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  1. Then how bout we move it to a the correct forum and make my guessing game less.
  2. **Facepalm!! My bad. I intended to post this under PHP coding help. I'm sorry. Please move! *puppy face*
  3. I'm currently using this file tree to browse a whole lot of files in order to select on and edit database details of it. It all works spectacularly and it's really fast even with over 8000 files in the tree. How it's working is, you click a file, and then scroll right to the bottom (which, when the folder has a lot of content, is very far down) and click on Edit, Delete or Rename. It works exactly like I wanted it to. What I want to know though, is it possible for me to overlay a little box next to the click to have those options? A Photoshop preview of what I want: Can anyone just kick me in the right direction please!?
  4. Thanks guys. I got the search working exactly like it should. Really appreciate all the help!
  5. You have multiple tables all storing the same data? Why? Or are you saying that there are multiple sets of data that all reference a single "file" table? If that's the case, that's good. Multiple sets of data all reference a single file table. Sorry if it's confusing. English isn't my first language! Thanks for all the help. I'll give it a bash tomorrow and report back! (South African time now is 18:37, this prompts Forza 4 and Battlefield 3 time. Workday is over! )
  6. First of, thanks for the response. Okay I wasn't sure about that so I'll remove the first part. MyISAM type? Suppose a Google is in order. On which column should the FULLTEXT index be? On the keywords column? I will change that. I assumed as much after you said I need to remove the first part. The id in this table corresponds to other table's "file" column. So I use the id that I get here, to retrieve data from other tables that have that value under their "file" column. I understand what you are saying though, so I'll have a look at this too. Again, thanks for the response!!
  7. Ugh, I copied something and edited and then decided the other one will work better and copied something again. Sorry, bad typing there. SELECT id MATCH (keywords) AGAINST ('query' WITH QUERY EXPANSION) AS score FROM fileKeywords WHERE MATCH (keywords) AGAINST ('query'); ^^ Okay, would that work?
  8. Ok so I read up a bit on fulltext search. Sure, the document is from 2004, so a lot might have changed. That is why I'm asking here. I have a database with various tables. I want to search through the database and sort via relevance. I've learned that fulltext search will make my job very simple. I then decided I'd make fulltext search easier, and just smash everything into one table, with that ID linking to other tables. So basically I've got this: Table: fileKeywords ,------,--------------------------------------------------, | ID | keywords | |------|--------------------------------------------------| | x | *content of row* | '------'--------------------------------------------------' The ID in this table links to id's in other tables, but all the contents of the other tables are in here so no need to worry about that. What I'm interested in is the fulltext query I'll have to create. From my understanding, it'll have to be like this: SELECT id FROM fileKeywords WHERE MATCH (keywords) AGAINST (query WITH QUERY EXPANSION) AS score FROM fileKeywords WHERE MATCH (keywords) AGAINST (query); Is this correct? Or am I missing something? I'm new to this search thing...
  9. Wow!! Super thank you!! I'll work through all those and aks any questions I have! Stunning, really appreciate it!
  10. Does anybody know of some code/script for searching multiple tables/columns in one go. I wrote something, but it's 400 lines odd and with 14000 records to search, it takes way to long (20 - 30 seconds) or times out. Any help will be appreciated.
  11. Hi hi, CAn anyone tell me why this piece of code doesn't work? <?php function readDirs($main){ $dirHandle = opendir($main); while($file = readdir($dirHandle)){ if(is_dir($file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..'){ readDirs($file); } else{ echo $file . '<br/>'; } } } $dir = '../../lib'; readDirs($dir); ?> It must show all the files in the directory, but only shows: . .. technical
  12. OMW... I should really rather use putty than webmin... I found my mistake. The php.ini file loaded was in the apache2 folder. Webmin kept loading the apache php.ini file so it never changed. It reflects what i want it to reflect now so it's good. PFfft, that'll teach me.
  13. It's a VPS. So the web host has no responsibility on that server and i set it up. http://www.vceza.com/phpinfo.php that's the link to the phpinfo() if you want to have a look at it.
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