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Everything posted by DChiuch

  1. Thankyou, that code works perfectly. I'll let you know if I have any problems, but for now, I think I'm set. Thanks heaps. I'd rep you, but I don't see how?
  2. Thanks ignace, but for some reason, when I use your code, the page doesn't load past the point where the code is. I'm not gonna delete files, so I think that teamatomic's code (if I can get those things I listed before fixed) would work fine. Thanks anyway though, and if you have any idea why the page won't load with that code, then I'll look into it.
  3. Thanks teamatomic, that was exactly what I'm looking for. You're awesome. Couple things though. 1. For numbers between/including 1 and 9, I want it the url to be somephrasehere_05, rather than somephrasehere_5. Is this possible? 2. Also, is it possible to not display a previous link if the page is 01? 3. Lastly, and this is probably a bit tricky. If the next page does not exist (for example, if say 54 is the last page in the folder, ie. that 55 does not exist), then can it not display a next link? Thanks heaps.
  4. Nah, I'm not using a database. Is it possible/easy to implement the next/previous buttons the way I have it?
  5. Basically, I have a set of pages in a folder, which have the title somephrasehere_09.php, somephrasehere_10.php, somephrasehere_11.php, etc. On each of these pages, I want to include a common code that acts as a previous and next link. So, on the 10.php page, I want some code that will link to 09.php (and one for 11.php), and on another page, say 05.php, I want to be able to use the same code, resulting in links to 04.php and 06.php. Now, my PHP knowledge is limited, but it seems to me that manipulating URLs and adding/subtracting numbers to create a new URL should be fairly simple. So, can someone help me with how to do this? Sorry if you're not supposed to post requests here.
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