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Posts posted by Fenhopi

  1. Hey, I'm having some problems viewing images the I've uploaded to my mysql database.


    When I go to the direct link to the image (getpic.php?pid=1) I get a page full of symbols the likes of this:

    ����JFIF``��C	!"$"$��C����"��	 ���}!1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���w!1AQaq"2�B����	#3R�br� $4�


    Here is the code I use to retrieve the picture:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    // connect to the database 
    include "connect.php"; 
    // query the server for the picture 
    $fid = $_GET['fid']; 
    $query = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE fid = '$fid'"; 
    $result  = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); 
    // define results into variables 
    // give our picture the proper headers...otherwise our page will be confused 
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name"); 
    header("Content-length: $size"); 
    header("Content-type: $type"); 
    echo $content; 
    die("No file ID given..."); 
    <img src="getpicture.php?fid=1">


    Please help me solve this issue!

  2. So, I have a website where every member can create their own blog. You can only view your friends' blogs. So what I want to do is in the page where there are links to all your friends' blogs, I want it to say "new" beside their blog when they've added a new entry, when the user clicks on the new blog I want it to mark it as read.


    I have no idea how to do this, seeing as I can't add a status column because there will be multiple members reading the blog. Can I make a flag thingy for each individual user?


    Please enlighten me with your suggestions and ideas. Thank you!

  3. Hey, I have a variable that's defined in one file, and I need to use it in another file, is there any easy way to retrieve it?

    I tried making a form, storing it in a label as a value, then retrieving it with the other file through $POST. This did not work unless I have a textbox, but I don't want the user to be able to edit it. Please help.

  4. Hi, this code worked on my local database, but not when I uploaded it to 000webhost. The tables I have set up there is exactly the same as the ones I have on my local server. Here's the code:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Opheim Online - Blog</title>
    <meta name="keywords" content="" />
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <!-- start header -->
    <div id="contmain">
    <div id="main">
    <div id="header">
    <div id="logo">
    <h1><a href="#"></a></h1>
    <h2><a href="" id="metamorph"></a></h2>
    <div id="menu">
    		<li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
    		<li><a href="blog.php">Blogs</a></li>
                <li><a href="aboutme.php">About me</a></li>  
    		<li><? echo "[<a href=\"userinfo.php?user=$session->username\">My Account</a>]"; ?></li>
    		<li><? echo "[<a href=\"useredit.php\">Edit Account</a>]"; ?></li>
                <li><? echo "[<a href=\"viewmembers.php\">View Members</a>] "; ?></li>         
    		<li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
    <!-- end header -->
    <!-- start page -->
    <div id="page">
    <!-- start content -->
    <div id="content">
                <div class="box2">
    /* Requested Username error checking */
    $req_user = trim($_GET['myfriend']);
    if(!$req_user || strlen($req_user) == 0 ||
       		!eregi("^([0-9a-z])+$", $req_user) ||
      		die("Username not registered");
    	$req_user_info = $database->getUserInfo($req_user);
    	$id = $_GET['myfriend'];
    	$username = $_SESSION['username'];
    	$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM friends2 WHERE user1='$username'";
    	$query2 = mysql_query($sql2);
    	$check2 = mysql_num_rows($query2);
    // if you want the limit to be 50, you put 49 after < (the number minus 1)
    	$sql = "INSERT INTO friends2 (rid, user1, user2, status) VALUES('', '$username', '$id', '0')";
    	echo "Friend added";
    <!-- end content -->
    <!-- start sidebar two -->
    </div><!-- end sidebar two -->
    <div id="bottom" style="clear: both;"></div>
    </div><!-- end page -->
    <!-- start footer -->
    <div id="footer">
    <p>Copyright ©  2010, Opheim Online </p>
    <!-- end footer -->


    Please point it out to me if there's something you can tell is obviously wrong. Thank you!


  5. Hi, I'm working on a friend system for my website.

    I'm having some problems with the view pending friend requests page.

    The way I have it, is if status is: 0=Friendship requested by another user, 1=already in a friendship.


    "status" is an INT column in my database.


    So I did this:

       $status = "SELECT status FROM friends2 WHERE user2='$username'";
       $test = $database->query($status);
    //If user is 0 (not a friend) then display him and give options to accept or deny request
      if($test == '0'){
       		for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++){
          		$uname  = mysql_result($result,$i,"user1");
     		echo "<a href=\"userinfo.php?user=$uname\"><h3>$uname</h3></a>has requested to become your friend    ";
     		echo "<a href=\"accept.php\">Accept</a>  ";
      		echo "<a href=\"reject.php\">Reject</a><br><br>"; 
       echo "No pending requests";


    I'm not getting any errors, but it's obvious that it does not understand my if statement.

    Please help me find a solution. Thank you.

  6. I have this code:

    // load config file
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE newsid='$newsid' ",$connect); 
    while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
    echo "Title: <h1>";
    echo $myrow['title'];
    echo "</h1><br><br> Teaser: ";
    echo $myrow['text1'];
    echo "<br><hr>";
    echo "On: <i>";
    echo $myrow['dtime'];
    echo "</i><hr align=left width=160><br><br>";
    This is the code that is executed when I hit read more on my news feed. But when it select for example newsid=5 it returns with a blank page.
    Please help.

  7. Hi, I've written a code where I write a title and a message, hit submit and it gets added to my mysql database. My next page then retrieves it from the database and is supposed to put each post (title+message) in its own separate table where it just adds to the rest of the posts every time is submit something.


    However I can't figure out how to post each title+message separately, they just post with a line of titles, followed by a line of messages.


    Also, I can not figure out how to add posts to the existing posts without making a big mess.


    Help would be highly appreciated. Tips, hints, and maybe some example code? Thank you.

  8. Here's my code:

    <body bgcolor="Silver">
    * User has already logged in, so display relavent links, including
    * a link to the admin center if the user is an administrator.
       echo "<ul><h1>Logged In</h1>";
       echo "Welcome <b>$session->username</b>, you are logged in. <br><br>"
           <li><p class="normal">[<a href=\"userinfo.php?user=$session->username\">My Account</a>]   </a></li></p>"
           <li>[<a href=\"useredit.php\">Edit Account</a>]   </li>";
    <li>[<a href=\"admin/admin.php\">Admin Center</a>] </li>"
       	<li>[<a href=\"process.php\">Logout</a>]</li></ul>"


    The else function on the end is followed by the code I have for the login.

    If I remove the else function, just to try and run the code I get an error on a line number that doesn't exist. Please help.


  9. Hi, this is the code for my navbar:

    * User has already logged in, so display relavent links, including
    * a link to the admin center if the user is an administrator.
       echo "<h1>Logged In</h1>";
       echo "Welcome <b>$session->username</b>, you are logged in. <br><br>"
           ."[<a href=\"userinfo.php?user=$session->username\">My Account</a>]   </a>"
           ."[<a href=\"useredit.php\">Edit Account</a>]   ";
          echo "[<a href=\"admin/admin.php\">Admin Center</a>]   ";
       echo "[<a href=\"process.php\">Logout</a>]";


    Is there anyway I can add some CSS or something to this, or set it up differently so that I can apply a CSS style to the navbar if session->logged in? Appreciate all help.


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