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Everything posted by whoisvince

  1. Hey Wolphie, thanks for the heads up... that was one of my thoughts, but i just figured there was something i just didn't know about... i know this isn't a javascript forum, or more specifically jquery forum either... but if you could lend a hand on how i would get that working that would be great i'm trying this below (& a plethora of other versions of this) & im not getting anything out when i try & echo out the 'editid'... $el = $('#edit form'); var editid = $('#menu', $el).val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "edit-update.php", data: "&editid="+ editid, success: function(){ $('div.success').fadeIn().fadeOut(4000); } }); but when i call echo $_POST['editid']; it doesn't return anything..
  2. I've been trying to access the id's of the rows that are within a loop... however i have not the slightest idea how.. I'm trying to edit multiple input fields & need both the matching row id & the value to make the mysql update, but right now im only getting the value. if ($result3) { $num_results = $result3->num_rows; for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++) { $row = $result3->fetch_assoc(); echo "<li id=\"menu_".$row['todoid']."\"><input type=\"text\" "; echo "name=\"taskinfo[$i]\" "; echo "value=\"".stripslashes($row['task'])."\">"; echo "</li> \n"; } } i've tried everything that i know of to get the "$row['todoid']" .... i have the "$row['task']" value from the 'taskinfo' array via foreach($_POST['taskinfo'] AS $key => $value) { echo $key; echo "<br />"; echo $value; echo "<br />"; } but not sure what to do next... any help is very much appreciated! :'( [attachment deleted by admin]
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