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Everything posted by yoda699

  1. Great! Thanks, that was what I was looking for. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. That's exactly what I don't want since I can't randomize this output. It will always come in the same order. Is there a way to get $row['name'] into a variable? To extract all the rows just into variables?
  3. That's a start. My question is this: The array that I get back from that query has 2 columns id name How do I get the 3 rows into 3 separate variables. The only method I know is to echo the rows in a loop: echo $row['name']; I want just variables because I have to randomize the order of all the answers and I the only way I can show the user different order of possible answer is if I have variables that I can play with. I hope this makes my question a bit more clear. Thanks
  4. Hi people. I'm building a quiz with one correct answer out of possible 4. My problem is that after I choose a random answer (which is the correct one) I have problems with choosing random 3 wrong answers which are not the same as answer 1 (they all come from the same table). My first mysql query gives me back 1 row my second mysql query gives me back 15 row (there were 16 - 1 which is the correct one). How can take only 3 rows out of that second query and output them into variables that I can later echo into a form? Can you help me understand this problem or can you propose an alternative method to deal with this? Here are my two queries: // Fetch random answer (correct) $query = "SELECT * FROM psychofarm_brand WHERE `id`=".$randomNumber; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // Fetch wrong answer $query2 = "SELECT * FROM psychofarm_gen WHERE `id`!=".$randomNumber; $result2 = mysql_query($query2); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); I hope this is clear. Thanks
  5. I'm sending some information to mysql server to format a string into datetime format that the server can understand. I'm running into problems regarding fetching that data. $connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $connection) or die(mysql_error()); $newSqlDate = "SELECT STR_TO_DATE('$newDateTime', '%m/%d/%Y %h,%i,%p');"; $result = mysql_query($newSqlDate); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Date and Time: ".$row['datetime']; mysql_close($connection); My echo returns only: "array" Thanks
  6. Thanks, Could you please also give me an example of how to use the %r function
  7. Hi, I am trying to convert a string to datetime format. Here is my code: SELECT STR_TO_DATE('11/02/2009 01,30,00,am','%m/%d/%Y %r') It doesn't work. Can you please tell me whats wrong with the code? Thanks
  8. STR_TO_DATE is an mysql function. is there a php equivalent?
  9. Hey, So I got a form that requires the user to insert: the hour, the minuets, and if its AM or PM. what I get is three variables: $hour $minuets $amPm Those variables are combined into a string. I need to convert this somehow to readable format for mysql server and insert the data. I found loads of function to convert date from mysql into strings, but not the other way around. Any suggestions about this issue? Thanks,
  10. Hey, I'm in the process of teaching myself stuff (Yes, I am a total beginner). And I got a question about a part of a code that I don't understand. if(isset($_POST['sublogin'])){ $this->procLogin(); } else { echo "blah blah"; } The first line of the code I understand. I also understand how you call a function. What i don't understand is what does $this-> stands for? Does it mean that its a call for a function on the same page? Thanks
  11. Thanks very much. The first option worked great for me.
  12. Hi, I am trying to create an IF statement with several conditions. What I am trying to achieve is actually three conditions: 1. $num_errors > 0 2. And $field != "curpass" 3. Or $field != "newpass" I wrote the statement using AND (&&) + OR (||) operators in the same statement, but it doesn't work. Could please look at my code and tell me whats wrong. Is it even possible to do what I am trying to do? Thanks ahead, if ($this->num_errors > 0 && $field != "curpass" || $field != "newpass"){ return "<img src=\"../images/check.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"34\" height=\"34\" />"; //Errors with form } else{ return "";
  13. Okay great, I have trying to work with this script. It works great. Now there are two things I need to change. 1. I would like that every time a new xml file will be created. The way this script is set up, the name of the xml file is parsed from the 'document name' field of the form. I want the name of the file to have a number or something attached to it so files will always be new. 2. What is the command to upload the xml file to ftp server. Thanks again
  14. Hi people, I've got about 10 fields in my html form and I just want to parse the information into an xml file that will be upload to an ftp. Could someone please direct me to a thread or a tutorial that deal with creating an xml file from an html form? Thanks
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