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Everything posted by evanpyrz

  1. On the template page, the following is written before the rest of the page's contents: <?php // If login form submitted if (isset($_POST['a'])) { $valid = false; $redirect = isset($_REQUEST['redirect']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : 'index.php'; // Check fields if (!isset($_POST['login']) or strlen($_POST['login']) == 0) { $error = 'Please enter your user name'; } elseif (!isset($_POST['pass']) or strlen($_POST['pass']) == 0) { $error = 'Please enter your password'; } else { /* * Do whatever here to check user login */ $valid = ($_POST['login'] == 'admin' and $_POST['pass'] == 'admin'); if (!$valid) { $error = 'Wrong user/password, please try again'; } } // Check if AJAX request $ajax = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) and strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'); // If user valid if ($valid) { // Handle the keep-logged option if (isset($_POST['keep-logged']) and $_POST['keep-logged'] == 1) { // Set cookie or whatever here } if ($ajax) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: '.date('r', time()+(86400*365))); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'valid' => true, 'redirect' => $redirect )); exit(); } else { header('Location: '.$redirect); exit(); } } else { if ($ajax) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: '.date('r', time()+(86400*365))); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'valid' => false, 'error' => $error )); exit(); } } } ?> The AJAX script is here: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // We'll catch form submission to do it in AJAX, but this works also with JS disabled $('#login-form').submit(function(event) { // Stop full page load event.preventDefault(); // Check fields var login = $('#login').val(); var pass = $('#pass').val(); if (!login || login.length == 0) { $('#login-block').removeBlockMessages().blockMessage('Please enter your user name', {type: 'warning'}); } else if (!pass || pass.length == 0) { $('#login-block').removeBlockMessages().blockMessage('Please enter your password', {type: 'warning'}); } else { var submitBt = $(this).find('button[type=submit]'); submitBt.disableBt(); // Target url var target = $(this).attr('action'); if (!target || target == '') { // Page url without hash target = document.location.href.match(/^([^#]+)/)[1]; } // Request var data = { a: $('#a').val(), login: login, pass: pass }; var redirect = $('#redirect'); if (redirect.length > 0) { data.redirect = redirect.val(); } // Start timer var sendTimer = new Date().getTime(); // Send $.ajax({ url: target, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: data, success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { if (data.valid) { // Small timer to allow the 'cheking login' message to show when server is too fast var receiveTimer = new Date().getTime(); if (receiveTimer-sendTimer < 500) { setTimeout(function() { document.location.href = data.redirect; }, 500-(receiveTimer-sendTimer)); } else { document.location.href = data.redirect; } } else { // Message $('#login-block').removeBlockMessages().blockMessage(data.error || 'An unexpected error occured, please try again', {type: 'error'}); submitBt.enableBt(); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { // Message $('#login-block').removeBlockMessages().blockMessage('Error while contacting server, please try again', {type: 'error'}); submitBt.enableBt(); } }); // Message $('#login-block').removeBlockMessages().blockMessage('Please wait, cheking login...', {type: 'loading'}); } }); }); </script> Here is the code for my current login script: <?php // Load the common classes require_once('../includes/common/KT_common.php'); // Load the tNG classes require_once('../includes/tng/tNG.inc.php'); // Make a transaction dispatcher instance $tNGs = new tNG_dispatcher("../"); // Make unified connection variable $conn_JetMedia = new KT_connection($JetMedia, $database_JetMedia); // Start trigger $formValidation = new tNG_FormValidation(); $formValidation->addField("kt_login_user", true, "text", "", "", "", ""); $formValidation->addField("kt_login_password", true, "text", "", "", "", ""); $tNGs->prepareValidation($formValidation); // End trigger // Make a login transaction instance $loginTransaction = new tNG_login($conn_JetMedia); $tNGs->addTransaction($loginTransaction); // Register triggers $loginTransaction->registerTrigger("STARTER", "Trigger_Default_Starter", 1, "POST", "kt_login1"); $loginTransaction->registerTrigger("BEFORE", "Trigger_Default_FormValidation", 10, $formValidation); $loginTransaction->registerTrigger("END", "Trigger_Default_Redirect", 99, "{kt_login_redirect}"); // Add columns $loginTransaction->addColumn("kt_login_user", "STRING_TYPE", "POST", "kt_login_user"); $loginTransaction->addColumn("kt_login_password", "STRING_TYPE", "POST", "kt_login_password"); $loginTransaction->addColumn("kt_login_rememberme", "CHECKBOX_1_0_TYPE", "POST", "kt_login_rememberme", "0"); // End of login transaction instance // Execute all the registered transactions $tNGs->executeTransactions(); // Get the transaction recordset $rscustom = $tNGs->getRecordset("custom"); $row_rscustom = mysql_fetch_assoc($rscustom); $totalRows_rscustom = mysql_num_rows($rscustom); ?>
  2. Hi there, I purchased an admin template, and I've been trying to implement my existing login php script into their template. Their template is AJAX based, but with some PHP mixed in, so let me know if you feel I should re-post it under the AJAX category. I've attached the template file "login_template.php", as well as a page with just my regular login script on it "login_standard.php", if anyone could assist me in making the two of them work together, and explain to me what you did (for my own future reference/education), it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, Eric [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. hey there! what i'm trying to do is have a search page with the query in the url (search.php?q=whatever), have it look up possible results from one table and multiple columns. right now i have the query looking up in the table "account" in the column "username": $colname_SearchUsers = "-1"; if (isset($_GET['q'])) { $colname_SearchUsers = $_GET['q']; } mysql_select_db($database_World2Kids, $World2Kids); $query_SearchUsers = sprintf("SELECT * FROM account WHERE username = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_SearchUsers, "text")); $SearchUsers = mysql_query($query_SearchUsers, $World2Kids) or die(mysql_error()); $row_SearchUsers = mysql_fetch_assoc($SearchUsers); $totalRows_SearchUsers = mysql_num_rows($SearchUsers); what I'd like to have it do is search in 4 dfferent columns within that table. e.g. first_name and last_name and email. any ideas would be appreciated!
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