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  1. Yes, it is a string. I thought using trim(), but then it will display just one product no matter what. The code is actually from a script that pulls products from Amazon api, but i get many duplicates with it.
  2. Thank you for your quick response, genericnumber1 There is a little problem when i use the code, i get the error "Illegal offset type in" on line $uniqueItems[$items[$i]->ItemAttributes->Title] = &$items[$i]; Do you know what could be wrong? Thanks again
  3. Does anybody know how can i remove duplicate entries from an Simplexml Object. Here is the code: $xml = simplexml_load_string($response); foreach ($xml->Items->Item as $res){ $title = $res->ItemAttributes->Title; .. I want to remove duplicates by $title and display only the first one. Thanks an advance.
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