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  1. I have a weird one. I have a php page www.anticatrading.com.au/buy-now.php which processes a form then, upon PayPal payment selection, passes control to another page. Recently the POST variables have intermittently been blank at the target page. Is there anything that is likely to cause this?
  2. SOLVED. Thanks, it's a little confusing as, although NULL, the field is shown as string "0" in the debugger, and resolves to 0 when used in php.
  3. I have a table with a field defined as "`offer_limit_remaining` INT( 5 ) NULL". I have rows where mySQL shows that the field contains NULL, however mysql_fetch_assoc() returns an array with the field containing "string: "0". If I execute a SELECT field IS NULL in phpMyAdmin it returns the desired rows, so the table does contain NULLs. How can I retrieve the field using "SELECT *" and detect that it contains NULL? php 5.2.9 mySQL Server version: 5.1.33-community MySQL client version: 5.0.51a
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