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  1. I have checked it and I am at 100% loss....it gose right over my head
  2. I am running a server with cPanel and mysql and phpmyadmin and its all uptodate. So what I am doing is I am hosting a website and they need stored PROCEDURE for there db. I have never done any thing with stored PROCEDURE so I got no idea what I am doing! I am not sure how to add or if it is even right. 'BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE raid_count_60 int; DECLARE raid_count_30 int; DECLARE individualraid int; DECLARE individualraid_30 int; DECLARE percent int; DECLARE membername varchar(100); DECLARE start_Date int; DECLARE Curr_Date int; DECLARE first_raid int; DECLARE curr1 CURSOR for SELECT member_name from eqdkp_members; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; OPEN curr1; REPEAT FETCH curr1 into membername; IF NOT done then Set Curr_Date =UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 60 DAY)) ; Select member_firstraid into first_raid from eqdkp_members where member_name= membername; IF first_raid > Curr_Date then set Curr_Date = first_raid; END if; SELECT count(*) into raid_count_60 FROM eqdkp_raids WHERE Curr_Date <= raid_date ; select count(*) into individualraid FROM eqdkp_raids r, eqdkp_raid_attendees ra WHERE (ra.raid_id = r.raid_id) AND (ra.member_name= membername ) and Curr_Date <= raid_date ; Set Curr_Date =UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ; IF (first_raid> Curr_Date) then set Curr_Date = first_raid; END if; SELECT count(*) into raid_count_30 FROM eqdkp_raids WHERE Curr_Date <= raid_date ; select count(*) into individualraid_30 FROM eqdkp_raids r, eqdkp_raid_attendees ra WHERE (ra.raid_id = r.raid_id) AND (ra.member_name= membername ) and Curr_Date <= raid_date ; update eqdkp_members set Raids60 =round(individualraid - raid_count_60 * 100), Raids30 =round(individualraid_30 - raid_count_30 * 100) where member_name =membername; END IF; UNTIL done END repeat; CLOSE curr1; delete from report_date; -- select null; insert into report_date value (Now()); select 1 into individualraid; so what I need to know is...is that right will it work and how do I add it? Help would be nice
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