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Everything posted by winuser2003

  1. Click on the zip file link if you do not see it here is the link again.. Zip File: www.bookapartyroom.com/video/vid2/store.zip Download this zip file. It has everything you need, including the sql file to import the database over and review. Be sure to change the settings.php to match your own server information. Video of Questions: http://www.bookapartyroom.com/video/vid2/index.html A video of the interface and the questions I have in regards to the issues I am having. I figured this would be alot easier than posting over and over, you get an interactive look. The whole project is small, I think 170kb. The download would be quick and setup would not take that long.
  2. Thank you it worked like a charm!, I still got alot to do to make this just right. However you taught me in this process as well and I cannot thank you enough for it. Those two files is what made that much of a difference and the implode function. One Question why is it doing this ?? Not listing all the Occasions for some reason... Sasa - To make things a little easier and not to blow up the forum LOL, I decided to make a video that shows a little better understanding as to what it going on. I am also learning alot and I do appreciate and am very thankful for your time in this. Honestly I should pay you!! LOL Please take the time to view the video, and I am also providing a link to the updated files. I applied some changes to the scripts and I thought maybe you would download and check them out. I wish I did not have to eliminate the "Country" setting though and replace it with "Occasions". I tried to analyze how states was setup and attempt the same process, but it said something about having too many entries in the database. Everything is in the zip file to check out. I am going to keep researching and googling. Video Link: http://www.bookapartyroom.com/video/vid2/index.html Zip File Link: http://www.bookapartyroom.com/video/vid2/store.zip Thank You Again for Everything!
  3. Thank you it worked like a charm!, I still got alot to do to make this just right. However you taught me in this process as well and I cannot thank you enough for it. Those two files is what made that much of a difference and the implode function. One Question why is it doing this ?? Not listing all the Occasions for some reason...
  4. Thank you it worked like a charm!, I still got alot to do to make this just right. However you taught me in this process as well and I cannot thank you enough for it. Those two files is what made that much of a difference and the implode function.
  5. I have tried so many ways just to get checkboxes, and its just not working. Would there be anyway to show me? maybe remote into my server and show me? I am so stressed out from this, I am googling, taking your advise, and getting the checkboxes in general is easy, the problem is getting the results in the records to show. If I can see how this is done then it would be a load off. SASA would you mind showing me? I can let you remote into my server and I can show you everything. Please if you do not mind helping me out, I figured this was easy.
  6. I inserted the new code you provided SASA but still for some reason I am getting the same error message. Below I provided the screen shots, and also I am going to provide you the package itself. I been googling arrays and some are pointing to use the $array, but I do not see that doing anything. Other people have gotten the same error, and its with how the line itself is written. I am going to keep looking and again I appreciate your help with this, its beating me trying to figure it out. Below are the screenshots and the link to download the package. Change the settings in the settings.php file to match your own. Let me know if you come up with the fix and I will do the same. Inserted the advised script to the Line... Tested the result from a store already created... created another new store to test and showing area not being viewed in records Same Result with New Store Created Link to Download Package and Test www.bookapartyroom.com/store/store.zip
  7. I got the error that its an invalid argument passed in inc_viewstore.php on line 99 I maybe missing something somewhere...
  8. hello, Thanks for looking this over and helping me out. My problem is I have a online store locator database and whats happening is I keep getting an "array" message when I look at the store. I am working with the following code... The first file I created was something called countrydropdown.php and here is the code in that file.. function countrydropdown() { ?> <form method="post"> Please choose type of Party Occsaion Hosted::<br /><br /> Weddings:<input type="checkbox" value="Weddings" name="country[]">: Birthday Parties:<input type="checkbox" value="Birthday" name="country[]">: Social Events:<input type="checkbox" value="Social" name="country[]">:<br /><br /> Games:<input type="checkbox" value="Games" name="country[]">: Anniversaries:<input type="checkbox" value="Anniversaries" name="country[]">: Fantasy Leagues:<input type="checkbox" value="Fantasy" name="country[]">:<br /><br /> Meetings:<input type="checkbox" value="Meetings" name="country[]">: Sports:<input type="checkbox" value="Sports" name="country[]">: Awards:<input type="checkbox" value="Awards" name="country[]">: Baby Showers:<input type="checkbox" value="Baby Showers" name="country[]">:<br /><br /> Kid Friendly: Yes:<input type="checkbox" value="Yes" name="country[]">: No:<input type="checkbox" value="No" name="country[]">: <?php } ?> The second file I am working with is the inc_newstore.php and its contents are... include("inc_security.php"); global $strFormadminstate; screenheading("Party Room Submission Form"); print("<form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" method=\"post\">\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pageaction\" value=\"savestore\">\n"); print $strFormadminstate; print("<table class=\"newtable\" width=\"572\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td width=\"110\" class=\"newhead\"> Capacity</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"companystoreID\" size=\"20\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Store name</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"storename\" size=\"40\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Address</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"address\" size=\"40\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> City</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"city\" size=\"40\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> State</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\">"); include ("statedropdown.php"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Zip / Post Code</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"zippostcode\" size=\"20\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Telephone 1</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"telephone1\" size=\"30\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Telephone 2</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"telephone2\" size=\"30\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Fax</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"fax\" size=\"30\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Email</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"50\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Website</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\">http:// <input type=\"text\" name=\"website\" size=\"50\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Party Occasions</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\">"); countrydropdown(); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\">Description of <br/>Party Room<br>Kid Friendly<br>Wi-Fi Access<br>Or Other Features<br></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><textarea name=\"description\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\" onkeyup=\"CheckFieldLength(description, 'charcount1', 'remaining1', 255);\" onkeydown=\"CheckFieldLength(description, 'charcount1', 'remaining1', 255);\" onmouseout=\"CheckFieldLength(description, 'charcount1', 'remaining1',255);\"></textarea><br>\n"); print("<small><span id=\"charcount1\">0</span> characters entered. | <span id=\"remaining1\">255</span> characters remaining.</small>\n"); print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Store Hours</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\">\n"); print("<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\">"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td></td><td class=\"hourshead\">OPEN</td><td class=\"hourshead\">CLOSE</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Monday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"openmonday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closemonday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Tuesday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"opentuesday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closetuesday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Wednesday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"openwednesday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closewednesday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Thursday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"openthursday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closethursday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Friday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"openfriday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closefriday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Saturday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"opensaturday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closesaturday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Sunday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"opensunday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"closesunday\" size=\"15\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("<br>\n"); print("Other hours information<br>\n"); print("<textarea name=\"opencloseinfo\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\" onkeyup=\"CheckFieldLength(opencloseinfo, 'charcount2', 'remaining2', 255);\" onkeydown=\"CheckFieldLength(opencloseinfo, 'charcount2', 'remaining2', 255);\" onmouseout=\"CheckFieldLength(opencloseinfo, 'charcount2', 'remaining2',255);\"></textarea><br>\n"); print("<small><span id=\"charcount2\">0</span> characters entered. | <span id=\"remaining2\">255</span> characters remaining.</small>\n"); print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Store Manager</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"storemanager\" size=\"40\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Map Link</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\">http:// <input type=\"text\" name=\"maplink\" size=\"50\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Directions</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><textarea name=\"directions\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\" onkeyup=\"CheckFieldLength(directions, 'charcount3', 'remaining3', 255);\" onkeydown=\"CheckFieldLength(directions, 'charcount3', 'remaining3', 255);\" onmouseout=\"CheckFieldLength(direcitons, 'charcount3', 'remaining3',255);\"></textarea><br>\n"); print("<small><span id=\"charcount3\">0</span> characters entered. | <span id=\"remaining3\">255</span> characters remaining.</small>\n"); print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newhead\"> Active</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"newtext\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"recordstatus\" value=\"active\" checked></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td> </td>\n"); print(" <td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"save store\"></td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("</form>\n"); print("<div id=\"bottomspacer\"></div>\n"); ?> Finally the third file is inc_viewstore.php file and its contents is... include("inc_security.php"); screenheading("Viewing Party Room Record"); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) (int)$intID = addslashes($_REQUEST['id']); else $intID = null; $SQLstmt = "SELECT storeID, companystoreID, storename, address, city, suburb, " . "statename, country, zippostcode, telephone1, telephone2, fax, " . "email, website, description, openmonday, closemonday, opentuesday, " . "closetuesday, openwednesday, closewednesday, openthursday, " . "closethursday, openfriday, closefriday, opensaturday, closesaturday, " . "opensunday, closesunday, opencloseinfo, storemanager, maplink, " . "directions, recordstatus, slstore.recordlastmodified, " . "slstore.recordlastmodifiedby, slstore.recordcreated, " . "slstore.recordcreatedby FROM slstore LEFT JOIN slstate ON " . "slstore.stateID = slstate.stateID WHERE storeID = '$intID'"; if ($resultSet = dbaction($SQLstmt)) { $row = getrsrow($resultSet); print("<table width=\"572\" class=\"viewtable\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"2\">\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\" width=\"120\"> Store ID</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['storeID']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Capacity</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['companystoreID']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Store Name</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['storename']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Address</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['address']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> City</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['city']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> State</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['statename']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Zip / Post Code</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['zippostcode']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Telephone 1</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['telephone1']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Telephone 2</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['telephone2']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Fax</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['fax']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Email</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">"); if ($row['email'] != "") print("<a href=\"mailto:{$row['email']}\">{$row['email']}</a>"); print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Website</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">"); if ($row['website'] != "") print("<a href=\"http://{$row['website']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$row['website']}</a>"); print("</td>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Party Occasion</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['country']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Description of <br/>Party Room<br>Kid Friendly<br>Wi-Fi Access<br>Or Other Features<br></td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['description']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Store Hours</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">\n"); print("<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\">"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td></td><td class=\"hourshead\">OPEN</td><td class=\"hourshead\">CLOSE</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Monday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['openmonday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closemonday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Tuesday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['opentuesday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closetuesday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Wednesday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['openwednesday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closewednesday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Thursday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['openthursday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closethursday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Friday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['openfriday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closefriday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Saturday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['opensaturday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closesaturday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hoursday\">Sunday</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['opensunday']}</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"hourstext\">{$row['closesunday']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("<br>\n"); print("Other hours information<br>\n"); print $row['opencloseinfo']; print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Store Manager</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['storemanager']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Map Link</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">"); if ($row['maplink'] != "") print("<a href=\"http://{$row['maplink']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$row['maplink']}</a>"); print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Directions</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['directions']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Record Status</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">"); if ($row['recordstatus'] == "active") print("active"); else print("inactive"); print("</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Last Modified</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['recordlastmodified']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Last Modified By</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['recordlastmodifiedby']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Created</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['recordcreated']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print(" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Created By</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['recordcreatedby']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); print("</table>\n"); print("<div id=\"bottomspacer\"></div>\n"); } ?> Now I know my problem is somewhere in the file "inc_viewstore". The line with the issue is... print (" <tr>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewhead\"> Party Occasion</td>\n"); print(" <td class=\"viewtext\">{$row['country']}</td>\n"); print(" </tr>\n"); When I tested this I kept seeing the word "Array" popup under "Party Occasion". I took a screenshot EDIT: Seriously dude.. use CODE tags
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