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Everything posted by iScript

  1. Can we have the htmlData function?? did you use an XMLHttpRequest object? and used the responseText property?
  2. You can see the problem in the coding color... you echoed all the if's and all the PHP statment in the switch...
  3. Yes, there is a different: $string1 = "Hi"; echo "The string1 var is $string1"; // output: the string1 var is Hi // Its not recommended to so that, the best way is to put a dot to seperate strings and vars echo 'The string1 var is $string1'; // output: the string1 var is $string1 // Good way: echo "The string1 var is " . $string1; // output: the string1 var is Hi echo 'The string1 var is ' . $string1; // output: the string1 var is Hi Another good thing to have this two is this: echo "<span style="color:red">spanInnerHTML</span>"; // ERROR: double quotes within double quotes... // Solution: echo "<span style=\"color:red\">spanInnerHTML</span>"; // output: <span style="color:red">spanInnerHTML</span> echo "<span style='color:red'>spanInnerHTML</span>"; // output: <span style='color:red'>spanInnerHTML</span>
  4. First, it's recommended to use UPPERCASE letters for saved words like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and more. Second, do you know to put a dot (.) between variables and strings? (I don't know how to call it in English, in Hebrew its : לשרשר)
  5. First, use a regular while loop. Not do_while, because you need to define the $row array before the actual loop statments. And to your question, its pretty simply, you can use a code like this: $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tableName` ORDER BY `columnName`"); $i = 0; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><ul>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){ $i++; if($i >= (mysql_num_rows($query) - $i)) break; echo "<li>" . $row['columnName'] . "</li>"; } $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tableName` ORDER BY `columnName` LIMIT " . $i . ", " . mysql_num_rows($query) - $i); echo "</ul></td><td><ul>"; while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)){ echo "<li>" . $row2['columnName'] . "</li>"; } echo "</ul></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; I didn't test that, but it might work.
  6. Store the user's sorting expression in a session $_SESSION['sortOrder'] = $_GET['sortOrder']; /* the URL shoul'd be similar to "page.php?sortOrder=name" */ Or in a cookie: setcookie("sortOrder",$_GET['sortOrder']);
  7. Can you put here the code? I'll try to fix it for ya.
  8. in PHP: <?php if(is_correct_username($_POST['username']) && is_correct_password($_POST['password'])){ header("Location: userSuccessLogged.php"); } ?> in JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript"> window.location.href = "htttp://www.google.com"; </script>
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