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Everything posted by MovieGuy!

  1. Hi, This is the code I use. $p = rand(1,2); if ($p == 1) { $b = 2; } else if ($p == 2) { $b = 1; } echo"<form method=post action=klik.php><input type=\"submit\" name=\"$p\" value=\"Klik\"></form>"; if(isset($_POST["$p"])){ mysql_query("UPDATE `members` SET `klik`=`klik`+1 WHERE member_id='$idid'"); $br = rand(1,10); } if(isset($_POST["$b"])){ mysql_query("UPDATE `members` SET `klik`=`klik`-5 WHERE member_id='$idid'"); } I don't know why but this won't work I want people to click it and I want that they get 1 klik so not the minus 5, and when they refresh it could be possible to get the minus 5 because it sends the same.. Can anyone help me with this, or is there maybe something better? I just want to keep peepz from refreshing
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