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Everything posted by eduard77

  1. I am trying to install pyrus.phar from the command line but I keep on receiving the next error. c:/www/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.8 php pyrus.phar You must compile PHP with the following extensions enabled: sqlite3 or install the necessary extensions for your distribution. I checked the php.ini file and the sqlite3 is enabled. I was also checking the pear manual for the installation where is written that the following extensions have to be enabled:phar, simplexml, libxml2, spl and pcre The manual says that they are enabled by default but I've found only the first one.
  2. I would If I knew how to do it
  3. Yes I do. I am using wamp server on my computer.
  4. Can anyone tell me how should I handle this error? FATAL ERROR. Your SAPI for PHP is configured as CGI. ArbitroWeb is unable to work in this environment. Please switch to a non-CGI approach. If you are using Apache as your web server, consider modifying your httpd.conf to switch from using ScriptAlias and Action to using LoadModule.
  5. I know that I need c++ for this because is an application that is installed on my computer. And I come back to my first question: how do I find out which are the variables that I have to use .
  6. I know how to program in c++ and also in PHP. I know the basics and even a little more but I have no practice.
  7. I don't want to do anything illegal I just want to know how it works a software like this. I used to play on fulltilt but it takes a lot of time and I don't have it. So I want to make a software that could play instead of me the way that I want it to play.
  8. I'd like to make myself a poker software that plays itself on all sites. What I don't know is how to get the variables names that I need. I need the cards variables name and the buttons name. Any suggestion how I do it? Or if I could read the from the screen somehow. Thanks
  9. I ty to make a mysql_query that looks like this <?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?> <?php mysql_close($connection);?> <?php $menu_name = $_POST['menu_name']; $position = $_POST['position']; $visible = $_POST['visible']; ?> <?php $query = "INSERT INTO subjects ( menu_name, position, visible ) VALUES ( '{menu_name}', {position}, {visible} )"; if(mysql_query($query, $connection)) { header("Location: content.php"); exit; } else { echo "<p>Subject creation failed.</p>"; echo "<p>" . mysql_error() . "</p>"; } ?> but returns me the following error Warning: mysql_query(): 5 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in C:\wamp\www\widget_corp\create_subject.php on line 15 Subject creation failed. I am thinking for a long while what could be wrong but I cannot find a solution. So if anyone knows what should I do i would be very greatfull.
  10. Thanks, Deleting the cookies really helped
  11. Hello, I am using the latest version of MySQL and I have a problem with phpMyAdmin. I opened MySql console and I set my password. Then I tried to open phpMyAdmin but I cannot. It says: #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO). In the older version it was a setup link on the page and make everything from there but now I really don't know what to do. Thanks
  12. I have a problem when I try to use the live view in Dreamweaver cs5 and I don't know how to set up the test server because I don't know what to write where it ask me the folder of the server. Thanks
  13. Hello, I try to use lp_solve as an extension and I made this modifications in php.ini ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. ; http://php.net/extension-dir ; extension_dir = php_phplpsolve55.dll ; On windows: ; extension_dir = "ext" extension_dir = "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.0/ext/" I also copied the php_phplpsolve55.dll in thye system 32 directory It doesn't want to work. I use apache server and The php folder is there and not in the program files. So anyone has any idea what to do? Thanks
  14. I am using for the first time zend framewor and I cannot include it. I received some instructions but they don't work. I am using wamp and i tried this: First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of # features. # <Directory "c:/wamp/www/phpweb20/htdocs"> AllowOverride None Options all </Directory> php_value include_path ".;c:/www/phpweb20/include;c:/program files/wamp/www/bin/php/pear" php_value magic_quotes_gpc off php_value register_globals off </VirtualHost> # # Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow # particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as # you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it # below. # # # This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to. # <Directory "C:/Program Files/wamp/www/phpweb20/htdocs"> # # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All", # or any combination of: # Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews # # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All" # doesn't give it to you. # # The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#options # for more information. # Options Indexes FollowSymLinks # # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords: # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride all It dosen't work address not found htaccess file what extension has? Can anyone help me because I am reather new in programming and i have no idea what to do Thanks
  15. Hello I am new in php and I try to make a web page that is searching automatically the web with keywords and is storing the data in a mysql database. Can somebody help my php code for the search part?
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