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About Kaboom

  • Birthday 11/09/1993

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  1. Use reCAPTCHA, it works really good for stopping them
  2. I have no code as far as calling it yet because im not even sure how to begin and I don't want to skrew up and make it load none or all of them like i probably will. Here's my database setup though for jobs: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jobs` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `position` varbinary(45) NOT NULL, `company` varbinary(45) NOT NULL, `posted` varbinary(45) NOT NULL, `ends` varbinary(45) NOT NULL, `wage` varbinary(45) NOT NULL, `category` varbinary(45) NOT NULL, `desc` varbinary(200) NOT NULL, `reqs` varbinary(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=2;
  3. Say they want it to be posted for 30 days, how do I make it know what date that will be from now to put into the database and then when it IS that date, how do I make them now show anymore? :s I know exactly what I WANT to do, not sure how though.
  4. The script i am making allows people to post jobs for people to see but I want to be able to set it so you can have it show for a certain period of time (like 1-30 days) or have no time limit on the post. What's a good way to do that? I will store the date to show it until in the database if possible and then when it calls them don't get the ones that are past that date etc, but not sure as to how and the php.net manual didn't help
  5. I had another thread about a problem I was having where it's not loading from the DB right aways. My solution is to make an update function and then have the id's calling it on the page. So the thing I am wondering is how to make a working update function. I have this so far: <?php include blah.... $uid = $_SESSION["user"][0]; $avatarid = $_SESSION["user"][12]; function update($str) { global $db_id; $query="select ".$str." from users where id=".$uid; $result=mysql_query($query, $db_id); $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } ?> and then it's being called on the profile page with <?php echo update($avatarid); ?>. I want the update() function to select avatar from users where id = userid and then return the value fresh so it's getting it new from the database every time they refresh the page. Then there won't be a problem with updating old avatar stuff. Currently gives me the error: Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/root/public_html/func.php on line 69 So what am I doing wrong here? thanks for anyone who can help
  6. Double: Okay so I made an update function, will this work? function update($updateid) { global $db_id; $query="SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE ID=$updateid"; $result=mysql_query($query, $db_id); $row=mysql_fetch_row($result); return $row; } Then for the profile I have it calling like echo update($avatar); Will this work to fetch the row and return the right answers right away?
  7. In the saving of the avatar it does currently update the SQL database with the info Now the problem there is that the data while being updates is only loading the data from the beginning of the session. Somehow I need the profile or accounts to always be updating/fetching the new data from the database.
  8. I have a session to check when the users login and fetch the details from their account but when they edit their avatar I want it to update the value right away. For it to change the value for the user they need to log out and back in, destroying the original session and recreating a new one on that account. Is there a way to have it always getting the data I need from the database while they're logged in? Because I don't want it to only get the orignial data in case they change a setting so they don't have to log out and then back in to change the setting. I hope you understand
  9. Im just trying to get the email from the database, it's not done yet. And the main page index.php includes global.php which includes all the other pages needed to run the core files. For some reason (and its including the files..) it won't get the db.
  10. I made a function for the emails but it's not working for some reason. I wanted to store my info in a db so the users can set their emails for paypal donations. well I got a problem. I used this code for my function: <?php function payments($email) { mysql_select_db($dbname, $db_id); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `config`"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['paypalemail']; } } ?> It's connecting because theres no db errors coming up and it loads db from a global.php file but i'm getting: Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/tyler/public_html/iblog/engine/payments.php on line 5 so "mysql_select_db($dbname, $db_id);" isn't a valid code anymore? all i'm getting is errors EDIT: if i take $dbname, off I get no errors but a blank page
  11. I can offer you a donate type script like this: http://secure.stephanddarryn.com/www/mod/donate/ If you want..
  12. No like login.php and index.php where in the same folder at one point in time. Ex: /home/user/public_html/www/ I then moved my login file to a new folder and renamed it to be the default in that folder. Ex: /home/user/public_html/secure/www/login/ For some reason now that it's in it's own subdomain the login script is not storing the session for my domain even with the code for php.session_domain and cookies at .stephanddarryn.com. For some odd reason it won't actually log you in anymore and I can't for the life of me get it to stay. Get what I mean? I'll try another thing and see if it works.
  13. Just noticed, so something like if ($start == "") { $start = "1"; } so if it's empty set it to one
  14. I include global.php and at the very top of that I have session_start(); and the part that's pissing me off about this is it used to work when it was in same folder but now it stopped.
  15. exec(“command″); I want somehting like that up there for my website but it has a very special purpose. We are currently running a vbulletin forum on my one site and well, there's a lot of jerks on there. So I added an IP ban command to the shoutbox, so from there I can ban users. I was wondering (since I hate the vb ip ban system) if you guys know how I can make this command run through cron or some other system (in a cPanel apache server) too add users IP adress to the deny ip manager list. I can have it add them to the .htaccess list if that works but idw it to rewrite my whole .htaccess file either.
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