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Everything posted by plusnplus

  1. Hi.., I use below method to export data to excel. header('Content-type: application/ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=abc.xls'); if I run the script from the server. (http://localhost/export.php) it is work. (pop-up window if i want save or open the file) but if i run the script from the client ( it is not work. (nothing happen) any idea how to solve this?
  2. Hi.., is there any possible to see what real text after use password()? example: insert into table1 values(password(1234)); if somehow someone can access this table, can they see the real word "1234" ?
  3. hi.., thanks to everyone the problem is solved now. i just replace all the open tag code.
  4. after i put <?php ( before just <? ), it work properly. since so many pages (more then 200) I need to update, any other way beside that update opening tag? i just wonder, why apache+mysql+php in windows server 2008 need this opening tag? my intranet server, using ubuntu 10.04, without that (<?php), the web page work properly.
  5. first, i install apache 2.2 installer 2nd, install mysql installer 3rd, install php installer (during process, select web server and loc of conf file) that's all. any file( *.dll) i should copy to some folder?
  6. hi.., i have pc development, using win xp sp3, apache+mysql+php the code/ webpage work prefect. i have intranet server, using ubuntu 10.04, apache+mysql+php the code/ webpage work prefect. but.., when i copy to live web server, using win server 2008, apache+mysql+php, all php code show in broswer. if there is a html code, it show correctly, but the php code, show just like text in the browser. how to solve this problem? thanks for any help/ info
  7. So it is not possible to order by last x column in mysql query ?
  8. Hi.., Is order by last x column possible in mysql query ? my query is like: select * from table1 order by col_a, col_b, col_c every month I need to change the order like: select * from table1 order by col_b, col_c,col_d because i add another column in the table.
  9. if my way to insert image is not correct, anyone can advice, how is the proper way to insert some images into excel from php. thanks for any reply/ info
  10. Hi.., My code is like: <?php $filename ="excelreport.xls"; print "<table border=1>"; print "<tr ><td valign=bottom><img src=http://abc/images/big.png ></img></td> <td valign=bottom><img src=http://abc/images/small.png ></img></td> </tr>"; print "</table>"; header('Content-type: application/ms-excel'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename); ?> when I open the excel file, the images alignment is from top to bottom(equal from top of image). what i want is from bottom to top(equal from bottom of image). i did try using valign in td property, but still the images equal from top of image thanks for any reply/ help
  11. is this have related with php version? i using php 4.4.9 should i upgrade to php 5?
  12. i see in phpinfo() is "on" for local and master value.\ so should be OK? but still i can not get result from code i type.
  13. Hi.., I have code: <?php header("content-type: text/xml"); $xmlData = file_get_contents("http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=new%20york"); echo $xmlData; ?> and get error:XML Parsing Error: no element found. is this kind of error need some setting in php.ini? or what i should look at phpinfo() to make sure the setting is ok. or.. is there any setting in apache? i'm using win XP, apache, php and mysql. if i type direct in browser: http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=new%20york it give me the xml file withour any error. thanks for any reply/ help
  14. Hi.., I have script like: <script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(window.close, 2000);</script> it is working if run in my test server(windows XP), but not working in my live server(ubuntu 8.04). Any idea what is wrong? thanks for any help/ reply
  15. Hi KingOfHeart, yes you can. if both pc have network can, you can use network cable "straight"/ pc to pc. then use static ip on both pc, like and
  16. Hi all, i need a super sound file that the duration maybe less then 1 second. maybe the bit rate higher/ smaller or audio rate higher/ smaller? The purpose is i want to have sound in jquery fade-in and fade-out effect. the fade-in and out is about 1 second each. so if i have 100 item fade-in and out, the sound (play duration in 1 sec), play little bit late/ lag, compare what the fade-in and out object show in screen. thanks for any reply/ help
  17. Hi.., I have a loop in javascript, i want to play sound each time the loop start. my html code is: <embed src="sound12.wav" autostart=false width=0 height=0 name="sound1" enablejavascript="true" HIDDEN="TRUE"> my javascript code: for (var i = 0; i < str_code; i++) { // do something EvalSound('sound1'); } edit: the sound only play once, even the loop is 10 times thanks for any reply/ help
  18. Hi pornophobic, it is still give me the same error: XML Parsing Error: no element found it that possible the error because, my company block something in firewall? but like i mention before i able to see without error if i type directly to browser(firefox): http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=new%20york actually i try other weather api script from yahoo, still not show same error, but not if i put direct in browser.
  19. Hi.. I try to get google weather info into my website. when i try this code: <?php header("content-type: text/xml"); $xmlData = file_get_contents("http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=new york"); echo $xmlData; ?> i got error : XML Parsing Error: no element found but when i directly type http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=new york into the browser, it give me the xml file. Any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks for any reply/ help
  20. Hi.., I need to close a pop-up window that call from jquery. After I do update something to database inside that pop-up window, i want the window automaticly close without refresh any page. Below is how i do it: 1. a link to call the pop-up from php <a href=# title='$id' class='button' onclick=SetJsValue('$id')> 2. ajax function function SetJsValue(pass_id){ var ajaxRequest; // The variable that makes Ajax possible! try{ // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e){ // Internet Explorer Browsers try{ ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try{ ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e){ // Something went wrong alert("Your browser broke!"); return false; } } } // Create a function that will receive data sent from the server ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){ var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById('ajaxDiv'); ajaxDisplay.innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText; var varredirect=ajaxRequest.responseText.indexOf('success'); if (varredirect!= -1 ) { window.location = "index.php" } } } var pass_id = pass_id; var queryString = "?pass_id=" + pass_id; ajaxRequest.open("GET", "customer.php" + queryString, true); ajaxRequest.send(null); } 3. body of my php page div class="popupContact"> <a class="popupContactClose">x</a><br> <div id='ajaxDiv'></div> </div> 4. pop-up java script: function loadPopup(){ //loads popup only if it is disabled if(popupStatus==0){ $(".backgroundPopup").css({ "opacity": "0.7" }); $(".backgroundPopup").fadeIn("slow"); $(".popupContact").fadeIn("slow"); popupStatus = 1; } } 5. some part of my pop-up window print "<form name='customer_form' method='POST' action='customer_update.php' target='_blank'>"; //=== some form input print "<tr><td align=right colspan=4 ><input class=Body name=button_sub type='submit' value=Update > </td></tr>\n"; print "</form>"; After i update to database, I close this new window. My question is: how to close <div id='ajaxDiv'></div> automaticly after i update user input into database? Thanks for any help/ reply *Sorry if i post in wrong forum section
  21. After run few test, the query not run properly. for more info: table_sales record is like: cust_id item_id item_qty abc 100 100 abc 110 100 abc 120 100 abb 100 100 abb 120 100 abb 130 100 aba 110 100 aba 120 100 aba 130 100 Thanks for any help/ idea
  22. Hi, my query is: select distinct cust_id from tabel_sales where item_code !='110' and cust_id not in (select cust_id from table_sales where item_code='110') purpose of the query is to get customer that NOT have item code 110. this query work fine, but take very long time (for 12.000 record plus)
  23. Hi dreamwest , it is something statistic record that need display in full -+ 12,000 records. records in table actually more then 60,000 records. is mysql not the right one to do the job? or there is setting to make longer timeout beside one in apache setting? btw, how actually 'LIMIT 1,20' working ? when i try it, it only display 20 record, but the sum of 12,000 records still calculate and show.
  24. Hi dreamwest , thanks for the reply. the query is just normal query: - select 16 field - with 4 condition - from 1 table - sort by 6 field estimated record to be display -+ 12.000 records i'm using normal pc : intel core 2 duo, e8400 @3 ghz, 2gb ram sata harddisk 250 gb. win xp apache 2.0 php 4.0 mysql 4.0 if i make more condition in query, the result can get full -+ 1000-1500 records, but once i reduce the query condition, the broswer always stop in 1800 plus record. btw, how to indexing record in the table?
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