need to complete a few surveys to get enough points to claim a free voucher. You can also earn points by signing up to some trial offers, but we recommend you stick to the free surveys for now.<br><br> 3. <b>Get Rewards:</b> Once you have earned <?php echo $mainpointsneeded ?> points on <?php echo $title?> you can swap them for REAL products or vouchers, which can be used at online stores/communities. Basically, you can request ANY product or voucher, as long as we can buy it online and send to you via email or shipping. On top of this, if you wish to have something custom ordered, feel free to tell us something what it is and we can always help you out! The rewards you can receive are endless........ </p> <h1>What are points worth?</h1> <p> <br> 10 points = $1.00/£0.50<br> 50 points = $5.00/£2.50<br> 100 points = $10.00/£5.00<br> 200 points = $20.00/£10.00 <br><br> You need <?php echo $mainpointsneeded ?> points before you can redeem them for <a href="vouchers.php<?php echo $referral_string?>">rewards</a>. <br> </p> <h1>How do I know Simple Rewards is legit?</h1> <p>There's no doubt that in today's world fake companies are everywhere. So how do you know Simple Rewards is, in fact, legit? To start, Simple Rewards has already paid out over $10,000 in the last month. This shows not only that we are a legitimate business but also that we are a very active one. If you would like to see more proof of our legitimacy, feel free to check out our <a href="testimonials.php">Testimonials </a> section and read some of the latest testimonials written by Simple Rewards users! </p> <br /> <h1>Reward Ideas</h1> <p> <br /> <img src="images/ps3.png"> <img src="images/giftcards.png"> <img src="images/ipodtouch.png"> </p> <p><center> <p><a href="index.php"><img src="images/largebanner.gif" /><hr width="75%"> <script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript src=http://www.linkreferral.com/networkads2.pl?refid=341046&height=1&width=3&category=money making opportunities&subcategory=services ></script></a></p> </center></p> </div><!--end of contentblock--> </div><!--end of contents--> <div id="contents-bottom"></div> </div><!--end of container--> </div> <?php include("footer.php");?>
  4. Do anyone know how to put a clickable link inside this text? Its for a blogger template and everytime i try and do it it allways comes up and error on the template? <li><a href='' target='_blank' title='Facebook'><img alt='RSS Feeds' src='http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j7VhgbrLDLI/Tf5fVMLLeBI/AAAAAAAADDs/18Yon6Bt5tE/s1600/facebook.png'/></a></li> I just need to put my facebook fan page link in there thanks
  5. Ahhh right ok then, lol thought it was php. Cheers anyway man
  6. Link fixed. I thought there was a bit of php involved to get the ads in the header?
  7. Hey guys just wondering if anyone knows how to put google ads in the top right of a website header just beside the image header. thanks My website http://prized4you.com
  8. im using wordpress and its a wordpress template. as u can tell from the links above.
  9. here is the template. its only a few php files. Download : http://www.multiupload.com/3TRJOY1FY9
  10. post the code for the pagination? I dont no what bit of code to post. I have only been into php for a few months so im still a bit rusty.
  11. Hey sup guys. Need a little help on my site with colums. The first colum shows 6 postes and on the second colum its showing 4 posts then u got to use the page navi to go and see the 2 extra posts. my website : http://www.movies-madness.co.uk This is how my website should look : http://www.zinruss.com/mtv-wordpress-themes On the second website there is 3 rows of six. i just dont no why my website not going like that. any help would be great thanks cheers
  12. ahh well then, i just wanted your help thats all. sorry for asking a question, i thought you guys were suppost to help eachother out?
  13. lol nooooo thats just an example a demo, im not keeping it like that. the script is gona be all bout a video im gona upload, but i just need the step 1 and step 2 to work. The video is gona be called ------> guaranteed to make you spew up (WATCH) its gona be a whole diffrent page. just need some help on the 2 steps thats dont work thanks
  14. hello there i have a page up on facebook with a fbml script in there and im having some problems with it, here is the link to the script thats running on my page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oi-Bra-Your-Missis-Is-A-Sweaty-Sketty-Bitch/106682956046816?v=app_4949752878 I cant get the step 1 and step 2 to work, the step 1 is become a fan and the step 2 is suggest friends. when i click on them it dont do nothing, i put the fanpage id in and everything and still nothing any help would be appreciated thanks Php Script <table width="58%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/n5ingi.png" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <table width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td valign="top"> <table border="1" bgcolor="#ffffcc" style="border-collapse:collapse"> <td width="604" valign="top"> <div><font size="2" face="Arial"><b>STEP 1:</b> Click This <span id="profile_connect"> <a href="#" class="UIButton UIButton_Gray UIActionButton" rel="async-post" ajaxify="/ajax/pages/fan_status.php?fbpage_id=4949752878&add=1&reload=1&preserve_tab=1&use_primer=1"><span class="UIButton_Text"><span style="background-position: 0pt -410px;" class="UIButton_Icon UIButton_IconNoSpriteMap"></span>Become a Fan</span></a> </span> button to become a fan.</font></div> <hr size="1" color="#000000"> <div><font size="2" face="Arial"><b>STEP 2:</b> Suggest this page to all of your facebook friends. This is <font color="#ff0000"><b>IMPORTANT</b></font> and you have to do it to confirm your registration or the system will reject your access.</font></div> <br> <div><font size="2" face="Arial"><a rel="dialog-post" class=" profile_action actionspro_a" ajaxify="/ajax/social_graph/invite_dialog.php?class=FanManager&node_id=4949752878" href="#"><b>Click Here</b></a> to start suggesting this page to all of your facebook friends.</font></div> <hr size="1" color="#000000"> <div> <p><font color="#ff0000"><b>HINT </b></font> Invite all your friends the easy way! Copy code in bold: </p> <p><b>javascript:</b><b>elms=document.getElementById('friends')</b></p> <p><b>.getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms)</b></p> <p><b>{if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}</b></p> <p> Don't have time clicking and selecting all your friends to invite? click here and while the suggest to friends box is up, copy the code above in the bold text and paste it in your web add address toolbar and hit enter! This will select all your friends for you, You just got to hit invite and you've invited all your friends! </p> </div> <hr size="1" color="#000000"> <div><font size="2" face="Arial"><b>STEP 3:</b> After you have invited all of your friends, you now qualify for a FREE iPad! <font color="#ff0000"><b> <a href="http://cpa.ly/8ag/fb-ipad">CLICK HERE for your Apple iPad!</a> </b></font></font></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="50%" valign="top"> <a href="http://cpa.ly/8ag/fb-ipad"><img border=0 src="http://i43.tinypic.com/303eih2.png" /></a> </td> </tr>
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