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Everything posted by huntersj78

  1. I have searched up and down the internet for a fix and tried just about everything. But before I cry my heart out here please take a second to some history to this problem. I am the newest of newbs when it comes to this stuff. I am a musician who kinda got the job of picking up the crap code (so I have been told) left by the old programmer and for some reason instead of hiring a programmer everyone was like lets let Steven do it. He is a drummer so he must be a programmer Anyway. The way the site used to work was a customer would get a username and password to access the file upload service. They would upload their data for us and send us a message (if they wanted to send a message). Now from the main site after the upload the file the customer chose to send would not be saved on our main site, but on a in house server (reason being it was easier for us to access files on our network than download them from the net) and then the in house server would send a mail to us (to the main domain) saying there was a file available. Well one day we transferred the server to a new host (host gator) and it was there I was getting this error: The current host said it was something they could not fix so I looked on the net of knowledge for an answer. I found so many with the same error and tried everything in the book. First I changed smtp.discoveryfirm.com to mail.discoveryfirm.com because that is what the new host uses. I then changed the php.ini and also the sendmail.ini which got rid of the error above but then gave me this error: Now before I break anything else I want to know if there is some PHP master in here that guide me to the light. Really sorry if I am unclear and if I can be more clear please just let me know what you need to see and I will hunt it down and tell you. Here is the php code in the file mentioned above, but I dont know if it is what you need. <?php set_time_limit(300); $TotalFileSize = ($_FILES[file1][size] + $_FILES[file2][size] + $_FILES[file3][size] + $_FILES[file4][size] + $_FILES[file5][size] + $_FILES[file6][size] + $_FILES[file7][size] + $_FILES[file8][size] + $_FILES[file9][size] + $_FILES[file10][size]); /* if($TotalFileSize > 200000000) { header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/upload.php?error=1'); return; } */ //ファイル名配列化 $FileName = array($_FILES[file1][name], $_FILES[file2][name], $_FILES[file3][name], $_FILES[file4][name], $_FILES[file5][name], $_FILES[file6][name], $_FILES[file7][name], $_FILES[file8][name], $_FILES[file9][name], $_FILES[file10][name]); $FileTmpPath = array($_FILES[file1][tmp_name], $_FILES[file2][tmp_name], $_FILES[file3][tmp_name], $_FILES[file4][tmp_name], $_FILES[file5][tmp_name], $_FILES[file6][tmp_name], $_FILES[file7][tmp_name], $_FILES[file8][tmp_name], $_FILES[file9][tmp_name],$_FILES[file10][tmp_name]); $FileSize = array($_FILES[file1][size], $_FILES[file2][size], $_FILES[file3][size], $_FILES[file4][size], $_FILES[file5][size], $_FILES[file6][size], $_FILES[file7][size], $_FILES[file8][size], $_FILES[file9][size], $_FILES[file10][size]); //フォルダネーム取得 $Folder = $_POST[folder]; switch($Folder) { case "ogasawara": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "yamaguchi": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "mami": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "kawaura": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "souma": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "chiba": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "akiya": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "kishimoto": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "koishikawa": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "honma": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "yamazaki": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "kayo": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "araya": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "yamazaki": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "ando": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "kumi": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "takemura": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "yoshida": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "eto": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; case "rallye": $ftp_user = "staff"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; default: $ftp_user = "uploader2"; $ftp_pass = ""; break; } $ftp = ftp_connect(""); if(ftp_login($ftp, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass)) { $k = 1; for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { /* $MAXSIZE += $FileSize[$i]; if($MAXSIZE > 200000000) {//最大容量チェック 現在は200MBまで header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/upload.php?error=2'); return; } */ if($FileName[$i]) { //拡張子チェック用配列 $ASCII = array('txt','html','cgi','pl','php','log'); $BINARY = array('mp3', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'ai', 'tif', 'eps', 'lzh' ,'MP3','JPEG','JPG','GIF','AI','TIF','EPS','LZH', 'pdf','zip','ZIP','tgz','TGZ'); $kakucyousi = explode(".",$FileName[$i]); $file_kakucyousi = array_reverse($kakucyousi); //$localfile = "c:/program files/apache group/apache/htdocs/download/$TRUEFILE[$i]"; //$remotefile ="/1/$Folder/$FileName[$i]"; $remotefile ="/".$Folder."/".$FileName[$i]; if(in_array($file_kakucyousi[0], $ASCII)) {//●ダウンロード処理------------------- if(ftp_put($ftp,$remotefile,$FileTmpPath[$i],FTP_ASCII)) { $FTPFILE .= "$FileName[$i]\r\n"; $k++; } else { header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/upload.php?error=3'); } } else { if(ftp_put($ftp,$remotefile,$FileTmpPath[$i],FTP_BINARY)) { $FTPFILE .= "$FileName[$i]\r\n"; $k++; } else { header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/upload.php?error=4'); } } } } } ftp_close($ftp); $res_dir = opendir( '.' ); while($file_name = readdir( $res_dir )) { switch($file_name) { case '.': break; case '..': break; case 'ftpserver.php': break; case 'httpdelete.php': break; case 'receive.php': break; default: @unlink($file_name); break; } } closedir( $res_dir ); mb_internal_encoding("SJIS"); mb_language('ja'); $mail = $_REQUEST[mail]; //$sub1 = "FTPアップローダー アップロード完了メール"; $sub1 = "FTP UPLOAD COMPLETE"; //$emailsubject = "FTPアップローダー アップロード完了メール\r\n"; $msg .= "このメールは「Discoveryアップローダー」のアップロード完了メールです。\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= "下記のフォルダにデータアップされました。\r\n"; $msg .= "\r\n"; $msg .= "-----------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= "■フォルダ名\r\n\r\n".$Folder."\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= "■アップロードファイル\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= $FTPFILE; $msg .= "\r\n"; $msg .= "ダウンロード有効期限はフォルダ作成日より一週間となっています。\r\n"; $msg .= "-----------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $msg .= $_REQUEST[conmment]; $FROM = "From:admin@discoveryfirm.com"; mb_send_mail($mail, $sub1, $msg, $FROM); //mb_send_mail($mail, "New FTP Upload", "Folder: $Folder\r\nFile name: {$FTPFILE}You have one week to download this file.", $FROM); header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/end.php'); /* if($MAXSIZE >= 200000000) { header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/upload.php?error=5');} elseif($MAXSIZE <= 199999999 && $MAXSIZE >= 1){ header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/end.php'); } else { header('Location:https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/upload.php?error=6');} */ ?> Help please.
  2. Could someone be willing to go on Skype with me and I will show my screen? It might be better if you see what I am seeing?
  3. I dont get it. If I change the form action to "end.php" then it goes to the correct confirmation page, but it doesnt upload the files. If I leave it how it is it uploads the files but I get an error page and not the "end.php" page.
  4. Actually I read that before I posted, but I still couldn't figure what is wrong. I am quite the newb.
  5. Hello. There is a page here: https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/index.php The customer logs in and then is able to upload his/her files to us. We get the files but after they click the upload/send button they should be taken to this page: https://www.discoveryfirm.com/upload/end.php but instead they get this: Warning: mb_send_mail() [function.mb-send-mail]: SMTP server response: 451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html. in C:\xampp\htdocs\download\receive.php on line 239 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\download\receive.php:239) in C:\xampp\htdocs\download\receive.php on line 241 We get the uploaded files from the customer so that is OK, but the customer thinks they get an error when they dont because the end.php page does not show. Here is my code: <?php include"../cms/db.php"; db(); if($_POST[user] && $_POST[password]) { $USER = htmlspecialchars($_POST[user]); $USER = mysql_escape_string($USER); $PASS = htmlspecialchars($_POST[password]); $PASS = mysql_escape_string($PASS); $SQL = "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE FolderName='$USER' AND Password='$PASS'"; $RST = mysql_query($SQL); $DATA= mysql_fetch_assoc($RST); if(!$DATA[FolderName]){ header('Location:index.php?error=1'); } } else { header('Location:index.php?error=2'); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS" /> <title>ディスカバリーファーム FTPアップローダー</title> <link href="ftp.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <img src="images/file_upload.gif" alt="ファイルのアップロード" width="436" height="28" border="0" class="title" /> <div class="catchcopy">「参照」ボタンをクリックし、ファイルをアップロードしてください。 <?php if($_REQUEST[error]){ print "<br /><br /><font color=\"red\">ファイルを送信できませんでした。</font>";} //<td width="300"><input name="file1" type="file" class="txtfeed1" value="" /></td> ?> </div> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <!--<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="logintable"> <tr> <td width="600">--> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="logintable"> <tr align="left"><td width="600"><div class="login"> <input name="file1" type="file" value="" size="60" /> </div></td> </tr> </table> <!--</td> </tr> </table>--> <br /> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="logintable"> <tr> <td width="600"><div class="login"> <div class="comment">コメント欄(注意事項・質問など)</div> <textarea name="conmment" rows="5" class="txtfeed2"></textarea> </div></td> </tr> </table> <div class="catchcopy">よろしければ、「送信」ボタンを押し、データをアップロードしてください。<br /> (ファイル容量が200MB以上の場合、送信できない場合があります。) </div> <input type="image" src="images/submit.gif" alt="送信" width="140" height="24" border="0" class="icon" /> <?php if($DATA[MakeDay] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"folder\" value=\"$DATA[FolderName]\">\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"staff_folder\" value=\"1\">\n"; } else { print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"folder\" value=\"$DATA[FolderName]\">\n"; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="mail" value="<?php print $DATA[staffMail]; ?>" > </form> </body> </html>
  6. Anyone Please!! I know I am a noob for not knowing how to run my server, but I cannot access http://www.discoverysound.com anymore. I havent a clue
  7. Now I am in some reall sh'%... I cant even get into my website.. I am not a programmer, but I have a server. I reset the server which is redhat linux, but still no luck....
  8. Ok this might be a little difficult for me to explain. I have a sight (not trying to sell anything) www(dot)discoverysound(dot)com/en for English and /jp for Japanese. I made a control panel for this site so that it would be faster to edit things that get updated often. Usually the ranking on the lefthand side. But today for some reason I went to update the ranking in the control panel and got an error I have never gotten before. So I went to check in my makeindex_jp.php file along with the index. Can some see if they can spot an error and even more tell me why this just now happened when I have been updating the rankings for years now and never ran into this problem. Below is the code: First /home/ControlPanel/mkfile/makeindex_jp.php on line 43 <?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); header('Content-Language: ja'); class MAKE_INDEX_JP { function MAKE_INDEX_JP() {//コンストラクタからフォルダ作成 if(is_dir("/home/jp/")){ $this -> FILE_CREATE(); } else {//フォルダが無い場合作成 if(mkdir("/home/jp/",0777)){ $this -> FILE_CREATE(); } else { die("フォルダを作成できません"); } } } function FILE_CREATE() {//トップ index.html作成 $filename = "/home/jp/index.html"; include_once "/home/ControlPanel/SEARCH_FORM_func.php"; if(file_exists($filename)){ $file = fopen($filename,'w') or die("OPENエラー $filename"); chmod($filename, 0766); } else { $file = fopen($filename,'w+') or die("作成エラー $filename"); chmod($filename, 0766); } flock($file, LOCK_EX); //ファイルロック $SQL_H = "SELECT * FROM MainHTML WHERE No = 1"; $RST_H = mysql_query($SQL_H); $DATA_H= mysql_fetch_assoc($RST_H); $msg .= "<?php \n"; $msg .= "header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');\n"; $msg .= "header('Content-Language: ja');\n\n"; $msg .= " session_start();\n\n"; $msg .= "if(\$_SESSION[aid_SE] && !\$_GET[ch]){"; $msg .= " require_once('/home/jp/url/url_top2_jp.php'); "; $msg .= "}\n\n"; $msg .= "?>\n"; $fp = @fopen('/home/jp/incmeta/'.$TYPE.'.txt','r'); if(!$fp){ $fp = fopen('/home/jp/incmeta/default.txt','r'); } if($fp) { flock($fp,LOCK_SH); $k=0; while(!feof($fp)) { if(!$fp) break; $line[$k] = @trim(fgets($fp)); $k++; } flock($fp,LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); } $HEAD1 = mb_ereg_replace('\$LINE0',$line[0]."【DISCOVERY SOUND】",$DATA_H[Header]); $HEAD1 = mb_ereg_replace('\$LINE1',$line[1],$HEAD1); $HEAD1 = mb_ereg_replace('\$LINE2',$line[2],$HEAD1); $msg .= $HEAD1."\n\n"; $BODY1 = mb_ereg_replace('\$LINE3',$line[3],$DATA_H[body1]); $msg .= $BODY1."\n\n"; $msg .= SEARCH_FORM(); //フォーム $msg .= $DATA_H[body2]."\n\n"; $msg .= "<table width=\"170\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"c2px\">\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n"; $msg .= "<td>\n"; $msg .= "<img src=\"/jp/imgs/maintitle_rank.gif\" alt=\"ランキング\" width=\"170\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgsSpace\" /><div class=\"memuBack3\"><table width=\"168\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; $SQL_RANK = "SELECT * FROM ranking ORDER BY No ASC"; $RST_RANK = mysql_query($SQL_RANK); $i=1; while($DATA_RANK = mysql_fetch_array($RST_RANK)) { $SQL_D = "SELECT * FROM cd_data WHERE no='$DATA_RANK[goods_No]'"; $RST_D = mysql_query($SQL_D); $DATA_D = mysql_fetch_array($RST_D); $msg .= "<tr>\n"; $msg .= "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"ranktop\"> ".$i.". </td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"ranktop\"><b><a href=\"/jp/$DATA_RANK[type]/\">".$DATA_D[e_name]."</a></b></td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"55\" align=\"center\" class=\"ranktop\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"/jp/$DATA_RANK[type]/\">"; if($DATA_D[cd_type] == "AUDIO CD"){ $SEO_CD = "サンプリングCD「$DATA_D[e_name]」"; } elseif($DATA_D[cd_type] == "CD-ROM") { $SEO_CD = "サンプリングCD-ROM「$DATA_D[e_name]」"; } else { $SEO_CD = "サンプリングCD/CD-ROM「$DATA_D[e_name]」"; } $msg .= "<img src=\"/image/jp/title/$DATA_D[kensaku_image]\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$SEO_CD\" /></a></td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $i++; $data_co = $DATA_RANK[date_s_ja]; } $s_date_y = substr($data_co,0,4); $s_date_m = substr($data_co,4,2); $s_date_d = substr($data_co,6,2); $msg .= "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\" class=\"ranktop\" >\n"; $msg .= $s_date_y."年"; $msg .= sprintf('%01d',$s_date_m); $msg .= "月度"; $msg .= "</td></tr>"; $msg .= "</table></div>\n"; $msg .= "</td></tr>"; $msg .= "</table>"; $msg .= $DATA_H[body3].""; // # # # # # # # #ここから # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $msg .= "<?php \n"; $msg .= " if(\$_SESSION[image]==1){ readfile(\"/home/jp/common/top2.html\") ; \$_SESSION[image]=2; }\n"; $msg .= "elseif(\$_SESSION[image]==2){ readfile(\"/home/jp/common/top3.html\") ; \$_SESSION[image]=1; }\n"; $msg .= "else { readfile(\"/home/jp/common/top2.html\") ; \$_SESSION[image]=2; }\n"; $msg .= "?> \n"; $msg .= "<img src=\"/jp/imgs/maintitle_whatsnew.gif\" alt=\"What's New\" width=\"600\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-top:15px;\" />"; $msg .= "<table width=\"600\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"memuBack6\">"; $msg .= "<td width=\"150\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">"; $SQL_WHAT = "SELECT * FROM whatnew_jp ORDER BY No DESC LIMIT 4"; $RST_WHAT = mysql_query($SQL_WHAT); $Y = 0; while($DATA_WHAT = mysql_fetch_assoc($RST_WHAT)) {//what's new list($F_width, $F_height) = @GetImageSize("/home/jp/images/".$DATA_WHAT[File_Image]); list($T_width, $T_height) = @GetImageSize("/home/jp/images/".$DATA_WHAT[Title_Image]); if($Y != 0){ $msg .= "<table width=\"600\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"memuBack6\"><td width=\"150\" align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\">\n"; } $msg .= "<a href=\"$DATA_WHAT[url]\">"; $msg .= "<img src=\"/jp/images/$DATA_WHAT[File_Image]\" alt=\"$DATA_WHAT[Title]\" width=\"$F_width\" height=\"$F_height\" vspace=\"5\" /></a>"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"whatsnewmoji\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"$DATA_WHAT[url]\">\n"; $msg .= "<img src=\"/jp/images/$DATA_WHAT[Title_Image]\" alt=\"$DATA_WHAT[Title]\" width=\"$T_width\" height=\"$T_height\" border=\"0\" class=\"tuvatop\" />\n"; $msg .= "</a><br />\n"; $msg .= "$DATA_WHAT[Discription]"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; $Y++; } //ここからトピックス&NEWS $SQL_TOPICS = "SELECT * FROM topics ORDER BY row_No DESC limit 2"; $RST_TOPICS = mysql_query($SQL_TOPICS); $ui=0; //$msg .= "<br />\n"; $msg .= "<div class=\"wnsp\"> </div>"; $msg .= "<img src=\"/jp/images/maintitle_review.gif\" alt=\"Special Review\" width=\"600\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" /><div class=\"memuBack7\"><table width=\"578\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr>"; while($top_info=mysql_fetch_array($RST_TOPICS)) { $msg .= "<td width=\"274\" valign=\"top\"><div class=\"topreviewtitle\"><strong><a href=\"$top_info[title_link]\" target=\"_self\">$top_info[title]</a></strong></div><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr>"; if($top_info[imagepass]) {//画像がある場合 $msg .= "<td width=\"100\" valign=\"top\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"$top_info[title_link]\" target=\"_self\">"; $msg .= "<img src=\"/jp/images/topicsimage/$top_info[imagepass]\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"newsr\">\n"; $msg .= $top_info[contents]; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table></td>\n"; } else {//画像が無い場合 $msg .= "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"newsr\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"$top_info[title_link]\" target=\"_self\"><img src=\"/jp/images/topicsimage/$top_info[imagepass]\" /></a>\n"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" >\n"; $msg .= $top_info[contents]; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table></td>\n"; } if($ui == 0) {//ループ一回目のみ表示 $msg .= "<td width=\"30\"> </td>\n"; } $ui++; } $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; $msg .= " <div align=\"right\" style=\"margin-top:10px; \">"; $msg .= " <a href=\"/jp/review/\" target=\"_self\">"; $msg .= " <img src=\"/jp/images/more_review.gif\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>"; $msg .= "</div>\n\n"; $msg .= "</div>\n"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; ////////////////////////////////////////////// /* $msg .= "<table width=\"600\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n"; $msg .= "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"295\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"/jp/review/\">\n"; $msg .= "<img src=\"http://www.discoverysound.com/jp/imgs/specialreview.gif\" alt=\"REVIEW\" width=\"295\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgsSpace\"></a></td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"295\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"/jp/all_news/\"><img src=\"http://www.discoverysound.com/jp/imgs/latestnews.gif\" alt=\"NEWS\" width=\"295\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" class=\"imgsSpace\"></a></td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr></table>\n"; $msg .= "<table width=\"600\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"295\" class=\"memuBack4\">\n"; $msg .= "\n"; $msg .= "\n"; //$url = "html/top_review.html"; //INC_Top_Info($url); $SQL_TOPICS = "SELECT * FROM topics ORDER BY row_No DESC limit 3"; $RST_TOPICS = mysql_query($SQL_TOPICS); $ui=0; while($top_info=mysql_fetch_array($RST_TOPICS)) { $msg .= "<div class=\"topreviewtitle\"><strong>\n"; if($top_info[No] != 10){ $msg .= "<a href=".$top_info[title_link]." target=\"_self\">".$top_info[title]."</a>\n"; } elseif($top_info[No] == 10){ $msg .= "<a href=".$top_info[title_link]." target=\"_blank\">".$top_info[title]."</a>\n"; } $msg .= "</strong></div>\n"; $msg .= "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n"; if($top_info[imagepass]) { $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"100\" valign=\"top\">\n"; if($top_info[No] != 10){ $msg .= "<a href=\"$top_info[title_link]\" target=\"_self\"><img src=\"http://www.discoverysound.com/jp/images/topicsimage/$top_info[imagepass]\" border=\"0\"></a>\n"; } elseif($top_info[No] == 10){ $msg .= "<a href=\"$top_info[title_link]\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"http://www.discoverysound.com/jp/images/topicsimage/$top_info[imagepass]\" border=\"0\"></a>\n"; } $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"newsr\">\n"; } else { $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"newsr\">\n"; } $msg .= $top_info[contents]."\n"; $msg .= "</td><td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; $ui++; } $msg .= "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\" height=\"45\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"100\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\">\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"/jp/review/\" target=\"_self\"><img src=\"/jp/images/more_review.gif\" width=\"140\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\"></a>"; $msg .= "</td>"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "<td width=\"10\"> </td>\n"; $msg .= "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"295\" class=\"memuBack4\">\n"; $msg .= "<table width=\"293\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n"; $msg .= "<td valign=\"top\">\n"; $SQL_NEWS = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY No DESC LIMIT 9"; $RST_NEWS = mysql_query($SQL_NEWS); while($news = mysql_fetch_array($RST_NEWS)) { $msg .= "<div class=\"news\" align=\"left\">".$news[s_date]."<br />\n"; $msg .= "<a href=\"/jp/news_detail/$news[No]/\">".$news[title_ja]."</a></div>\n"; } $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; */ //# # # # # # # # # # # # # # ここまで # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # $msg .= "</td>\n"; $msg .= "</tr>\n"; $msg .= "</table>\n"; $msg .= "<div align=\"center\">\n"; $msg .= $DATA_H[bottom]; $msg .= " </div>\n"; $msg .= "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $msg .= "<!-- Overture K.K.\n"; $msg .= "window.ysm_customData = new Object();\n"; $msg .= "window.ysm_customData.conversion = \"transId=,currency=,amount=\";"; $msg .= "var ysm_accountid = \"19PGUJ064JUPAB9MKE1OFEL0FO8\";"; $msg .= "document.write(\"<SCR\" + \"IPT language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' \" \n"; $msg .= "+ \"SRC=//\" + \"srv3.wa.marketingsolutions.yahoo.com\" + \"/script/ScriptServlet\" + \"?aid=\" + ysm_accountid \n"; $msg .= "+ \"></SCR\" + \"IPT>\");\n"; $msg .= "// -->\n"; $msg .= "</script>\n"; $msg .= " </body>\n"; $msg .= "</html>\n"; fputs($file, $msg); //書き出し flock($file, LOCK_UN); //ロック解除 fclose($file); //ファイルポインタクローズ } } ?> Next the OPENエラー /home/jp/index.html: Sorry the html wont fit....
  9. THANKS to all who have helped and special thanks to oni-kun who stuck in there and figured me a way out of my hole. PHPFREAKS RULE!!!!
  10. Why is it that when I manually enter the index.html after www.discoverymusic.jp it will redirect, but not the url itself. I dont want the whole site redirected just the index page.
  11. I will try it now. I will stick to the simple because I have no idea how to use mod_rewrite yet.. I will let you know. Ok so I tried the 301, but it redirected everything...ouch. I only want it to redirect the main url. I still use some of the sub folders until I can figure out how to change over my databases. I guess I am stuck with the blank page until I can get around this.
  12. Can you check out my server and see if I have the right module for a mod_rewrite? http://www.discoverymusic.jp/phpinfo.php Also do I do the rewrite on the htaccess file?
  13. I will try it now. I will stick to the simple because I have no idea how to use mod_rewrite yet.. I will let you know.
  14. and see for this <IfModule change it like which i have shown above this should resolve the issue Thanks for your help but all I know is that I am renting a server. I have access to it but I dont know where to look for the above. I ususally do everything through FTP.
  15. Thanks Oni-Kun. I hope I will be able to figure it out.
  16. Then try this as your .htaccess: DirectoryIndex index.html AddType application/x-httpd-php .inc .html The addtype simply allows parsing of PHP code in a .html document.. in case you did not know. Doesnt redirect just stays blank. If I manually type index.html after the url it redirects though. And thanks for the addtype tip.
  17. WOW that is a fast response. Here is the original htaacces. AddType application/x-httpd-php .inc .html Is that not right? Sorry I am just a beginner. The htm in the title was a typo.. I have the index.html in the root along with the above htaacces.
  18. Sorry for asking stupid questions all the time guys (and gals). Ok there are two sites. www.dmj.fm and www.discoverymusic.jp The latter will eventually be phased out, but I am still using it as a base because of my databases that are still in use. I want to make only the home page (www.discoverymusic.jp) redirect to www.dmj.fm( www.dmj.fm redirects to http://junco-cheep.seesaa.net/) I put the same code as I did in dmj.fm and it works, but www.discoverymusic.jp doesnt. Here is the code I used in the index page. <?php header('location:http://junco-cheep.seesaa.net/'); ?> When you type www.discoverymusic.jp into the address bar it is just blank, but if you add index.html to the end it redirects just fine. What am I doing wrong?? :'(
  19. I have almost got it. This stuff is so confusing. I moved the log and creation files to the new server and changed the password. Still not right though. here is one of the old pages on the old site. http://www.discoverymusic.jp/jc/message.html notice the comments in place. but on the new site: http://www.dmj.fm/jc/message.html the comments are missing. I knew I should of went to MIT instead of Humboldt. lol
  20. Now I know I may asking the lamest of questions, but I have two domains. www.dmj.fm (the new one) and www.discoverymusic.jp (the one I am leaving). I still have a couple of links going to the old domain because those run on a database. I tried to just move the files to the new server/domain and was successful except that if I move the two database files I get this error: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'dmj_2'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /virtual/story/public_html/www.dmj.fm/jc/cms/cms_class.php on line 15 Do I have to change something in the cms_class.php or do I have to edit the database?
  21. Here is the message I am getting. I am using a rented server that handles all of my files. trying to access. Warning: main() [function.main]: Unable to access ./libraries/select_lang.lib.php in /virtual/dmj/public_html/log/phpmyadmin/libraries/common.lib.php on line 152 Warning: main(./libraries/select_lang.lib.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /virtual/dmj/public_html/log/phpmyadmin/libraries/common.lib.php on line 152 Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required './libraries/select_lang.lib.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /virtual/dmj/public_html/log/phpmyadmin/libraries/common.lib.php on line 152
  22. Problem Solved Thanks to Rajivgonsalves!!! Rajivgonsalves. I am an idiot. Or at least I feel like one now. lol. Well if you are up to helping me more in the future I would really like to pay you for your assistance even if it is something simple. Now I am trying to move some items from one domain to another which includes a database that I want to move and edit so I don't have to spend two days rewriting it from the bottom up for the new domain. The problem is I cant access my database. The password doenst work and I am trying figure a way around that. But at any rate it was really cool to meet a real deal programmer.
  23. Rajivgonsalves you are the man. Tell me your Paypal address so I can reward you. I copied and pasted and it worked, but I can tell the difference by looking at it. What did I miss?
  24. You were able to delete the cd that cost 1575? That is the only one that can be deleted with the checked box. I know you can delete it with the all delete but I want it to run like the others and respond to the removed/change checked item button. --Here is the code-- function ITEM_UP_func($_POST) {//数量変更&削除 if($_POST[Count_Album1_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_Album1] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_Album1_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_Book1_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_Book1] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_Book1_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_Tshirt1_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_Tshirt1] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_Tshirt1_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_DVD1_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_DVD1] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_DVD1_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_Poster1_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_Poster1] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_Poster1_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_CD1_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_CD1] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_CD1_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_CD2_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_CD2] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_CD2_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_CD3_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_CD3] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_CD3_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_CD4_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_CD4] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_CD4_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_CD5_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_CD5] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_CD5_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_ballpen_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_ballpen] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_ballpen_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_diary_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_diary] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_diary_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[Count_Album2_Re]) { $_SESSION[Count_Album2] = mb_convert_kana($_POST[Count_Album2_Re], "a","UTF-8"); } if($_POST[DELETE_ALBUM_1]) { unset($_SESSION[item_Album1]); unset($_SESSION[Price_Album1]); unset($_SESSION[Count_Album1]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_Album1]); } if($_POST[DELETE_BOOK_1]) { unset($_SESSION[item_Book1]); unset($_SESSION[Price_Book1]); unset($_SESSION[Count_Book1]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_Book1]); } if($_POST[DELETE_TSHIRT_1]) { unset($_SESSION[item_Tshirt1]); unset($_SESSION[Price_Tshirt1]); unset($_SESSION[Count_Tshirt1]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_Tshirt1]); } if($_POST[DELETE_DVD_1]) { unset($_SESSION[item_DVD1]); unset($_SESSION[Price_DVD1]); unset($_SESSION[Count_DVD1]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_DVD1]); } if($_POST[DELETE_POSTER_1]) { unset($_SESSION[item_Poster1]); unset($_SESSION[Price_Poster1]); unset($_SESSION[Count_Poster1]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_Poster1]);} if($_POST[DELETE_CD_1]) { unset($_SESSION[item_CD1]); unset($_SESSION[Price_CD1]); unset($_SESSION[Count_CD1]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_CD1]); } if($_POST[DELETE_CD_2]) { unset($_SESSION[item_CD2]); unset($_SESSION[Price_CD2]); unset($_SESSION[Count_CD2]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_CD2]); } if($_POST[DELETE_CD_3]) { unset($_SESSION[item_CD3]); unset($_SESSION[Price_CD3]); unset($_SESSION[Count_CD3]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_CD3]); } if($_POST[DELETE_CD_4]) { unset($_SESSION[item_CD4]); unset($_SESSION[Price_CD4]); unset($_SESSION[Count_CD4]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_CD4]); } if($_POST[DELETE_CD_5]) { unset($_SESSION[item_CD5]); unset($_SESSION[Price_CD5]); unset($_SESSION[Count_CD5]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_CD5]); } if($_POST[DELETE_ballpen]) { unset($_SESSION[item_ballpen]); unset($_SESSION[Price_ballpen]); unset($_SESSION[Count_ballpen]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_ballpen]); } if($_POST[DELETE_diary]) { unset($_SESSION[item_diary]); unset($_SESSION[Price_diary]); unset($_SESSION[Count_diary]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_diary]); } if($_POST[DELETE_ALBUM_2]) { unset($_SESSION[item_Album2]); unset($_SESSION[Price_Album2]); unset($_SESSION[Count_Album2]); unset($_SESSION[TotalPrice_Album2]); }
  25. Ok, this is not a post trying to get advertising so please dont think that. I produce music in Japan and recently my programmer has moved on to bigger and better things. I am just a wanna-be programmer but pretty quick at picking up on the tricks of the trade through reading how-to for dummies manuals. Here is the site www.dmj.fm/order/ You can add to the cart, change the number of items (except for zero(I havent figured that out yet)), delete all items, but since I have added new items. The very top CD won't delete like the other items will. It will delete if I click all but not if I check the box and press delete. Now this is in Japanese so it might be hard to figure out then again might not. The buttons after selecting an item (3) starting from top. Change or delete checked item. / Delete entire cart / Continue shopping. Please PHP masters help.
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