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Everything posted by vikramy

  1. I have strange requirements like these. hope many have answers. [url http://www.gmail.com]Gmail[/url] should give Gmail which should point to http://www.gmail.com. And also if I type http://www.gmail.com it should be a link. The first one I could solve easily. but I need that in combination.
  2. Everything that http://www.somedomain.com/images has. But after some time I spent with this, I found out that I can get file names from database! Don't say I wasted your time... I learnt a lot... Thank you.. I was believing every image that was other server needs to be displayed.. But it was not the case.. there is some consistent data in our table!! Thanks every one..
  3. [pre]Some of the directory functions make work already with URL locations.[/pre] Can any one tell me more about this. Thanks a ton. file_get_contents() worked!! So I can use , preg_match_all right? Is there a better way? Any one see any downside of this?
  4. Thanks again.. I am very poor in explaining though.. I will try again. Users can just see my website. So if they visit say home page of my site, I need to show list of images with their corresponding image name. So those images are in a different web server. So the code needs to be in my website server.
  5. Thanks for your reply. I need to fetch the image names. Its also a webserver.
  6. Hi, I am a bit new to php and need some help. This is my situation. I have lots of images on a different sever. And my website is running on a different server. So my code on my website should get the image name from that server and should display it. Can any one help me? Thanks a lot.
  7. Thanks you.. I searched and I think I almost found what I need. $replaced = [url http://www.example.com]Test[/url] $replaced = preg_replace ('/\[url(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/is','<a href="$1">$2</a>', $replaced); Thanks again. I haven't tested fully but this helps a lot..
  8. Hello Everyone, I am a bit new to php already loving it. I am stuck in this can any one help me in this. I am having a pattern like this [url http://www.example.com]Test[/url] I need it to replace like this <a href="http://www.example.com">Test</a> Any help is really appreciated. Thanks.
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