Then what? Struggling for another few weeks on the next problem and offering more money when you can't solve that either?
Like I told you before you went and stole the un-encrypted bits of my code and the database schema to try and get ahead in what you are doing, get a book and work through it, or if you can't get a book, there are hundreds/thousands of tutorial websites out there. Breaking things down into little bits a t a time, is a great start. I spend loads of time there, as would a reasonable number of other people here. Learn the basic functions, and invent your own way of doing some of these things, or at least gain a basic understanding of what it is you are trying to do.
You are wasting a stunningly mind-blowingly phenomenal amount of time - both yours and that of people who are trying to help you - by trying to work out the most simple stuff, like a navigation button to go to the next page of a garden variety web form. There's no great secret to this stuff, you are having problems with it because the way it is done in my script is with my personal preferences, built up over a few years of tinkering with this project and others... and going through books and online tutorials and learning functions bit by bit.
You've lost a bit over 3 weeks now for a few simple reasons - one is a very simple security measure I put in the function files so that they can only be executed from the main admin panel file and not using a browser to go directly to the file, the others I don't like using $_GET to switch between pages in the admin panel - it leaves evidence in browsers of what the user has been doing, and I do like using hyperlinks instead of submit buttons, so to make that work requires a little bit of javascript to pass form data. Some seasoned people would call it unnecessary code-bloat, but the code you have and are trying to copy is not intended to be posted all over the web for feedback and help to get it working, so what they might think of it doesn't really matter. You don't have to use any of those techniques to make the script you are trying to make, but you are spending so much time trying to replicate, that you can't see that. Again, learn basic functions from a book or a tutorial site and develop your own techniques, it will be quicker for you. You've already wasted a year.
There is no law against you writing your own script, and asking questions for help when you get stuck. Asking the right questions with code that you understand what you are trying to do with it will get the job much faster than posting great slabs of my source code and asking the poor unsuspecting schmucks here and all the other places you posted it at to help you. Ask the wrong question and you lead the guys here way off track for what you are trying to do. The end result of that is as disrespectful of their time as it is to me for swiping my IP in the first place.