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Everything posted by manalnor

  1. no hope **** Nod ESET 6 it is very stupid do not use it anymore ever
  2. update : i used this command telnet localhost 3306 it given me error no connection looks like firewall is blocking it now what to do ?
  3. oh dammit , i tested on xmapp and also same problem !!!!!!!!! my windows/system32/drivers/ect/hosts only this line (uncommented) # blah blah blah # blah blah blah localhost
  4. Dears , I've Apserve 2.6.0 and was working fine but later i've updated my windows xp sp3 and my ESET 32 Internet sercuirty 6.0 but noticed that my localhost did not working any more and every time i open up localhost/phpmyadmin , i'm getting this error Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: [2002] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not (trying to connect via tcp://localhost:3306) so what is wrong !! please help otherwise i might format my drive and reinstall windows older verion cause appserv is importent to me and i don't know what this problem happen ..
  5. Hello dear friends, If i've the following array results then how i can show it up ! array code $urlByHost = array(); foreach (explode("\n", $_POST['url']) as $value) { $parse = parse_url($value); $urlByHost[$parse['host']][] = array( 'url' => $value, 'parse' => $parse, 'md5' => md5($value), ); } asort($urlByHost); print_r($urlByHost); results Array ( [www.bing.com] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [url] => http://www.bing.com/kee [parse] => Array ( [scheme] => http [host] => www.bing.com [path] => /kee_ ) [md5] => e69d3a5bb987448e30ec8559c3634caf ) ) i want to show the host and md5 as www.bing.com e69d3a5bb987448e30ec8559c3634caf how can i call the results and show it ! ~ thanks
  6. Hello friends, i'd like to write the following code if it possible but it always gives error <?PHP echo "<img src=\""for($i=0;$i<count($spam_stop);$i++){echo $spam_stop[$i].'+';}"\">"; ?> it gives the following error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FOR, expecting ',' or ';' ~ thanks for help
  7. Thanks a lot @samshel this is perfect and do exactly what i need
  8. Hello dear friends, I'm using scandir function to get all directories but it gives results in array and i don't want it in array so how can i get out of this array. <?php $dir = '/tmp'; // my directory $files = scandir($dir); print_r($files); ?> The output is an array Array ( [0] => iono [1] => toto [2] => soso [3] => fofo [4] => dod ) But i want to get the directories names without being set in an array so i want the output but iono - toto - soso - fofo - dodo ....etc , I mean in any way but not in array Thanks a lot for help
  9. Hello dear, I'm willing to use thumbnails into my website which is mainly like websites directory. I've been thinking to save url thumbnails into certain directory ! If i've index.php with the following image code (this would show thumbnail image of the website ANY_SITE.COM <img src='http://thumbnails_provider.com/url=ANY_SITE.COM'/> then how to save the generated image into certain directory like my_site.com/thumbnails i've been thinking about Using cURL but i don't know how to apply it any help ~thanks
  10. @AyKay47 in fact i want to do it to prevent a large list of certain banned medicine posted by some spam bots. anyway i know it was very complex and hard to think how to apply it for both but thanks for PHP manual , i've found good way to even apply it for more and 2 entries using array_merge so it would be $nameArray = array_merge(explode(" ", $name), explode(" ", $comment)); and go on with the rest of the code that is it. Thanks a lot for your time AyKay47 and your code is effective but i love to store everything in database
  11. Hello dear friends, okay here is the story i've 2 incoming entries $name = "Manal Nor"; $comment = "Hello lovely world"; and i've stored into database table some bad words to be banned my_table (id,word) My objective Is to compare if $name and/or $comment have any of the banned words in my_table I can apply for $name only , i mean i can compare $name and know if it have any banned words or not using the following code $name = "Manal Nor"; // Example .. no bad words $sql = "SELECT * FROM my_table"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $nameArray = explode(" ", $name); $countname = count($nameArray); $checkname = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { for ($i == 0; $i < $countname; $i++) { if (strcasecmp($nameArray[$i], $row['word'])) { $checkname = 1; } } } if ($checkname == 1) { echo "banned"; exit; }else { echo "passed"; } it works perfect but now the question how to apply it like cheese burger i mean for both $name and $comment so that i can use :'( any help please
  12. @Psycho Thanks for this explain and i'll try it since my db will be locked no more add or delete of the rows @PaulRyan Okay thanks for help Now i will try 3 ways 1) Using mysql_unbuffered_query (it was said The PHP script can parse the results immediately, giving immediate feedback to users.) 2) Ajax call 3) Pagination Hope one will works ~Thanks all for help
  13. Okay, What i've mention in my post is just an example for simplicity to know it as study case wile the reason i don't want to use pagination and why i'm willing to show 10K results ! I've database with tons of quotes (ex: die well said by FFF) and i want to lunch website where visitor will see an input form and put own name then press submit it should gives him all that tons of quotes after it operate name replace of all the quotes. i want it appears (gives results) to the visitor one by one (row by row) just like ajax steps effects baam ---- baam ---- baam ..etc
  14. @litebearer Thanks for the idea , but i don't want to use pagination :-\
  15. Hello dear friends Let say i've a huge database of 100,000 entries my_table (id,name) and i'd like to call all the entires to be shown by this code $conn = mysql_connect('localhost','USER','PASS') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('my_table',$conn); $sql = "SELECT * from my_table"; $result = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $name = $row['name']; $id = $row['id']; echo $name; echo "<br>(done)<br>"; } The problem The problem that makes me almost gonna cry,it takes long time to load then it will showing names (remember my_table of 100,000 entries) all at once :'( and sometimes it sudden shows huage amount once or even sometime it hang up. My question Is there any way that i can call it so that it showing me results one name by one name like streaming name1 (done),name2 (done),name3 (done),name4 (done),name5 (done),......etc not showing all at once i'm afraid it may needs some ajax idea or somehow i really don't know but this is important to me so your help is very useful to me. so anyone please helps me cause it would really save my hosting ram otherwise they would suspend me
  16. Dears, If i've the following ajax code inside php file send.php which should send page id to another file caty.php <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ function Display_Load() { $("#loading").fadeIn(900,0); $("#loading").html("<img src='bigLoader.gif' />"); } function Hide_Load() { $("#loading").fadeOut('slow'); }; Display_Load(); $("#content").load("caty.php?page=1", Hide_Load()); $("#pagination li").click(function(){ Display_Load(); $(this) var pageNum = this.id; $("#content").load("caty.php?page=" + pageNum, Hide_Load()); }); }); </script> and i want to send with the page id an php variables called <?=$linerec[catname]?> where is should be something will call it from database at file send.php so the script java file should be something like this and as you can see i've added this page cat=<?=$linerec[catname]?>& <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ function Display_Load() { $("#loading").fadeIn(900,0); $("#loading").html("<img src='bigLoader.gif' />"); } function Hide_Load() { $("#loading").fadeOut('slow'); }; Display_Load(); $("#content").load("caty.php?cat=<?=$linerec[catname]?>&page=1", Hide_Load()); $("#pagination li").click(function(){ Display_Load(); $(this) var pageNum = this.id; $("#content").load("caty.php?cat=<?=$linerec[catname]?>&page=" + pageNum, Hide_Load()); }); }); </script> Now in file caty.php if($_GET) { $page=$_GET['page']; $zoli=$_GET['cat']; } $qry="select * from tools where toolcat='$zoli'"; $result=mysql_query($qry) or die($qry); if(mysql_num_rows($result)=='0') { echo "something"; }else{ while($line=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "something else will goes here"; }} ?> but not working ! i think there is something wrong inside the java code or inside caty.php file in order to send <?=$linerec[catname]?> from send.php to caty.php ! any idea
  17. Hello dears, I've tried to use htmlspecialchars or htmlentities but both no longer work ! Example1 : <?php $new = htmlspecialchars("<a href='test'>Test</a>", ENT_QUOTES); echo $new; ?> Output should <a href=&#039;test&#039;>Test</a> <?php $str = "A 'quote' is <b>bold</b>"; echo htmlentities($str); ?> Output should A 'quote' is <b>bold</b> But it isn't working ? what is wrong ?
  18. view source gives only <form> <textarea>blah so missing </form> and </textarea>
  19. Hello dear friends, If i've database table (my_table) with one field (text) and i've created form with textarea <form action="#"> <textarea name="text" id="text"></textarea> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> I can add any text inside it and save it in my database table but when i add html codes it also store it perfect but only 2 codes is not the closing of form and textarea </form> and </textarea> it not stored and automatically not saved Why ! i mean if i paste inside the above form - textarea the following code for example <form> <textarea>blah</textarea> </form> it will store it as <form> <textarea>blah and will not store </form> and </textarea> how then i can add html codes with textarea and form inside it without conflict thanks
  20. Hello dears, let say i've hits = 10000 and i'm using <? if ($line[hits]==1) { // something } else if($line[hits]==2) { // something else } else { // something else else }?> But i wanna say if $line[hits] is within range 1 to 10 show something else if $line[hits] is within range 11 to 20 show something else how to say it thanks
  21. Hello dears, Let say we have the following form code <form action="post" method="post" name="form"> Your Name : <input name="name" type="text" id="name"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> what if i want it to be viewed as image Why ! in fact i've text-area where i will put some HTML codes and i want the output of that code appears normally as web-browser view but as image , means no way to click on it or operate just appears as image I do not know if it possible or not but i wonder it it can be and here is example for exactly how this forms i wants to appears output of the html codes appears as image so any method any help any function or class can do like this ?! Thanks Hint : someone told me this way Put and transparent block element over it (position: absolute and so on) but i'm not sure if it right or not and how to do it , can anyone point to me simple example !
  22. @mjdamato Your function is working very perfect and exactly like what i want, i will study every part of it to learn more. thank you a lot shokran
  23. @WebStyles thank you so much, i've been thinking of same idea but didn't knew which function should i use. it was very helpful to me
  24. Hello dear friends, If i've called something from database table say for example $title = "hello world i love you"; Now i want to show it as following hello world i love you this mean i wanna say after any 1st word set all the rest as superscripted text thanks *sorry if i can't explain more better
  25. @thorpe Works perfect Thanks a lot it is very helpful to me to increase my website seo links
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