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  1. Greeting, I am working on a PHP project that requires uploading and converting videos using ffmpeg. I got the script to work with .MOV files, but for some reason .AVI files do not work. Any suggestions?? here is a stripped down version of my ffmpeg script This works fine: exec(ffmpeg -i movie.mov movie.flv); This does not work: exec(ffmpeg -i movie.avi movie.flv);
  2. I am trying to setup recurring payments with paypal, I also need notification when the account is successfully charged again a month later. If the charge did not go through I need to flag the subscription in the database and deactivate the account. any tips on how to get the monthly charge result from paypal? I can handle the rest I just need get the info from paypal
  3. jrobles


    I know, min($array); works like a champ but only gives me the single lowest value in the array. I need the two lowest values in the array
  4. jrobles


    I'm trying to find the 2 lowest values in an array. I know how to grab the lowest value min() but i cannot seem to figure out the syntax to find the 2, 3 or 4 lowest values. Any suggestions?
  5. I'm working on a moble site designed for iphones and I need to be able to capture location coordinates using the iphones gps. i found a script that can get me the coordinates but I am not sure how to take these coordinates and place them in php vars so i can enter them into the database here is the code used to get the current location: <script> navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(foundLocation, noLocation); function foundLocation(position) { var lat = position.coords.latitude; var long = position.coords.longitude; alert('Found location: ' + lat + ', ' + long); } function noLocation() { alert('Could not find location'); } </script> any suggestions on getting this script to talk to php?
  6. im using $message as the email body for phpmailer
  7. thanks for your help guys, but its not working quite right. premiso's code returned: ProductID Count 1 7 3 2 jskywalker's code returned: 7
  8. $qry ="SELECT ProductID, SUM(QtyOrdered) AS Count FROM OrderHeader_1 JOIN OrderDetail ON OrderHeader_1.OrderID = OrderDetail.OrderID WHERE OrderHeader_1.OrderID = $oid GROUP BY ProductID"; $result = @mysql_query($qry); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); returns: ProductID Count 1 7 3 2 how can I place the array contents in $message so I can email the query results using phpmailer
  9. i tried using $message = while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {echo "Product ID: $row[ProductID] Qty: $row[Count]<br>";} but that didnt work. Any suggestions?
  10. do you have an example? I am unsure of how to place all the array contents inside of $message
  11. so i do not have to loop through the individual items? Won't your example only print the first record?
  12. hello, I am querying a table and need to email the result of my query. The results are placed in an array since I am grouping and counting data. Here is my query code $qry ="SELECT ProductID, SUM(QtyOrdered) AS Count FROM OrderHeader_1 JOIN OrderDetail ON OrderHeader_1.OrderID = OrderDetail.OrderID WHERE OrderHeader_1.OrderID = $oid GROUP BY ProductID"; $result = @mysql_query($qry); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); The above query will output Product1 10 Product2 20 Product3 45 etc. I am using phpmailer and I need the array to placed inside $message i.e. $message = "QUERY ARRAY RESULTS HERE"; Any help would be greatly appreciated
  13. thanks, i have been looking for IP ranges for specific states but cant seem to find a reliable list online
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