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Everything posted by Deoctor

  1. i have downloaded the tar file for the linux but dont know hw to use it to compile the php. as per the rpm the one which i have is the latest one. need help to upgrade, got no documentation of hw to do this..
  2. Hai i have installed php in the cent os 5.4. the one which is installed is 5.1.6 now what i want to do is upgrade it to latest one 5.3.2, as i am new to linux environment it is quite hard for me to configure that, can any one guide me with this also one more thing is that i need to install zend framework in the same environment, any help would be greatly appreciate..
  3. change ur xml line to something like this echo "<xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\">\n";
  4. do some thing like this $password = md5($_GET["pass"]);
  5. i think it is quite possible.. one thing is that u check the local lan ip addresses through which u are accessing and then pass the session values if the request comes from a local lan network, but this method is not quite a secured method to use..
  6. dude as per ur request what i understood is that u need a simple contact us form which need to send mail to u when some one fills the form.. i dont know where u got the below code, but i dont think that would work.. tell me these details about ur smtp server does it require authentication while sending mails. is pear installed in ur server.. also is port 25 open in ur server. depending on these details ill give u a code which will do the above..
  7. put these pictures in the form of radio buttons and when they select any one of these then store the same in the database for the user.
  8. what i mean is that $query = "INSERT INTO entrepreneurial_user (username, password1) VALUES ('username', SHA ('password1'))"; this code should be accompanied with the $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
  9. i hope u r missing the basic thing of using the mysql_query in this one $query = "INSERT INTO entrepreneurial_user (username, password1) VALUES ('username', SHA ('password1'))"; $row_cnt = $result->num;
  10. i think the problem with your code is in the message image src should be some thing like this "<img src=\"/Images/email.jpg\" />\n"
  11. have u tried concatenation of the variable..
  12. dude try this <?php echo $products1= " <div style=\'width:890px; float:left;\'><div class=\'procoltitle1\'>Products</div><div class=\'procoltitle2\'>Standard</div><div class=\'procoltitle1\'>Package</div><div class=\'procoltitle2\'>CAS No.</div><div class=\'procolodd1\'>Acyclovir</div><div class=\'procolodd2\'>E.P/B.P/USP</div><div class=\'procolodd1\'>25/50 HDPE Drums</div><div class=\'procolodd2\'>59277-89-3</div><div class=\'procoleven1\'>Artesunate</div><div class=\'procoleven2\'>I.H.S.</div><div class=\'procoleven1\'>1/5/25/50/100 KG.</div><div class=\'procoleven2\'>88495-63-0</div><div class=\'procolodd1\'>Artemether</div><div class=\'procolodd2\'>I.H.S.</div><div class=\'procolodd1\'>1/5/25/50/100 KG.</div><div class=\'procolodd2\'>72963-77-4</div><div class=\'procoleven1\'>Sodium Stearyl Fumarate</div><div class=\'procoleven2\'>U.S.P.</div><div class=\'procoleven1\'>5/10/25/50 KG HDPE Drums</div><div class=\'procoleven2\'>4070-80-8</div><div class=\'procolodd1\'>Alpha-Beta Arteether</div><div class=\'procolodd2\'>I.H.S.</div><div class=\'procolodd1\'>1/5/25/50/100 KG.</div><div class=\'procolodd2\'>75887-54-6</div><div class=\'procoleven1\'>Amoxicillin Tri Hydrate</div><div class=\'procoleven2\'>B.P./I.P.</div><div class=\'procoleven1\'>25/50 KG HDPE Drums</div><div class=\'procoleven2\'>26787-78-0</div></div>"; ?>
  13. can u show me some code so that i can help u why it is not getting assigned. u see i dont have that much imagination power..
  14. dude just try this code. this will work u have to autenticate ur mail or else ur mail sever thinks that some one is useing it without a valid username and password. this is called as ssl in plain terms.. <?php require_once "Mail.php"; $from = "vk@xyz.com"; $to = "[email]yourmail@yaourdomain.com[/email]"; $subject = "Hi!"; $body = "<h1>Hi</h1>,\n\nHow are you?"; $host = "mail.example.com"; $username = "smtp_username"; $password = "smtp_password"; $headers = array ('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject); $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' => $host, 'auth' => true, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body); if (PEAR::isError($mail)) { echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>"); } else { echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>"); } ?> note: you should have pear installed in your machine already to use this..
  15. so by all means u want to increase the date by one day. haven't u read the mysql documentation about date SELECT DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY);
  16. as per ur errors it looks like the tables columns into which u are entering are not matching. check ur database and see whether u have all the tables with these columns in which u are inserting..
  17. you need to convert the values to the unicode values.
  18. mime_content_type is depricated so try using the getimagesize.. this will help you as far as i know..while giving for a public use
  19. http://php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.php http://in2.php.net/manual/en/function.mime-content-type.php these links dude..
  20. u have to the mime type and then use the upload. read the manual completely
  21. have u wrote any code o try this??
  22. did u read the post entire?? u can get the image type which is being uploaded..by scanning through the uploaded file..
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