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Everything posted by cbrooks

  1. Yes, this is another Authenticated SMTP Mail question! I am running a a Vista Windows system using WAMPServer (Apache 2.2.11 and PHP 5.3.0) I am using the following code to try to get this to work, it always says that the message was sent, but it never arrives. I have tried sending to several friends with the same result. I have doubled checked the $host and $port values and they are correct. Any suggestions will be appreciated! <code> <?php include("Mail.php"); /* mail setup recipients, subject etc */ $recipients = "someone@att.net"; $headers["From"] = "someoneelse@att.net"; $headers["To"] = "someone@att.net"; $headers["Subject"] = "User feedback"; $mailmsg = "Hello, Please take a moment to reply to this test for me!"; /* SMTP server name, port, user/passwd */ $smtpinfo["host"] = "smtp.att.yahoo.com"; $smtpinfo["port"] = "465"; $smtpinfo["auth"] = true; $smtpinfo["username"] = "anyoneelse"; $smtpinfo["password"] = "itshidden"; /* Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method */ $mail_object =& Mail::factory("smtp", $smtpinfo); /* Ok send mail */ $mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $mailmsg); //$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body); if (PEAR::isError($mail_object)) { echo("<p>" . $mail_object->getMessage() . "</p>"); } else { echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>"); } ?> </code
  2. Little History: I have installed WAMP (lastest version Apache 2.2.11, PHP 5.3.0) and all works as hoped with no problems. Working on apps for two different companies and the last phase is ftp. Clients that log on to either of these two sites at different times require to download to their (server to client transfer only, nothing moving from clients to server) systems certain files that are updated a couple of times per week. One company is running their site on Windows server, the other on SCO Unix (Apache). Question: Can some one get me started as to setting up my system (Windows Vista development) to allow testing of ftp? I think, I have the general code in place but can't get the ftp_connect right. Using http://localhost. I am guessing that my problem is what should I be using for $ftp_server= 'value.'
  3. Do you have any idea as to where can I get the binary?
  4. I know this might not be the place to ask, but, can anyone tell me if SCO Unix comes with PHP built in???
  5. I know, a lot of people say don't use frames/framesets use css, but you know how it is: i have a site where 'index.php' sets up a page showing 4 frames for now just call them frame1..frame4 frame1 and frame4 never change, ever. frame2 only needs to change 1 or maybe for extreme reasons 2 times. all other activity happens in frame3. Can I, while working in frame3 have frame2 update? was told to try the following: echo "<script language=javascript>frame2.window.location='partial_name.php';</script>"; but all is get is the following error: 'frame2' is undefined any comments/sugestions/opinions/help will be appreciated.
  6. I am creating a web site (using PHP) for a client and when a user enters information and then if he/she were to use the browsers backup key it might be confusing (for some people) seeing that the values that they entered had be reset. so the user might feel that the site had lost their info, when infact their info had be saved. Question: Can you turn 'OFF' the backup key on the users browser for the duration that they are on your site, forcing the user to use only the menu options on the site? Thanks According to 'Hillary' It takes a village to raise an Idiot! And My mother thanks you for your assistance in raising hers!
  7. you might try the following function: function valid_email($address) { // check an email address is possibly valid if (ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$", $address)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
  8. On this site, you are asked to enter the characters shown in the box, which are characters that are shown in a crazy font. What is this called and where can I read up on doing this on PHP sites?
  9. try something like the following instead of you for loop: foreach ($_POST['thearray'] as $something=>$value){ echo("<li>".$value['name']."</li>"); }
  10. in you testpost.php place the following to see exactly is being returned from the form: <?php print "<pre>"; print_r($_POST); print "<pre>"; ?> Just had a similar problem with multi dim arrays in $_POST and the above code showed me that all was not right. This code will display the array being returned in $_POST. In my problem it was how the value was being named in the form where you currently have: <input type="text" name="theArray[1]['name']" value="foo" /> <input type="text" name="theArray[2]['name']" value="bar" />
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