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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Hey guys, I was wondering if it is possible to edit registry with PHP?
  2. Ok.... I want a PHP that will check if some code exists in HTML code of some website. Let's say i want to check Example.com... I need a PHP code in wich I will write some HTML code(let's say: <h1>website</h1>), and in that PHP code i will write website wich I want to check(in this case: Example.com), and that PHP code will look in Example.com website, and tell me if <h1>website</h1> code exists in their HTML....
  3. Hmm.... You didn't understand me well., i think In your code, where is variable of website that will be checked for that code in HTML?
  4. I am wondering, is it possible to get HTML elements with PHP.... Let's say, that some page has this HTML code: <h1>This is my website</h1>. Is it possible, that PHP check if that line exists in HTML code?
  5. WOW MAN!!! I got it now!!! Some things are a lot of clearer to me now... Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. One more question... How do i send mail to addresses in array? Let's say i have this: <?php $to = I need addresses from array to be here. $subject = 'the subject'; $message = 'hello'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>
  7. Thank you, joel24 and cags. You solved my problem. I haven't expected so fast answer. Thank you one more time One more thing... Is it possible to do the same thing, but from textbox?
  8. Hmmm.... It is not working.When I echo it, it just displays "Array" on screen.
  9. Ok guys...I need some help... I do not have idea how to do this: I need PHP code that will open a text document and read it, and store it in the array, in this way. $a=array("1" = "example", "2" = "example2"......., so each line has its number in array...) I hope that this is possible. Thank you.
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