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Posts posted by Kristoff1875

  1. The bit I don't really understand:

     // Create the pile of shuffled cards
      var numbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ];
      numbers.sort( function() { return Math.random() - .5 } );
      for ( var i=0; i<10; i++ ) {
        $('<div>' + numbers[i] + '</div>').data( 'number', numbers[i] ).attr( 'id', 'card'+numbers[i] ).appendTo( '#cardPile' ).draggable( {
          containment: '#content',
          stack: '#cardPile div',
          cursor: 'move',
          revert: true
        } );

    And I was hoping in some way I could say something like:

    $result = mysql_query($query);
    echo "<div id='card". $row['CardID'] ."'>". $row['CardName'] . "</div>";

    To show all the cards from a table with the ID's and names stored in the table.

  2. I've found this http://www.elated.com/res/File/articles/development/javascript/jquery/drag-and-drop-with-jquery-your-essential-guide/card-game.html which is very similar to what I want to do, however the DIV's used as code are generated in the jquery that I'm not too sure how to change to make it work how I want. Does anyone have any idea how I could pre populate these divs with a search in a MYSQL table instead and echo it as my foreach row statement?



  3. Yep, each squad belongs to a user, sorry, I messed up my question and didn't ask it very clearly!


    I've solved it with this:

    				$query  = "SELECT * FROM Squads WHERE TeamID = '4123'
    				$result = mysql_query($query);
    				while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
            foreach ($row as $col => $val) {
     			$query1  = "SELECT * FROM Players WHERE PlayerID = '$val'";
    				$result1 = mysql_query($query1);
    				while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    					echo '<li><div class="playerhomeholder"><div class="player">'.$row1['Surname'].'</div></div></li>';

    but i'm not sure if this is good practice?!

  4. I discussed this http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/277939-show-result-from-one-table-where-ids-match-on-another/ the other day, which Barand very kindly helped me solve...


    Now I have a new problem, with the same kind of issue. In addition to the tables mentioned, I have a "Squads" table. In this table, it has related values from the Players table. I have columns "Player1", "Player2" and so on up to 18. The first table column is related to the User's ID and the rest are player ID's that they've chosen.


    What I need now is for my search to return every column from 'Squads' where the 'TeamID' ties up, but I also need the player's name from the 'Players' table so that I can use it like so:


    $PlayerX being Player1, Player2, Player3 columns that have number values related to PlayerID in Player's table...


    Where $PlayerX from Squads == $PlayerID display $PlayerName


    I can get all of the player ID's to echo correctly, just not with the names. My last unsuccessful attempt was:

    SELECT s.*, p.Surname, p.PlayerID
    FROM Squads s
    LEFT JOIN Players p
        ON p.PlayerID
    WHERE TeamID = '$TeamID'";

    Please tell me it's possible?!


    Many thanks!

  5. Evening you clever lot on here!


    I'm sure this won't take long for you guys to give me some sterling advice!


    I have 2 tables, 1 which has matchday results on it, 1 which has player details on it. The ID's match up and tie in in the database, but on the page i'm on, I would like to display all the players that haven't got a value for this specific matchday. Important table layouts as follow:




    PlayerID, MatchNumber

    1234, 12




    PlayerID, PlayerName

    1234, Player One


    Each time a player plays a game, MatchNumber will have the relevant match number added for that player, so as you can see above, Player One (1234) has taken part in MatchNumber 12. I would like to add a search if possible to say something like:


    Select * FROM Players WHERE PlayerID AND MatchNumber NOT IN MatchdayScore


    So it only shows players who haven't got match 12 in MatchdayScore, but i'm not sure how i'd go about this?


    Any advice massively appreciated.



  6. Should it be something like:


    $year = time() + 31536000;
    if($_POST['remember']) {
    setcookie('remember_me', $_POST['username'], $year, '/', '.mydomain.co.uk');
    elseif(!$_POST['remember']) {
    	if(isset($_COOKIE['remember_me'])) {
    		$past = time() - 100;
    		setcookie(remember_me, gone, $past);
  7. I've got a login script, all working fine, but i've recently added a remember me cookie:


    $year = time() + 31536000;
    if($_POST['remember']) {
    setcookie('remember_me', $_POST['username'], $year);
    elseif(!$_POST['remember']) {
    	if(isset($_COOKIE['remember_me'])) {
    		$past = time() - 100;
    		setcookie(remember_me, gone, $past);


    All works fine on the normal login page, however, when clicking on the email link with url variables in it:




    It can't seem to pull the cookie that recalls the username and ticks the box.


    Anyone got any idea why this could be?


  8. I have uploaded both the HTML file and mailer.php but it still seems to run an error. Brilliant, ill give the button a try! Thanks


    Earlier on it didn't get to the php page, it just loaded an error. I've just tried another and it's given the thank you message....

  9. Is this cleaner rather than using *?


    , j.JobNumber , j.Username , j.Description , j.ClientID , j.Status , j.AdminUnread
    , MAX(p.PostDate) as postedOn
    FROM Clients c
    INNER JOIN Jobs j ON c.ClientID=j.ClientID
    LEFT JOIN Posts p ON j.JobNumber=p.JobNumber AND c.ClientID=p.ClientID
    , j.JobNumber
    postedOn DESC, c.ClientID, j.JobNumber DESC


    Have also added in a few extra orders for the jobs with no posts.

  10. That's absolutely brilliant thank you so much.


    So if I understand it properly, running in order down the code, it says


    Call all from TABLE A > Only call certain things from TABLE B > Check if TABLE B has anything matching TABLE A in a certain column, discard anything that doesn't > Check if TABLE C has anything that matches any of the results that TABLE A and TABLE B sorted PLUS check and see if it matches the other value, if it doesn't then discard that too, then list all the results in the order requested?


    Does seperating the GROUP BY items with a comma mean that both values have to be there to group them? For example calling GROUP BY for just JobNumber would show only 1 JobNumber 1, and using ClientID would show only one of Client ID 12345's jobs, but by using both values it's showing all of that Client's jobs?


    You're an absolute star and that has been a massive help, hopefully I understood all that properly!


    As for your first point about not using * is that just an issue when calling from more than one table? Or an issue all the time? I notice lots of people using it and just assumed that it was an easy way of calling most of the columns from a table and the unused column values would just be discarded?


    Also, where the tables are called and the names seem shorter for example c.ClientID j.JobNumber where abouts is that set?

  11. And thought you may want to know, in the last 20 minutes, i've managed to set the unread icon next to the post! Added 2 columns to the Jobs table "Read" and "AdminRead" both with TinyINT (1). Added:


     UPDATE Jobs SET AdminRead = 1 WHERE ClientID='$clientid' AND JobNumber='$jobid' 


    To the admin job detail page and the client alternative to their page, and when a new post is added it also updates the Jobs table setting the Read value to 0.

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