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  1. No guys. I need it to be executed on server, and its output harnessed by the php script.
  2. Hey guys, I want to do something rather strange here. I want to somehow execute a .SWF from my php script. My goal is NOT showing it to the user. The swf creates an image. I want to get that image from the PHP. This should be possible, but does anyone have an idea how? Thanks in advance, Martin
  3. Yes... I know it's kind of "impossible"... but not really. I am sure there is an alternative solution. Maybe as the one you suggested. Php and flash can communicate. Why not?! It is actually pretty simple
  4. Hey. I think you forgot to send me what you meant. Although I don't think you understood what I need. I know how to export an image from flash to php. I need to do that whole process in background. Without any flash showing to the user at all. Only the final image. And this has to be done without any JS. Just php.
  5. Hey guys. Nice to join you php freaks I have an idea for an application here. It's mostly flash, but it couldn't work without a somewhat non-traditional php functionality. here's the thing: I want to have a function which returns an image... let's say: $img = GetImage(); The function GetImage... I need somehow to execute a flash application in background, which generates an image, then exports pixel data to php. Php creates the image and returns it to $img. I'm not really imagining how should this get done. Mainly I've got no idea how to run the flash app in background. I do mostly flash stuff and php is my secondary prior. Hope some of you guys can help. Cheers from Bulgaria, Martin
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