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Everything posted by idontknowphp

  1. I am aware of that, I was posting only the pertinent code....here is the whole "form" portion: <form id="theform" action="manage-products.php?action=addProduct" method="post"> <input type="text" name="p_name" id="p_name"/> <textarea name="p_desc"></textarea> <input "name="submit" type="submit" value="Create Product"/> <ul class="categories"> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM products"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $category = $row['category']; $catId = $row['id']; echo "<li><input class='catCheck' type='checkbox' name='p_cat[]' value='$catId' /> $category</li>"; } ?> </ul> </form>
  2. I have figured out far enough to loop through my table and return a list of check boxes that will be matched to a product. My issue now, is i cannot figure out the proper way to loop through them after they are selected and return them as checked/unchecked for the given product. Thought there is some MySQL involved, that part isn't the problem, I know how to insert into a database or update...when the product is selected from a drop down, I need to be able to populate the checkboxes. Here is the code i am using to initially display all of the categories to choose from... <ul class="categories"> <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM products"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $category = $row['category']; $catId = $row['id']; echo "<li><input class='catCheck' type='checkbox' name='p_cat[]' value='$catId' /> $category</li>"; } ?> </ul> Thanks guys....
  3. What happened was I tried to do it myself, but i don't think i grasped the concept of how to process the post/get properly...Instead of properly porcessing "manage-products.php?action=newProduct" it would instead not process it at all and would tack on "manage-categories.php?category=Test&submit=Add+Categories"...I just was hoping someone with more background could look at it and say "duh retard, that's not how you do it..." But i realize i forgot to post what i tried to use as far as the jQuery...here is the code again with jQuery $("#theform").submit(function(event) { var $form = $(this), $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea"), serializedData = $form.serialize(); $inputs.attr("disabled", "disabled"); $.ajax({ url: "manage-products.php?action=newProduct", type: "post", data: serializedData, success: function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) { console.log("Win."); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("Fail: " + textStatus, errorThrown); }, complete: function() { $inputs.removeAttr("disabled"); } }); event.preventDefault(); }); <form id="theform"> <input name="category" type="text" /> <input class="btn_add" name="submit" type="submit" value="Add Categories"/> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (!empty($_POST['category'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'newCategory') { $categories = $_POST['category']; $query = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE category ='$categories' "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo '<script>alert("The Following Catergories Already Exist: ' . $categories . '")</script>'; } else { $clean = str_replace(' ', '', $categories); $array = explode(",", $clean); foreach ($array as &$newCategory) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories (category) VALUES ('$newCategory')"); } echo "<script>alert('The following Categories have been added successfully: " . $categories . "')</script>"; } } } else { echo "<script>alert('Please Enter at Least One Category.')</script>"; } } ?>
  4. I am kicking myself in the arse here because i can't for the life of me figure it out...this is supposed to be a quick and dirty project, but, I decided i want to try something new, and I have little to no experience with the AJAX methods in jQuery...I spent quite literally 5 days trying to learn and understand how to appropriately implement the AJAX calls, but to know avail...I learned some basic stuff, but not what i need to execute the code below. Again, I am wondering how to go about converting this standard request to AJAX using jQuery... here is my form & php HTML: <form action="categories.php?action=newCategory" method="post"> <input name="category" type="text" /> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Add Categories"/> </form> PHP: <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (!empty($_POST['category'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'newCategory') { $categories = $_POST['category']; $query = "SELECT * FROM categories WHERE category ='$categories' "; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { echo '<script>alert("The Following Catergories Already Exist: ' . $categories . '")</script>'; } else { $clean = str_replace(' ', '', $categories); $array = explode(",", $clean); foreach ($array as &$newCategory) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories (category) VALUES ('$newCategory')"); } echo "<script>alert('The following Categories have been added successfully: " . $categories . "')</script>"; } } } else { echo "<script>alert('Please Enter at Least One Category.')</script>"; } } ?> Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it.
  5. I was kind of looking for a little direction, I have scoured the internet and exhausted every other resource I could think of before coming here... Does anyone know of any classes or resources that have some solid explanation or can give an explanation on how to go about searching within a PDF file?? I have literally beren trying to figure it out for over a year...I need to wrap this up it is consuming my life. All help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance
  6. While that did solve the error, not all of the items are being echoed back...I put in 9 items and got back 3 Seriously thanks for the quick response though...I really appreciate it.
  7. This is what I have now...im getting an undefined offset error, but $i should be set....unless my loop is a fail? I don't know... <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"method="post"> <label>URLs delimited by a COMMA</label> <textarea name="urls"></textarea> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $urls = trim($_POST['urls']); // remove white space from user input $arr = explode( ",", $urls); // convert the input into an array $count = count($arr); // count the number of items in the array for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) { // setup the loop to stop iteration when $count is met echo '<pre><a href="' . $arr[$i] . '>' . $arr[$i] . '</a></pre>'; // Hopefully echo the link list back if all goes well... } } ?>
  8. sorry solved this one, I didnt put the submit button in the <form> </form> tag lmfao...
  9. I reverted back to the original code....for starters. Well, this is based off of an excel file that I am trying to convert over to a php application... I attached it in a zip so you can see it working... That excel file will answer all the questions....I already converted all of the formulas into PHP conditionals, I just don;t know how to make the form functional... Again, once you see the form in action it will make plenty of sense Thanks again! [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. Well, though you explained it nicely, I am having a lot of problems....The main one being I am trying something that is quite difficult for my skill level. I just don;t understand how to make it all work together in my application....I have tried everything and I think all i have done is ruin the code.
  11. Though that made sense, I am a little confused in how i will make it all work together as a whole and how to properly call the function, can you either give me a few more hints or point me toward some literature so i can figure this out?
  12. I feel so dumb right now...I have only minimal knowledge of PHP, i am still trying to learn on my own thank you so much man, I should have known.
  13. Ok, that is fine....Here is the code: index.php - HTML for the user form (not styled, just the framework) <? require('functions.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" name="ezShipForm"> <!-- Begin Business & Contact Info ---> <input name="company" type="text" placeholder="Company"><br> <input name="address" type="text" placeholder="Address"><br> <input name="city" type="text" placeholder="City"><br> <select name="state"> <option value="0">State</option> <?php echo generateStateOptions($stateList); ?> </select><br> <input name="zipcode" type="text" placeholder="Zip Code"><br> <input name="contactPhone" type="text" placeholder="Contact Phone"><br> <input name="contactFax" type="text" placeholder="Contact Fax"><br> <input name="contactName" type="text" placeholder="Contact Name"><br> <input name="contactEmail" type="text" placeholder="Contact E-mail"><br> <!-- End Business & Contact Info ---> <!-- Begin Calculations ---> <input name="fuelPrice" type="text" placeholder="Today's Fuel Rate"> http://www.eia.gov/oog/info/wohdp/diesel.asp<br> <select name="trailerType"> <option value="Flat Bed">Flatbed</option> <option value="Step Deck">Step Deck</option> <option value="Van">Van</option> <option value="Refer">Refer</option> <option value="RGN/Lo-Boy">RGN/Lo-Boy</option> </select> <br> <input name="pickUpDate" type="text" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"><br> <input name="startingCity" type="text" placeholder="Starting City"><br> <select name="startingState"> <option value="0">State</option> <?php echo generateStateOptions($stateList); ?> </select><br> <input name="destinationCity" type="text" placeholder="Destination City"><br> <select name="destinationState"> <option value="0">State</option> <?php echo generateStateOptions($stateList); ?> </select><br> <input name="loadedMiles" type="text" placeholder="Loaded Miles">http://www.truckmiles.com/<br> <select name="loadType"> <option value="Full">Full</option> <option value="Partial">Partial</option> </select><br> <select name="loadSize"> <option value="Yes">Oversized</option> <option value="No">Not Oversized</option> </select><br> <input name="loadLength" type="text" placeholder="Load Length">Ex: 120in = 10ft<br> <input name="loadWeight" type="text" placeholder="Weight">Ex: 10500lbs = 10.5<br> <input name="loadWidth" type="text" placeholder="Load Width">in inches<br> <input name="loadHeight" type="text" placeholder="Load Height">in inches<br> <select name="tarped"> <option value="Yes">Yes</option> <option value="No">No</option> </select><br> <select name="twicCardReq"> <option value="Yes">Yes</option> <option value="No">No</option> </select><br> <input name="permits" type="text" value="0">If yes, How many states?<br> <input name="pilotCars" type="text" value="0">If yes, How many?<br> <input name="loadDescription" type="text" placeholder="Brief Load or Product Description"><br> <input name="comments" type="text" placeholder="Other Comments"><br> <input name="total" type="text"><br> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"> <input name="overWidth102" type="hidden"> <input name="overWidth120" type="hidden"> <input name="overWidth144" type="hidden"> <input name="overWidth168" type="hidden"> <input name="overLength52" type="hidden"> <input name="overLength56" type="hidden"> <input name="overLength58" type="hidden"> <input name="overLength60" type="hidden"> <input name="overLength62" type="hidden"> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { //Call the 'performCalculation' Function To Get Total Coat performCalculation(); } ?> </body> </html> functions.php <?php function performCalculation() { //Declare User Form Variables $company = $_POST['company']; $address = $_POST['address']; $city = $_POST['city']; $state = $_POST['state']; $zipcode = $_POST['zipcode']; $contactPhone = $_POST['contactPhone']; $contactFax = $_POST['contactFax']; $contactName = $_POST['contactName']; $contactEmail = $_POST['contactEmail']; $fuelPrice = $_POST['fuelPrice']; $trailerType = $_POST['trailerType']; $pickUpDate = $_POST['pickUpDate']; $startingCity = $_POST['startingCity']; $startingState = $_POST['startingState']; $destinationCity = $_POST['destinationCity']; $destinationState = $_POST['destinationState']; $loadedMiles = $_POST['loadedMiles']; $loadType = $_POST['loadType']; $loadSize = $_POST['loadSize']; $loadLength = $_POST['loadLength']; $loadWeight = $_POST['loadWeight']; $loadWidth = $_POST['loadWidth']; $loadHeight = $_POST['loadHeight']; $tarped = $_POST['tarped']; $twicCardReq = $_POST['twicCardReq']; $permits = $_POST['permits']; $pilotCars = $_POST['pilotCars']; $loadDescription = $_POST['loadDescription']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $overWidth102 = $_POST['overWidth102']; $overWidth120 = $_POST['overWidth120']; $overWidth144 = $_POST['overWidth144']; $overWidth168 = $_POST['overWidth168']; $overLength52 = $_POST['overLength52']; $overLength56 = $_POST['overLength56']; $overLength58 = $_POST['overLength58']; $overLength60 = $_POST['overLength60']; $overLength62 = $_POST['overLength62']; $total = $_POST['total']; //Declare Calculation Variables $mainRate = ($fuelPrice * 0.166 + 1.06) * 1.25; $mileRate = $loadedMiles * $mainRate; $permitRate = $permits * 50; $pilotCarRate = ($pilotCars * 1.25 * $loadedMiles); $flatBedRate = $subTotal; $overSizeRate = $overWidth102 + $overWidth120 + $overWidth144 + $overWidth168 + $overLength52 + $overLength56 + $overLength58 + $overLength60 + $overLength62; //Surcharge Calculation if ($loadedMiles < 500) { $surcharge = (500 - $loadedMiles) * .25 * $mainRate; } //Load Rate Calculation if ($loadLength > $loadWeight) { $loadRate = $loadLength * $loadedMiles * ($mainRate / 34); } else { $loadRate = $loadWeight * $loadedMiles * ($mainRate / 34); } //Tarped Rate Calculation if ($tarped == "Yes") { $tarpRate = 100; } else { $tarpRate = 0; } //Sub Total Calculation if ($loadSize == "Full") { $subTotal = $loadedmiles + $surcharge + $tarpRate + $permitRate + $pilotCarRate; } else { $subTotal = $surcharge + $loadRate + $tarpRate + $permitRate; } //Step Deck Rate Calculation if ($trailerType == "Step Deck") { $trailerRate = $subTotal * .02; } //Van Rate Calculation if ($trailerType == "Van") { $trailerRate = $subTotal * .02; } //Refer Rate Calculation if ($trailerType == "Refer") { $trailerRate = $subTotal * .04; } //RGN/Lo-Boy Rate Calculation if ($trailerType == "RGN/Lo-Boy") { $trailerRate = $subTotal * .10; } //Over Width Rate Calculations if ($loadWidth > 102) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .2; } if ($loadWidth > 120) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .1; } if ($loadWidth > 144) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .1; } if ($loadWidth > 168) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .1; } //Over Length Rate Calculations if ($loadLength > 52) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .14; } if ($loadLength > 56) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .07; } if ($loadLength > 58) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .07; } if ($loadLength > 60) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .07; } if ($loadLength > 62) { $overWidthRate = $loadedMiles * .07; } // Total Rate Calculation if ($loadedMiles !== 0) { $total = $trailerRate + $overSizeRate; echo $total; } else { $total = 0; } } //Generate List of States $stateList = array ('alabama'=>"AL", 'Alaska'=>"AK", 'Arizona'=>"AZ", 'Arkansas'=>"AR", 'California'=>"CA", 'Colorado'=>"CO", 'Connecticut'=>"CT", 'Delaware'=>"DE", 'District Of Columbia'=>"DC", 'Florida'=>"FL", 'Georgia'=>"GA", 'Hawaii'=>"HI", 'Idaho'=>"ID", 'Illinois'=>"IL", 'Indiana'=>"IN", 'Iowa'=>"IA", 'Kansas'=>"KS", 'Kentucky'=>"KY", 'Louisiana'=>"LA", 'Maine'=>"ME", 'Maryland'=>"MD", 'Massachusetts'=>"MA", 'Michigan'=>"MI", 'Minnesota'=>"MN", 'Mississippi'=>"MS", 'Missouri'=>"MO", 'Montana'=>"MT", 'Nebraska'=>"NE", 'Nevada'=>"NV", 'New Hampshire'=>"NH", 'New Jersey'=>"NJ", 'New Mexico'=>"NM", 'New York'=>"NY", 'North Carolina'=>"NC", 'North Dakota'=>"ND", 'Ohio'=>"OH", 'Oklahoma'=>"OK", 'Oregon'=>"OR", 'Pennsylvania'=>"PA", 'Rhode Island'=>"RI", 'South Carolina'=>"SC", 'South Dakota'=>"SD", 'Tennessee'=>"TN", 'Texas'=>"TX", 'Utah'=>"UT", 'Vermont'=>"VT", 'Virginia'=>"VA", 'Washington'=>"WA", 'West Virginia'=>"WV", 'Wisconsin'=>"WI", 'Wyoming'=>"WY"); //Generate State Options for User Forms function generateStateOptions($array) { $string = ''; foreach($array as $k => $v) { $string .= '<option value="'.$k.'"'.$s.'>'.$v.'</option>'."\n"; } return $string; } //End of file ?>
  14. Basically this is a pretty straight forward application. The values are all best on a set of conditional statements held in a function and when the user presses submit, it SHOULD calculate the form....However, this is not the case, for some reason it keeps returning 0. I have tried and tried and tried....to no avail. I have attached the files so you can sort through a little easier as there are a good amount of lines. Thanks! [attachment deleted by admin]
  15. OMG i am so mental hahaha, total brain fart man, thanks a lot for the help! Mod can mark as SOLVED
  16. basically, I have one calculation that relies on the value returned by an if statement, but i can;t for the life of me figure it out correctly... Here is what i am trying to accomplish: Here is the code for the IF i need to get the value of if ($loadedMiles < 500) { (500 - $loadedMiles) * .25 * $mainRate; } And here is the reason why i need it: if ($loadSize == "Full") { $loadedmiles + thevalueoftheif; } basically i will need to have a way to get the values of the functions in the IF statements if that makes any sense... thanks in advance!
  17. I have a pretty large database, and I can run some simple queries on it e.g. Select, Update...the real problem i am having is trying to drop the fulltext so I can update it....every time i try to run the drop query it will timeout...also, now my app is not functioning properly when i load the search it is automatically supposed to show a few rows and now there are none displayed at all....Any thoughts? If someone can help better by looking at the code/db send a PM and we will discuss it... In fact i would prefer that, I just recieved this error: Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /home1/oregoner/public_html/search.php on line 157 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home1/oregoner/public_html/search.php on line 158 MySQL server has gone away
  18. ok, so make a new table and use it for test purposes? then when it is correct, transfer it over? Sorry, I must sound like an idiot to you, but i have only minimal time with the language so i know next to nothing, just really basic data accessing and so forth.
  19. I'm afraid my skill level isn't really up to par to fully understand that, could you elaborate a little more for me? I will do some reading as well to try and figure it out...
  20. not trying to bump, updating progress....i sat down and did some pseudo code brainstorming...i think this might work and i cant believe it didn't occur to me earlier...but is there an easier way? Here is the pseudo code i came up with If the value of 'col2' is equal to '20' LOAD DATA INFILE 'thefile.txt' INTO TABLE the_table (col1) else Do nothing in other words, could a simple if statement or even a while loop work for the application? i will be populating the DB with the same data in some instances is why i ask...
  21. Thanks so much, I will work on figuring it out! I am a noob so i never even heard of that before... edit: Ok so i think that this will work well: LOAD DATA INFILE 'thefile.txt' INTO TABLE the_table (col1); But how can i structure it to only load into only those rows where there is a certain criteria, e.g. "only insert into col1 if col2=20"
  22. What is the best way to insert a large amount of data? I am talking like 1000+pages of text... i know insert is a starting point, I figured since it is for search purposes i can remove all the special characters and insert it. which brings up another (related) question... Say i want to insert into only certain columns that have a volume number of say 29...how would i build my query? I am assuming i need to use an insert and select together but i cant quite figure it out. Thanks in advance!
  23. i have a conditional if statement in the menu.php file that i forgot about, once i adjusted it appropriately it worked fantastic! thanks so much man, you are a god!
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