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  1. I think this is the way to go. I am going to see if we can get our documents in the newer Open XML format.
  2. I found this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fwrite.php#53622 Which I also think is close. If one wanted to find and replace some text I think you could use pack/unpack to edit a section of text but it would still not be the same as editing the file and appending some text at the end.
  3. Thanks! Well... that did not work. I did notice that the text does get added at the end of the file stream but it does not show up in word. The word file seems to be encoded in binary format and not ascii. Perhaps there is a Perl script that can edit a word file???
  4. I want to add some text to the end of some Microsoft Word documents. Is there a way to do this? I'm on a Linux server and therefore can't use COM to open an instance of a Word application. Basically, this would be like inserting some text such as a time stamp at the end of the .doc file. If php can't do this, what about Perl? Thanks!
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