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  1. I've figured out my first question, so I no longer need an answer for that. I'm still stuck on the download counter, if anyone is able to help out with that, I'd appreciate it.
  2. Hi, I don't know how to explain what I'm trying to do all that great, as I don't have too much experience with php/MySql. I am working on a mobile web site, that has files for download, such as ring tones for example. One of the things I would like to do, is have each category display a total count of how many ringtones are available for that category. For example, some of my categories are: Alternative Rock Alternative Country Pop R&B Sound Effects Now each category has it's own table in my database, with an auto-creasing ID number. Is there any way I can take the highest ID number from each table and have it display next to the category like such: Alternative Rock (106) Alternative (53) Country (82) Pop (176) R&B (98) Sound Effects (302) My second question... Each of my files that are available for download I have stored in a MySql Database. Each file has its own columns such as tone_name, tone_author, date_added, tone_size, tone_length, and dl_count. The dl_count is what I intended on using as my download counter. I start all my files off at 0 download count obviously. What I'd like to do, but what haven't been able to figure it, is how I would make that download count increase every time someone clicked on the download link? I apologize if my lingo was a bit off, hopefully I was able to be as clear as I needed to be to receive some help.
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