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Perry Mason

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  1. Thanks. Unfortunately it didn't work. I've also tried $result= mysqli_query ($dbcnx, "SELECT key_ingredient FROM recipes"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); while ($result) { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $joined = array_merge($row[0],$row[1],$row[2]); $word_array = preg_split('/[\s?:;,.]+/', $joined, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $unique_word_array = array_unique($word_array); foreach ($unique_word_array as $word) { echo "<li>$word</li>"; } } Any ideas? There has to be a way to combine data from multiple rows into one array. I think I know what to do from that point.
  2. I've been trying to do this all day with no result and would be grateful for a push in the right direction. So I have a cooking website with a table similar to this id recipe ingredients 1 Apple pie Apples, eggs, flour 2 Peach pie Peaches, butter, flour 3 Cherry pie Cherries, flour, eggs, butter I would like to pull all the data from the Ingredients field, get rid of the duplicates, sort them alphabetically and echo a list like this: Apples Butter Cherries Eggs Flour Peaches I've tried <?php $result = mysqli_query($dbconnect, "SELECT ingredients FROM recipes"); $result1 = join(",",$result); $result2 = array_unique($result1); foreach ($result2 as &$value) { echo "<li>$value</li>"; } Which does not work. Would really appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
  3. Anyone? I've been struggling with this for a week now... Also if moderators could please move this to the mod_rewrite sub-forum. Thanks!
  4. For some reason 000webhost canceled my account without an explanation. I moved to paid hosting with Go Daddy and restored all the files and databases. There is a glitch with .htaccess however, I cannot get it to work. mod rewrite worked fine on 000webhost. I did not change the file. It is in the same directory as other files. I contacted Go Daddy and, according to them, I do not want to change all the links on my sites to dirty URLs because, firstly, it's a lot of work, and secondly, I don't want it to affect my search engine ranking. My sites have been officially online but not fully functional (unless you manually type in the dirty url) for three days now and it's bugging the hell out of me. Here's a portion of the code of my .htaccess file: Options +FollowSymLinks Options +Indexes RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^soft-tissue\.com$ [NC] rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.soft-tissue.com/$1 [R=301] rewriterule ^home$ /home/ [R] rewriterule ^home/$ /index.php rewriterule ^contact$ /contact/ [R] rewriterule ^contact/$ /contact.php rewriterule ^about$ /about/ [R] rewriterule ^about/$ /about.php Strangest of all, the first two rules seem to work fine (non-www to www redirect, and the index.php page redirect. The rest of the redirects do not function and I keep receiving the 404 error message. Same exact story with my other side which also just got moved to Go Daddy. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
  5. I've been doing this manually. Basically, every time I add an entry to my site's mysql database I also manually edit the XML in the feed.xml file. I am sure there is an easier way to do that, however I couldn't find it. Not asking for a detailed tutorial, just a push in the right direction. Thanks
  6. I would add more padding around the text so it doesn't go almost to the edge of the container
  7. Ok, I've tried to tone down the colors, although I really like that shade of blue in the header so I'm keeping that for now (don't want the site to look hospital-blue and sterile, despite its subject). I've also added some three-dimensionality with box drop shadows (as a result they don't work in IE). What do you all think? Initial: http://medeponyms.com/index.php Color crazy: http://medeponyms.com/index1.php The latest: http://medeponyms.com/index2.php
  8. Hi, I'm trying to redesign my site http://medeponyms.com to make it look less 90s. This is the new version: http://medeponyms.com/index1.php (the majority of the links is not functional yet) I tried to maintain the consistency with the previous version in the color scheme. I like the way the header and the top navigation panel look, but I'm not so sure about the right panel. I've been playing with it for a couple of days and basically I'm stuck for ideas. What do y'all think?
  9. <!--[if gte IE 8]> <p> Your browser : Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8 (or newer) </p> <p> You're using the newest version of Internet Explorer, but it's still Internet Explorer ! It's support for the newest technologies is very poor, if any. I recommend you to check out the "Recommended Browsers" section and choose a modern browser ! </p> <![endif]--> I hate IE with passion but there are people out there who simply don't know that other browsers exist. Now you're telling them that the way they are browsing the web sucks. I can see how this can actually deter people from upgrading. Perhaps elaborating a bit on why they should give up IE, with a couple of carefully chosen examples, might help? I like the general idea though.
  10. Thanks, I fixed that but it didn't solve the problem. The problem was in the print style sheet. I had a link to it but the style sheet itself wasn't there, so my host's error page loaded every time and it invalidated the CSS. Got it sorted now.
  11. Thanks for the critique. I had a go at it and the navigation looked kinda clumsy. I'm planning to add dropdown submenus soon so then the whole "I'm here" thing would be pointless since "here" can be in the dropdown part of the navigations. I fixed that, thanks To both points, I am not planning on having much content. Basically, at any given time there will be one question with it's corresponding answer displayed. I'm not planning on having any ads either, and therefore didn't want a lot of empty space. I had the background solid blue initially but then decided to add a little gradient. Will do Thanks. I can't get the CSS to validate though. The error comes from the hosting company page. I've checked and double checked the code, and there's no links to the host website. Don't know how it still managed to sneak in.
  12. Yeah it was giving me a headache too. So I restyled it trying to tone down the color scheme while avoiding the corporate look. Any suggestions/comments?
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