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  1. HI, - First I've attached the original PHP file, which you will need. This file is included in a page. - Second, sorry for my english, this is not my primary language Ok, the page I've attached currently dont sort the casinos: http://www.mescasinos.net/meilleurs-casinos.php In my webpage, you can see the overal rating with the stars which is the average of fields ['note_'] for each casinos, this rating is made by mathematic (line 45): $number = ($row['note_rep'] + $row['note_graph'] + $row['note_bmatch'] + $row['note_bmax'] + $row['note_bgratuit'] + $row['note_jackpot'] + $row['note_varjeux'] + $row['note_languages'] + $row['note_bloyauter'] + $row['note_jeuxmulti'] + $row['note_metpaiement'] + $row['note_metretrait'] + $row['note_support'])/13; I want to get my casinos sorted DESC by this overal rating Normaly, to get something sorted i use: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM casinos ORDER BY something DESC"); But here the average is $number and i can't use it in the "mysql_query" and in the "while" This is how i think the things must be but im not sure if thats the good way to make it: should make the average of all the fields ['note_'] for each casinos in my table and sort them after Example: Table "casinos" nom note_rep note_graph note_support bonus tropez 9 6 6 100% rushmore 8 7 9 150% bellini 9 9 9 100% The average of tropez is 7.6 The average of rushmore is 8 The average of bellini is 9 so in my webpage the casinos will be sorted: bellini rushmore tropez I hope you guys understand what i want say [attachment deleted by admin]
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