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Everything posted by zzz

  1. im running win98 /PHP4.0.5 / MYsqlWIN32 i am trying to setup a login system for my project at school... my Table structure for table `registrationform` CREATE TABLE registrationform ( Member_ID int(10) NOT NULLdefault '0', Member_Pass varchar(10) NOT NULL default '0', Member_RePass varchar(10) NOT NULL default '0', Member_Name varchar(100) NOT NULL , Member_IC varchar(20) NOT NULL, Member_Phone varchar(20) NULL, Member_Email varchar(50) NOT NULL, Member_Sex varchar(6) NOT NULL, Member_Age int(3) NOT NULL, Member_Status varchar(20) NOT NULL, Member_Occ varchar(50) NOT NULL, Member_Add text NOT NULL, Member_State varchar(30) NULL, Member_AddDetail text NULL ) i have 4 related php.files here to do with the login system -memberlogin.php / login.php / connect_db.php / and common_lib.php 1)login.php [PHP] <?php $str = "<font class=\"success\"> Member Area</font>"; if($login == "error") { $str = "<font face=verdana color=red><b>LOGIN ERROR!: </font><font color=black>Wrong Username Or Password</b></font>"; } elseif($login == "blocked") { $str = "<font face=verdana color=red><b>YOUR ACCESS HAS BEEN BLOCKED!</b></font>"; } elseif($login == "session") { $str = "<font face=verdana color=red><b>SESSION ERROR!: <font color=black>User Already Connected. Please Logout First</font></b></font></center>"; } elseif($login == "") { } elseif($login == "logout") { $str = "<font class=\"success\">User <font color=blue>$User_Login</font> Logged Out</font>"; } else { $str = "<font face=verdana color=red><b>LOGIN ERROR!: </font><font color=black>Wrong Username Or Password</b></font>"; } include("connect_db.php"); include("common_lib.php"); ?> <html> <head> <title>Login Page</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="mainstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script> function focus_login() { document.login_form.User_Login.focus(); } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onLoad="focus_login();"> <br><br><font class="maintitle"><center>Welcome to WebMedic HealthNet</center></font><br> <center> <table width="40%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td colspan="center" border=0 bordercolor="#FFFFFF" align="left"><?php echo " $str "; ?></td></tr> </table> </center> <center> <table width="40%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: #003366; border-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; font-size: 10pt;"> <tr> <td colspan=2 class="title" valign="center"> WebMedic HealthNet Member Login</td> </tr> <form name="login_form" method="post" action="memberlogin.php"> <tr> <td colspan=2 class=content> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="35%" align=right class=details> User Name: </td> <td class=content width="65%"> <input class="textbox" type="text" name="User_Login"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 class=content> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="35%" align=right class=details> Password: </td> <td class=content width="65%"> <input class="textbox" type="password" name="User_Password"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 class=content> </td> </tr> <tr class="content"> <td colspan=2 align="center"> <input class="button" name="signin" type="submit" value="Sign In"> <input class="button" name="close" type="submit" value="Close" onClick="window.close();"> </td> </tr> <tr class="content"><td align=left><font class="success">New User? <a href="memreg.php">Sign Up</a></font></td> <td align=right><font class="success"> </font></td> </tr> <tr class="content"> <td height="12" colspan=2> <center> </center> </td> </tr> </form> </table> </center> </body> </html> <?php if($status == "usersuccess") { echo "<script>alert('You successfully signed up!</script>"; } ?> [/PHP] 2)memberlogin.php [php] <?php session_start(); //connect to the DB include ("connect_db.php"); include ("common_lib.php"); //set up the query $User_Login = $Member_ID; $User_Password= md5($Member_Pass); $query = "SELECT * FROM registrationform WHERE User_Login='".$Member_ID."' AND User_Password='".$Member_Pass."'"; //run the query and get the number of affected rows $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die('error making query'); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $affected_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if($affected_rows <> 0) { $_SESSION['Session_Member_ID'] = $User_Login; //register user in session $_SESSION['Session_Member_Pass'] = $myrow["User_Password"]; } else { $relative_url = "login.php?login=error"; redirect($relative_url); } ?> [/php] 3)common_lib.php [php] <?php function redirect($url) { $relative_url = $url; header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ."/".$relative_url); exit; } function display_time_date() { //get login time/date $today = getdate(); $month = $today['month']; $day = $today['mday']; $year = $today['year']; $hours = $today['hours']; $minutes = $today['minutes']; $seconds = $today['seconds']; if($seconds < 10) { $seconds = "0".$seconds; } if($minutes < 10) { $minutes = "0".$minutes; } $txt = "AM "; if($hours >= 12) { $hours = $hours - 12; $txt = "PM "; } if($hours < 10) { $hours = "0".$hours; } $Member_ID = strtolower($_SESSION['Session_Member_ID']); $query = "SELECT * FROM registrationform WHERE Member_ID = '$Member_ID'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('error making query'); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $Member_Name = $myrow[Member_Name]; echo "<font class=\"success\">Member logged in : ".$Member_Name; echo " | "; echo "Connected on $day $month, $year at $hours:$minutes:$seconds $txt </font>"; } function Format_Date($unformatted_date) { $year = substr($unformatted_date,0,4); $month = substr($unformatted_date,5,-3); $day = substr($unformatted_date,8,9); $formatted_date = $day ."/" . $month ."/" . $year; return $formatted_date; } ?> [/php] 4)connect_db.php [php] <?php $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "z", "z") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("registration", $connection) or die(mysql_error()); ?> [/php] when i run http://localhost/login.php the login page is ok, but when i try to login(no matter with correct username/password or incorrect usernae/password) the error message "error making query" appear..it there a problem in my codes?connection to databse problems??or...??i'm so screw up with it ..i don't know what to do to fix it!!please help me..anyone:((???Thanks in advanced..
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