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Everything posted by devilincarnated

  1. i got a slight problem here folks...the page logins with fbconnect but it goes to the desired page in the pop-up window after logging in with facebook username and password...i want it to go to that page in the main window.....and login link should change to logout....wht am i missing?
  2. in the password match function insert this line: $password_confirm = Security::hash(Configure::read('Security.salt') . $data[$keys[0]]); does the trick...tall thanx 2 cakePHP manual....
  3. hi i am working with the cakehp framework for a site i have to build....i am suffering a login problem now... in the register page i got two fields for password and password confirm....and when i try to login with Auth compnent, it gives error cos cakePHP only sees the first password as a valid password field and hashes it while the second one remains unhashed....it causes problems resulting in invalid username/password.....anyone got a way out of it?
  4. i tried this still no luck! <?php echo "<p ><div style='padding-left:185px;'><input class='button' type=submit name=preview onClick=window.open('http://alltherankings.com/staging/preview.php?param1="; ?><?php echo $batch1; ?><?php "&param2=$batch2&param3=$batch3&param4=$batch4&param5=$batch5&param6=$batch6&param7=$batch7&param8=$batch8&param9=$batch9','previewwindow','width=400,height=200')" ." value='Preview'> <input type=submit name=save class='button' value='Publish'></div></form></p>"; ?>
  5. :'(lost my brains dudes.... i want to pass values from my form to a pop-up window and then retrieve those values in that pop-up window and display them, say like a preview of details entered in the form in a new pop-up window....i have retrieved the value, but it just doesn't seem to reach to the url of the pop-up window though it prints out the value...here is my code... For the values: $batch1 = $_POST['title']; $batch2 = $_POST['link']; $batch3 = $_POST['experience']; $batch4 = $_POST['explanation']; $batch5 = $_POST['comment']; $batch6 = $_POST['ownerid']; $batch7 = $_GET['category']; $batch8 = $_POST['author']; $batch9 = $_POST['num']; For the preview button echo "<p ><div style='padding-left:185px;'><input class='button' type=submit name=preview onClick="."window.open('http://xxx.com/yyy/preview.php?param1=$batch1&param2=$batch2&param3=$batch3&param4=$batch4&param5=$batch5&param6=$batch6&param7=$batch7&param8=$batch8&param9=$batch9','previewwindow','width=400,height=200')" ." value='Preview'> <input type=submit name=save class='button' value='Publish'></div></form></p>";
  6. I got the requirement and fully understood it now only. Here is what I want. I got a link which is an XML call and output is in XML format XML Call: Use this URL to get the ads in XML format. When I view the source CDATA is added to it. My client wants to parse this XML output with XML parser but since XML parser cant read the CDATA(i read thru 2 get this one...whew...), it just gets skipped. Now, he wants to remove the CDATA from the generated source file . CAN anyone help me NOW?
  7. This is the output I get now when I run the script in my localhost. dup = 1; // Get variables if(!$this->zone) $this->zone = $_GET['id']; if(!$this->affid) $this->affid = $_GET['affid'] ? $_GET['affid'] : 0; if(!$this->rows) $this->rows = $_GET['rows'] ? $_GET['rows'] : 0; if(!$this->cols) $this->cols = $_GET['cols'] ? $_GET['cols'] : 0; if(!$this->ad_sort) $this->ad_sort = $_GET['ad_sort'] ? $_GET['ad_sort'] : "asc"; if(!$this->format) $this->format = $_GET['output'] ? $_GET['output'] : "html"; if(!$this->keyword) $this->keyword = $_GET['keyword']; $this->keywordid = 0; $this->keywordrate = 0.00; // Setup default headers // P3P: CP="NOI DSP COR PSAo PSDo OUR BUS OTC" if (!$this->default['adrevenue']['p3p']) { header('P3P: CP="NOI DSP COR PSAo PSDo OUR BUS OTC"'); } else { header('P3P: CP="' . $this->default['adrevenue']['p3p'] . '"'); } header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("X-Vendor: W3matter LLC | RevSense | http://www.revsense.com"); // Get the zone if(!$this->zone) { return(""); } $this->z = lib_cache_get("zone", $this->zone); if(!$this->z) { $p = $this->db->getsql("SELECT * FROM adrev_zones WHERE id=?", array($this->zone)); $this->z = $p[0]; lib_cache_put("zone", $this->zone, $p[0]); } // Check if this zone is active if($this->z['status'] == 0) return(""); // Check dayparting if($this->z['daypart_enable'] == 1) { $day = date("w"); $hour = date("G"); if(!in_array($hour, lib_bit_options($this->z['daypart_hours']))) return(""); if(!in_array($day, lib_bit_options($this->z['daypart_days']))) return(""); } // Check geotargetting // **** This function will be added in a point release **** // // Override some zone settings that a user might have passed in if($_GET['rows'] > 0) $this->z['rows'] = $_GET['rows']; if($_GET['cols'] > 0) $this->z['cols'] = $_GET['cols']; if($_GET['max_display_ads'] > 0) $this->z['max_display_ads'] = $_GET['max_display_ads']; if($_GET['ad_sort']) $this->z['ad_sort'] = $_GET['ad_sort']; if($_GET['rows'] && $_GET['cols']) $this->z['max_display_ads'] = $_GET['rows'] * $_GET['cols']; if(!$_GET['fuzzy']) $this->z['keywords_fuzzy'] = $this->fuzzy ? $this->fuzzy : $this->z['keywords_fuzzy']; // Get ads if(!$this->ads()) { return(""); } // Update the log and billing info $this->impressions(); include_once("modules/preview.php"); $x = 0; $c = new preview; $c->affid = $this->affid; $c->keyid = $this->keywordid; if($this->format == "js" || $this->format == "html" || $this->format == "raw") { reset($this->adlist); if($this->z['layout_template']) $tpl = new XTemplate("MEM", "\n" . $this->z['layout_template'] . "\n"); else $tpl = new XTemplate("MEM", "\n" . join("", file("templates/zone_default_layout.html")) . "\n\n"); foreach($this->adlist as $rec) { $x++; $parsed = 0; $c->zid = $rec['zid']; $oz = $c->format_ad("html"); $tpl->assign("AD", $oz); $tpl->parse("main.row.col"); if($x >= $this->z['cols']) { $x = 0; $parsed = 1; $tpl->parse("main.row"); } } // Finish up parsing if(!$parsed) $tpl->parse("main.row"); $tpl->parse("main"); $out = $tpl->text("main"); if($this->format == "js") { $o1 = str_replace("'","\'",$out); $o1 = str_ireplace('', "", $o1); $o = explode("\n", $o1); $oo = array(); if(count($o) > 0) { foreach($o as $rec) { if(strlen(trim($rec)) > 0) $oo[] = trim($rec); } } $date = date("r"); $nocache = md5(uniqid("")) . " | " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " | " . iif($this->dup, 'DUP', ''); $out = "// W3matter.com | RevSense | http://www.w3matter.com\n"; $out .= "// $date\n"; $out .= "// Ad Code: $nocache\n\n"; $out .= "document.write('" . implode("');\ndocument.write('", $oo) . "');\n"; header("Content-type: text/javascript"); echo $out; exit; } } elseif($this->format == "xml") { // XML output $out = ''."\n"; reset($this->adlist); foreach($this->adlist as $ad) { $c->zid = $ad['zid']; $out .= $c->format_ad("xml"); } header("Content-type: text/xml"); } else { // CSV output reset($this->adlist); foreach($this->adlist as $ad) { $c->zid = $ad['zid']; $out .= $c->format_ad("csv"); } header("Content-type: text/csv"); } $net = lib_getmicrotime() - $this->tz; header("X-Server-Time: $net"); echo $out; return (""); } // Do the billing for these ads function impressions() { // Instantiate the cookielib $c = new cookielib(); // Iterate through the ads reset($this->adlist); $inlist = array(); foreach($this->adlist as $ad) { // Check if we are below the impressions window $k = $c->get("_i_".$ad['id']."_".$this->keywordid); $win = time() - $k; if($k > 0 && $win < $this->default['adrevenue']['dup_impressions']) { continue; } // We have at least 1 non-duplicate ad $this->dup = 0; // Save the impressions count $c->set("_i_".$ad['id']."_".$this->keywordid, time()); // Try to load this record $date = date("Y-m-d"); $a = $this->db->getsql("SELECT * FROM adrev_traffic WHERE adid=? AND date=? AND keywordid=?", array($ad['id'], $date, $this->keywordid)); // Calculate rate to post here $t = time(); if($this->z['rate_type'] == "CPM") { // Portion of cost per 1000 impressions $amount = ($ad['bid']*1) ? $ad['bid'] / 1000 : $this->z['rate'] / 1000; // Update ad units $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_ads SET total_units=total_units+1 WHERE id=?", array($ad['id'])); $ad['total_units'] += 1; } elseif($this->z['rate_type'] == "CPD") { // Cost per day if(!$a[0]['id']) { $amount = $ad['bid'] > 0 ? $ad['bid'] : $this->z['rate']; $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_ads SET total_units=total_units+1 WHERE id=?", array($ad['id'])); $ad['total_units'] += 1; } else $amount = 0; // we already posted it today! } elseif($this->z['rate_type'] == 'CPI') { // Cost per impression $amount = ($ad['bid']*1) ? $ad['bid'] : $this->z['rate']; // Update ad units $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_ads SET total_units=total_units+1 WHERE id=?", array($ad['id'])); $ad['total_units'] += 1; } else { $amount = 0; } // Log traffic stats and amounts if(!$a[0]['id']) { // Add a new traffic record $i = array(); $i['userid'] = $ad['userid']; $i['date'] = $date; $i['adid'] = $ad['id']; $i['keywordid'] = $this->keywordid; $i['impressions'] = 1; $i['amount'] = $amount; $this->db->insert("adrev_traffic", $i); } else { // Update it $amount = $amount ? $amount : 0; $id = $a[0]['id']; $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_traffic SET impressions=impressions+1, amount=amount+$amount WHERE id=?", array($id)); } // Update real time balance if we actually have an amount $t = time(); if($amount > 0) { $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_users SET balance=balance-{$amount}, balance_update=? WHERE id=?", array($t, $ad['userid'])); if($this->affid > 0) { $aff_amount = $amount * ($this->z['aff_percent'] / 100); $pub_rates = false; // Check if we have tiered affiliate rates if ($this->z['pub_rates'] && !$aff_amount) { $pub_rates = @unserialize($this->z['pub_rates']); // Zone affiliate tiered rates } elseif ($this->default['adrevenue']['pub_rates'] && !$aff_amount) { // Global affiliate tiered rates $pub_rates = @unserialize($this->default['adrevenue']['pub_rates']); } // Set the apropro tiered affiliate rate if (is_array($pub_rates) && $aff_amount == 0) { $sp = $this->db->getsql('SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM adrev_aff_traffic WHERE affid=?', array($this->affid)); if ($sp[0]) { $sp[0]['total'] = $sp[0]['total'] > 0 ? $s[0]['total'] = 0 : 0; foreach($pub_rates as $rate) { if ($sp[0]['total'] >= $rate[0] && $sp[0]['total'] <= $rate[1] && $rate[2] > 0) { $aff_amount = $amount * ($rate[2] / 100); break; } } } } if ($aff_amount > 0) { $i = array(); $i['date'] = time(); $i['affid'] = $this->affid; $i['adtype'] = $this->z['rate_type']; $i['adid'] = $ad['id']; $i['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $i['referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $i['amount'] = $aff_amount; $i['spend'] = $amount; $this->db->insert("adrev_aff_traffic", $i); } } } // Attempt to expire this ad if(($ad['total_units'] >= $ad['units'] && $ad['units'] > 0) || ($ad['expires'] > 0 && $ad['expires'] <= time())) { $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_ads SET status=-2 WHERE id=?", array($ad['id'])); } // Try to expire based on ad spend if ($ad['spend_limit'] > 0) { // Get the ad balance (this sucks) $ab = $this->db->getsql('SELECT sum(amount) as total FROM adrev_traffic WHERE adid=?', array($ad['id'])); if ($ab[0]['total'] > 0 && $ab[0]['total'] >= $ad['spend_limit']) { # Expire the ad $this->db->getsql("UPDATE adrev_ads SET status=-2 WHERE id=?", array($ad['id'])); } } } return( TRUE ); } // Grab ads for this zone function ads() { // Set the order for ads in this zone $order = ""; if($this->z['ad_sort'] == "asc") $order = "ORDER BY a.id"; elseif($this->z['ad_sort'] == "desc") $order = "ORDER BY a.id DESC"; elseif($this->z['ad_sort'] == "bid") $order = "ORDER BY a.bid DESC"; if($this->z['keywords_enable'] <> 1) { $ads = lib_cache_get("zoneads", $this->zone); // Just grab all the active ads in this zone $ads = $this->db->getsql("SELECT a.id,a.userid,a.bid,a.zid,a.daypart_days, a.daypart_hours,a.startdate,a.expires, a.units, a.total_units FROM adrev_ads a, adrev_users b WHERE a.userid=b.id AND a.zone=? AND a.status = '1' AND b.balance > 0 $order", array($this->zone)); if(count($ads) > 0 && $this->default['adrevenue']['cache'] > 0) { lib_cache_put("zoneads", $this->zone, $ads); } } else { // If there is no keyword if(!trim($this->keyword)) return ( FALSE ); // Try to find a keyword $keyword = strtolower(trim($this->keyword)); if(!$this->z['keywords_fuzzy']) { // Exact matching $keywordid = $this->db->get_keyword($keyword,0); } else { // Fuzzy matching // Delete stopwords first #$keyword = trim(lib_stopwords($keyword)); // Compute metaphone now $mphone = metaphone($keyword); if(!$mphone) return ( FALSE ); $keywordid = ""; $words = $this->db->getsql("SELECT * FROM adrev_keywords WHERE fuzzy_keyword=?", array($mphone)); if(count($words) > 0) { // Look for the one that is closest using a reverse bubble sort $keywordid = $words[0]['id']; $z = 100; foreach($words as $w) { // Lookup the distance between these candidates we got back // for the best fuzzy match $l = levenshtein($w['keyword'], $keyword); if($l <= $z) { $keywordid = $w['id']; $z = $l; } } } } // We have no keyword ID if(!$keywordid) { return ( FALSE ); } else { // Grab the ID and the keyword rate $this->keywordid = $keywordid; $w = $this->db->getsql("SELECT mincpc FROM adrev_keywords WHERE id=?", array($keywordid)); $this->keywordrate = $w[0]['mincpc'] ? $w[0]['mincpc'] : $this->default['adrevenue']['min_bid']; } //Try from the keyword cache $ads = lib_cache_get("zoneads" . $keywordid, $this->zone); // If the cache is empty, grab from the DB // Decide on the sort order if($this->z['ad_sort'] == "bid") $order = "ORDER BY c.bid DESC"; // Grab ads with a specific keyword id $ads = $this->db->getsql("SELECT a.id,a.userid,a.bid,a.zid,a.daypart_days, a.daypart_hours,a.startdate,a.expires,a.units,a.total_units FROm adrev_ads a, adrev_users b, adrev_keyword_map c WHERE a.userid=b.id AND a.id=c.adid AND a.zone=? AND a.status='1' AND c.keywordid=? AND b.balance >0 $order", array($this->zone, $keywordid)); if(count($ads) > 0 && $this->default['adrevenue']['cache'] > 0) { lib_cache_put("zoneads" . $keywordid, $this->zone, $ads); } } $n = count($ads); // We have no ads if($n == 0) { // Try for a default ad if($this->z['default_ad'] > 0) $ads = $this->db->getsql("SELECT id,userid FROM adrev_ads WHERE id=?", array($this->z['default_ad'])); if(count($ads) == 0) return( FALSE ); } // Setup a simple array of the ads // Makes it easier to manipulate later $a = array(); foreach($ads as $ad) { // Are we before start date? Skip the ad then if($ad['startdate'] > 0 && $ad['startdate'] > time()) continue; // Do we have dayparting turned on? if($ad['daypart_hours'] > 0 && $ad['daypart_days'] > 0) { $day = date("w"); $hour = date("G"); if(!in_array($hour, lib_bit_options($ad['daypart_hours'])) && $ad['daypart_hours'] > 0) continue; if(!in_array($day, lib_bit_options($ad['daypart_days'])) && $ad['daypart_days'] > 0) continue; } $a[] = $ad; } // Order the set randomly if we requested it reset($a); if($this->z['ad_sort'] == "rand") shuffle($a); // Grab the quantity we need reset($a); if($n > $this->z['max_display_ads']) $a = array_slice($a, 0, $this->z['max_display_ads']); // Set the number of ads to get back $this->adlist = $a; return ( TRUE ); } } ?>
  8. Just to make myself more clear ::: I got a php script here and I want to remove the CDATA fo XML output. What should I do? SInce, I don't have much time to look through, would really appreciate a timely help from your side. Thanks in advance.
  9. I need the "cdata" removed from this XML output
  10. i am sorry but i didnt find one....searched again but no result....i kno wht cms is, but what i would like to know is what cms(drupal or joomla or etc.) is being used in those scripts?
  11. i got a third party script but to begin with i need to know what cms is implemented? i am a noob here... :-( please help... how do i make the first step and what should it be? read through the files but found it to be php with no difference...so how do i differentiate?
  12. yes thorpe....i respect the board's title and its purpose but i just couldn't seem to fit this piece of questionnaire in any other forum section....and i read an intro frm jus nw in the faq's about code finding...i was jus wondering if anyone might pop-up if they had any... NB: i post after i search and implement and it doesnt seem to work...
  13. basically, looking for a script which will produce a thumbnail image of a website url....downloaded a few scripts but they doesnt seem to work...ne ideas or help appreciated....
  14. still confusing...no its not that way as they wouldnt have an employee status give out negative value...checked the database...
  15. 'empstatus'=>array('select','empstatus',array(array('','Choose One'), array('Associate','Associate'), array('Government Employee','Government Employee'), array('Partner','Partner'), array('Solo Practice','Solo Practice'), array('Independent Contractor','Independent Contractor'), array('Law Student','Law Student'), array('Other','Other')), array('class'=>"fillin2", 'style'=>"width:200px;"),'empstatus'), could anyone explain me the above code? it was posted for a registration form and this is the employee status...
  16. now i have used iframes and sorted out the pop thing....but now how do i get my results displayed outside of iframe?
  17. now i have used iframes and sorted out the pop thing....but now how do i get my results displayed outside of iframe?
  18. no it wouldnt do the trick here...i got my popup trying to call this same popup now with different contents but it doesnt seem to be working....
  19. when i click on a link on my page i want a pop-up for login...now when i give the login details i want another pop-up to open similar to previous one and ask me choice....after this when i click on this pop-up i want my results only in a fresh page... currently i have a script where when i click the first login pop-up empty results get published in a new page with choices above it....
  20. currently i have a script where when i click the first pop-up the results get published in a new page with choices above it.... when i click on a link on my page i want a pop-up for login...now when i give the login details i want another pop-up to open similar to previous one and ask me choice....after this when i click on this pop-up i want my results only in a fresh page...
  21. i am banging my head now....cant find anything related to it and my whole day is wasted.....anyone out there can lend a helping hand?
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