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  1. Hello! Im trying to include a guestbook to my site. I have installed jibberbook (http://code.google.com/p/jibberbook/) Followed install instructions and i have installed it and it should be properly configured. The problem: When i add a comment, it says: "An error has occuried" Only that, nothing more. When i reload, comment is added. I dont know where is a problem. I have searched every topic in jibberbook discussions, but nothing helped. Maybe someone have expierence with that? Thank you.
  2. Hello! can not figure out, because havn't PHP programming skills. If I do it by myself, it can take weeks for me, so i will ask here. I have a site, where im using Unique visitor counter whick found it on hotscripts. Script does not use database. Data is stored in text files. Files: Counter.php <?php //Copyright Scriptsez.net extract($HTTP_GET_VARS); extract($HTTP_POST_VARS); $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR); $date = date("d"); $today = date("d:M:Y"); $user = file("counter.txt"); $lis = 0; $log_file = "log.txt"; $log_lenght = 30; $max_file_size = 3; $file_size= filesize($log_file); $log_size = $file_size/1024; if ($action!="stats"){ $qwe = file("raw.txt"); for($b = 0; $b <sizeof($qwe);$b++){ $last = explode("|",$qwe[$b]); } $last1file = fopen ("raw.txt", "w"); fwrite ($last1file, $last[0]+1); fclose ($last1file); if ($log_size > $max_file_size) { $filename = "log.txt"; $fd = fopen ($filename, "r"); $stuff = fread ($fd, filesize($filename)); fclose ($fd); $last_file = fopen ("temp.txt", "a+"); fwrite ($last_file, $stuff); fclose($last_file); $fz = fopen ("log.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fz, ""); fclose($fz); $filename1 = "temp.txt"; $fd1 = fopen ($filename1, "r"); $stuff1 = fread ($fd1, filesize($filename1)-1024); fclose ($fd1); $fm = fopen ("log.txt", "a+"); fwrite ($fm, $stuff1); fclose ($fm); $fy = fopen ("temp.txt", "w"); fwrite ($fy, ""); fclose($fy); } for($x=0;$x<sizeof($user);$x++) { $temp = explode(";",$user[$x]); $opp[$x] = "$temp[0];$temp[1];$temp[2];"; $such = strstr($temp[0],$ip.".6978521"); if($such) { $list[$lis] = $opp[$x]; $lis++; } if($temp[1] != $date) { $fp = fopen ("log.txt", "a+"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, sizeof($user)); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $temp[2]); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, "$last[0]"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, "\n"); fclose ($fp); $last2file = fopen ("raw.txt", "w"); $mm = fwrite ($last2file, "1"); fclose ($last2file); $fq = fopen ("counter.txt", "w"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, $ip); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ".6978521"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ";"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, $date); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ";"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, $today); $fy = fwrite ($fq, ";"); $fy = fwrite ($fq, "\n"); fclose ($fq); break; } } if(sizeof($list) != "0") { }else{ $fp = fopen ("counter.txt", "a+"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $ip); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ".6978521"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $date); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, $today); $fw = fwrite ($fp, ";"); $fw = fwrite ($fp, "\n"); fclose ($fp); } } if($action == "stats"){ $db_file = "log.txt"; $latest_max = 30; $lines = file($db_file); $a = count($lines)-1; $u = $a - $latest_max; $unique = file("counter.txt"); $ut = count($unique); $file_size= filesize("log.txt"); $log_size = $file_size/1024; $raw = "raw.txt"; $fn = fopen ($raw, "r"); $puff = fread ($fn, filesize($raw)); fclose ($fn); echo "<font face=arial size=2>Unique Hits Today: <B>$ut</B><BR> Raw Hits Today: <B>$puff </B></font><HR color=#CCCCCC>"; ?> <STYLE type=text/css> TD { COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial; FONT-SIZE: 13px } </STYLE> <font face=arial size=2><U><B>Statistics of last 30 days</B></U> (Days with 0 visits are not shown)<table border=1 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#00000 width=50% bgcolor=#AFC6DB><td border=1 width=15%><B>Day</B></td><td width=15% border=1><B>Unique Visits</B></td><td border=1 width=15%><B>Raw Visits</B></td> <?php for($i = $a; $i >= $u ;$i--){ $temp = explode(";",$lines[$i]); echo "<tr><td border=1 width=15%>$temp[1]</td><td width=15% border=1>$temp[0]</td><td width=15% border=1>$temp[2]</td>"; } ?> </table></font><BR><FONT face=arial SIZE="2" COLOR="#00000">Powered By:<A HREF="http://www.Scriptsez.net">Unique Visitors Counter</A></FONT> <?php } ?> then TXT files: counter.txt; log.txt; in the log txt data looks like that: 39;11:Jan:2010;98; 56;12:Jan:2010;209; explanation of the first line: 39 - unique visitors, then date and 98 - raw visits. raw.txt; contains only number of that day of raw visits. and temp.txt contains nothing. My need is to make Average visits per day and MAX visitors in a day. And i dont know how to output that numbers in page. Halp plx! TY.
  3. radikaalz


    Hello everyone! I found PHP very useful and interesting. Have no programming expierence before, but i like to read code and sometimes creating something at my own. Just for fun. It's useful to know some basics and that basics can be handy in future in various situations. //and my english learning still in progress, so sorry if sometimes to understand me may be little difficult.
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