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Everything posted by boldbaba

  1. Hey Everyone hope all well. I am in need of your php experience. I will try to explain the best as i can : I have an html form and inside of that form i have a "select a state" option: <select name="State"> <option value="0" selected="selected">Select a State</option> <option value="AL">Alabama</option> <option value="AK">Alaska</option> <option value="AZ">Arizona</option> <option value="AR">Arkansas</option> etc..... </select> When the customer selects a state and then clicks the forms submit button, i want them to get taken to a csv file. Inside of the csv file i have this state, ip AL, AK, AK, etc....... My goal is to collect the state they choose in the html file and bring it to this csv file. Once it comes to the csv file it chooses an ip address according to the state they choose, then that ip address is sent to me in an email with the rest of the form information. So an example would be: customer fills out the html form and selects Alabama as a state. they then submit the form and the form comes to the csv file where it sees the state Alabama (AL). it then collects the ip and submits that to my email address along with the rest of the html form information (name,email,etc...). It also needs to randomly choose an ip from Alabama because in the csv file i have Alabama (AL) multiple times, so i just chooses anyone of the Alabama ip's I hope i am making sense Thanks for all your help Ali
  2. Hey everyone. I have a question. I have script that seems to have come from phpfreaks it is a members script. it allows people to set up a membership on there website. I have everything set up fine and it is all working. The problem i have is the password section. At the moment they have a register form and then they get an email with there encrypted password sent from phpmyadmin. They then login and go to the members section. But lets say my members section was called members.html when i go the browser and type in that url anyone can get in. How do i set it up that it is password protected page but allow the customer to use the password that they received from phpmyadmin. Thanks everyone for your help John
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