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Nom Nom

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  1. It is an array, 'cos it's a web crawler. I don't know what any of the parts of the array is. I'm trying to add the domain, into the href so I can click on the link. 'tis hard to explain. =/ EDIT: well, it is like what you said, just how would I do it to the whole array?
  2. It basically puts the results in an array like $row['column_name'] = "field";
  3. No, it's like um, an array, more than one.
  4. I think you need to check if the session is there?
  5. I was just wondering how would you add a string in a certain point of a string. It's for my web crawler. <?php //So like, say: $var2 = "http://domain.co.uk" $var[0] = "href=\"/folder/\"" /* How would I add $var2 to $var[0] but in the href attribute? I normally wouldn't know what $var[0] equals until it was outputted/* ?> Kinda hard to explain, if you need any more explaination, just ask. (:
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