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Everything posted by garyed

  1. When using javascript onchange with an alert function chrome freezes up. I've tried the same code in Firefox & it works fine so I'm wondering if it is a bug or I need to do something different in Chrome. This code couldn't be any simpler & it locks up my browser & freezes my mouse. I'm running Chrome in Ubuntu Linux 18.04. The same happens if I try a confirm function with onchange but both confirm & alert work as long as they are not used with the onchange function. <html> <head> </head> <body> <select name="testify" onchange="alert('something');"> <option value=1> one </option> <option value=2> two </option> </select> </body> </html>
  2. I must apologize because I finally got it. I didn't realize that i could add to the variable you showed me in the brackets. I just used: for (i=2;i<5;i++) { var key='t'+i; document.tester[key+'_home'].value=''; document.tester[key+'_wall'].value=''; /// etc.. } & it works. Thanks again
  3. I do appreciate the help but I still don't think i'm making myself clear. I've tried using the way you showed me with the key variable but in order to make that work i would need 60 different variables. What I need to do is use just a number for the variable so i can run it through a loop without the text. I can't run the way you showed me through a loop because i have to change not just the number inside the key variable but the text inside the variable also. That is why I'm trying to find a way to just add a number variable that can fit into the command line string..
  4. That's what I don't know how to do in javascript. I know how to add a variable to a command in php but not javascript. In other words var x=3; document.house.t+x+_home.value="9"; doesn't work. How can i fit that variable "x" into that command to get it to work the same as: document.house.t3_home. value="9"; ? If I can do that then I can figure out the rest of what I want to do.
  5. Thanks for the help, That would work if "home" stayed the same but it changes too. I really didn't give a good example of what I was trying to do because the 3 does need to change but I have a bunch of different values than .."home" also. I already have about 60 different fields that I've already set up in a script to get the value I want but only for "t3_home.. t3_wall.. t3_window.. etc... " . So what I'm trying to do is just put a variable in just where the "3" is so i can run it through a for loop to get t2.. t3.. t4.. etc.
  6. Is there a simple way to use a javascript variable as part of the actual command? I have : var x=3; & I want my command to be: document.freeone.t3_home.value="close"; x is going to change from 1 to 100 so I want to substitute the variable instead of using the actual number 3 in my example. Any ideas?
  7. I just wanted you guys to know i came up with a pretty simple solution for most of the errors. It may not be right but it works pretty good. It just converts all the empty spaces to zero. I couldn't check for just numbers because there are too many hidden values that are posted that are not numbers so I just checked for empty fields. foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($value=="") { $_POST[$key]=0; } } I needed to add a few more if statements to get rid of division by zero errors & everything seems to be working OK & all the errors are now gone.
  8. Thanks for the ideas, I'll look into them & see if it would be more practical than what i was doing to get rid of the errors. I started thinking that even though everything is working fine now, that down the road when my web host changes to another version of PHP or anything in their settings that I have no control over, those errors could come back & bite me. So I think you guys are right that I should take the time to clean the code up now & not just leave it alone because it's working. I'm in the HVAC business & a lot of times you can get something working temporarily even though it's not right. If you don't go back with the right part or whatever it takes to get it right then down the road it causes a problem. I'm starting to look at my php code the same way, that it needs to be error free or it can hurt you in the future. Thanks again to everyone for the advice
  9. You are absolutely correct. All the errors I'm getting is from using empty strings in my calculations. I started fixing them by putting some of them in an array & then using array_sum which gets rid of the errors when empty strings are added together. Also zeroing out some worked too depending on the calculation but there are so many to do it was getting a little frustrating. I wanted to see if it was feasible to just not show the errors & by doing so everything is working just fine. Since the only errors are from using empty strings, I'm really just trying to find out what the down side is to using an empty string in a calculation other than displaying the error. I am already totally convinced that it is wrong to do but I'm just not convinced of the necessity to fix anything if its working.
  10. The problem is that I don't have any fires that I know of. The same code has been running smoothly for quite a few years. If I was having problems then it would make more sense to me. I may end up changing the code to get rid of the errors anyways but what harm does it do to have a non numeric value that is not being used? That's my question & if I hear a good reason to get rid of those non numeric values that wopuld help me make up my mind. I just don't want to throw in 50 or 100 if statements & arrays that don't help anything except keep errors from being displayed when i can accomplish the same thing with two words in an ini file. I'll know better in the future to be more careful with unused fields but I don't want to rewrite something that's already working & not get any better results..
  11. I found the answer & it was pretty simple. All i had to do was add the line "display_errors = Off" in php.ini & everything works just fine. Now I have to decide if I really want to do the work to correct all those non-numerical values or not. Other than not being notified of errors, does anyone see it causing a problem with functionality?
  12. If I didn't have so many errors I would agree but after spending an hour or two fixing some of those errors & seeing how long it was going to take to fix all of them I figured there's got to be an easier way. The program has been running fine for years on the same server & what is being called errors now have never had any effect on the functionality. I'm not saying it's the right way or the best way but I just don't see a need to fix anything if I can just get rid of the messages. Remember the error messages only appear when I add a two line php.ini file to the server to extend the session time. So I'm assuming it has just as much to do with the .ini file than the coding. It also runs fine on my server & I'm running PHP 7.2.24 where my web host is running PHP 7.2.33 so I assume there is a way to do something in the ini file. I just don't want to spend a couple days fixing errors for no reason if I can fix everything with a single line.
  13. Is there any way to disable the "A non-numeric value encountered" warning in the php.ini file? I don't get that warning on my Apache server but I do when I use the same code on my web host's server. I never got the warning until I uploaded a two line php.ini file to my web host so that I could keep my sessions longer than the default 24 minutes. This is the same online program related to my earlier post about too many inputs. I wanted to try sessions for a 24 hr. period but I'm getting tons of errors for any field that is not used which can be in the hundreds. If I delete my php.ini file from my web host & just let things default to whatever they are using then I don't get those errors,
  14. Very interesting. That seems like something to look into but I do move at a pretty slow pace. I really do appreciate the ideas.
  15. I started the project about seven years ago so I have been learning as i go. I may not have known how to put the state & cities on the same page at the time but that might be a good idea to cut it down to three pages instead of four. I know i wanted the last page & the page before it on separate pages. I didn't want things to look cluttered. The last page is going to have up to 20 rooms instead of just the one you see, so I wouldn't want anything else on it.
  16. Why don't I just give you guys a link to my site so it will be a little clearer what i'm doing. It's a load calculation program for home Heating & AC systems. https://www.loadcalc.net That site runs off a default 24 minute session & none of the data entered is anything I have any interest in at all. Now imagine that instead of calculating one room , doing 15 or 20 rooms the same way. That's what I'm working on. It can take some time do a full load calculation & almost the same amount of data needs to be entered into every separate room. I think I'm going to try keeping sessions but set my session.gc_maxlifetime to a higher number & see how things work out.
  17. I guess so, I have a basic shared server hosting package that includes (supposedly) unlimited mysql databases. I have heard that if you use more than expected whether it be traffic or load on the databases, that most web hosts will make you go to a private server.
  18. I guess I'm kinda stuck because all the things I need to do to make a session act similar to a cookie is going to put a lot more load on the server than I wanted to. I just don't know if I have any other options. I was hoping there was something I'm not aware of since i'm not very good at this stuff. I just learn as I go & I didn't even know that browsers had a limitation on cookies until after almost finishing my program. I do appreciate you telling me like it is, so I can get out of dreamland & face reality.
  19. I guess I can use sessions but I'm on a shared server & I don't know if it will be too much for my web hosting package. Also the problem with sessions is the user loses everything once they close their browser.
  20. I'm working on an online php program that can have a few hundred form inputs. Mainly just numbers from 1 to 50,000 depending on the field. I wanted to use cookies so the user can keep the data entered on their browser but i found out the hard way that the browsers have a limitation that I've exceeded. Does anyone have any ideas?
  21. Maybe what I'm trying to do can't be done in php but I would think it could be done. All I'm trying to do is be alerted in some way on my computer which is the Apache server, whenever someone accesses a particular web page on that server. Whether it's playing a wav file or sending a pop up on the screen it doesn't matter as long as it shows up on my computer. So far everything I've been able to do only creates an action on the client's computer that is accessing the web page but I can't get the client to create an action on the server(my computer).
  22. I actually tried all the steps you mentioned. I issued the same command I used in the exec() command on the php page through the terminal & the .wav file plays perfectly. I even echoed the " ls -l" command in the php file & got the correct results to make sure the path worked to the .wav file.
  23. Well I finally got music playing through php by using this code that someone had posted in this forum a while back: $_wav = "my.wav"; $_play = "<embed src='".$_wav."'>"; echo $_play; The problem is it only works on the computer who is accessing the page. Is there a way to make it work on my computer(the server) or in my browser when someone accesses the page so I can know when the page is being accessed?
  24. I'm not having any luck even getting a .wav file to play through a php file at all even from the server side let alone trying to get it to work from the client side. I've tried the suggestions in the link & nothing has worked so far. I must be missing something. I tried this in my php file: exec('/usr/bin/play /home/me/song1.wav'); When I access the php file I just get a blank screen. If replace the play command with "ls -l" it will show the file info when I access the file so i know I have the path right. If I type the same play command in a terminal the song will play so I don't understand what I'm missing.
  25. I'm running Linux Ubuntu but so far everything I've tried runs on the clients machine when they access the page & nothing has run on the server when they do so. Is "powershell -c" a Windows specific command or can it be used with Linux?
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