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Everything posted by beanymanuk

  1. yeah I'm trying to output to div I have set up document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML= request.responseText;
  2. Hi I'm trying to output a response which is xml but its only displaying in the alert box and not in the div and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong any idea's var request; function callback() { if (request.readyState == 4) { try { if (request.status != 200) { alert('error'); } else { // ok, process... document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML= request.responseText; alert("got data: "+request.responseText); } } catch(e) { alert('error'); } } } function test_get() { request = new CrossXHR(); request.onreadystatechange = callback; request.open('GET', 'http://www.gamerservices.co.uk/jackpot_obs_xml.xml'); request.send(); }
  3. Anyone got any hints tips on how I can make this better?
  4. Hi I'm not the best at arrays and have got thecode below which is pulling values out based on posted in variables eg mountains, nightlife, I'm then adding them together per country the ratings for these for each country and them sorting the values to leave me with an array showing highest rated island at the first in the array Is there a more efficient way of doing the same thing as I have done below? Thankyou for everyones help in advance <?php //posted values in $tripw = $_POST['trip']; $entries = array(); //loop over islands and pull all ratings and category names out ?> {exp:channel:entries channel="islands"} {rating_level} <?php $island = "{url_title}"; $rate_num = array( 'catname' => "{rate_cat}{title}{/rate_cat}", 'rating' => "{rate_num}"); $entries[$island][] = $rate_num; ?> {/rating_level} {/exp:channel:entries} <?php //loop over values and pull out ones which match the posted categories and add together to give each islands a total $total = ""; foreach ($entries as $key => $val) { foreach($val as $subarray) { //pull in posted categories foreach($tripw as $tt2){ if($subarray['catname'] == $tt2) { $total += $subarray['rating']; } } } $topr[] = array('island' => $key,'total'=> $total); $total = 0; } //sort array highest to lowest based on total of each island function subval_sort( $a, $subkey, $order='dec' ) { foreach( $a as $k=>$v ) $b[$k] = strtolower( $v[$subkey] ); if( $order === 'dec' ) arsort( $b ); else asort( $b ); foreach( $b as $key=>$val ) $c[$key] = $a[$key]; return $c; } $topr = subval_sort($topr,'total');
  5. Hi I'm trying to find out how to do the effect when the circle expands when clocking on the pause symbol Anyone seen this out there anywhere in a tutorial or code example http://lab.simurai.com/zen-player/
  6. I have found this function but I cant get it working http://docs.cksource.com/CKFinder_2.x/SelectFunction function ShowFileInfo( fileUrl, data ) { alert( 'The selected file URL is "' + fileUrl + '"' ) ; var formatDate = function( date ) { return date.substr(0,4) + "-" + date.substr(4,2) + "-" + date.substr(6,2) + " " + date.substr(8,2) + ":" + date.substr(10,2) ; } alert( 'The selected file URL is: "' + data['fileUrl'] + '"' ) ; alert( 'The size of selected file is: "' + data['fileSize'] + 'KB"' ) ; alert( 'The selected file was last modifed on: "' + formatDate( data['fileDate'] ) + '"' ) ; alert( 'The data passed to the function is: "' + data['selectFunctionData'] + '"' ) ; } function BrowseServer() { // You can use the "CKFinder" class to render CKFinder in a page: var finder = new CKFinder(); finder.basePath = '../'; // The path for the installation of CKFinder (default = "/ckfinder/"). finder.selectActionFunction = SetFileField; //added line finder.SelectThumbnailFunction = ShowFileInfo; finder.popup(); //StartupPath = 'Images:/images/'; }
  7. I'm creating an AJAX search and I need to pull date/s from the database which fall between the 2 user selected dates The database field is a datetime field. and the user selected values are also in datetime format. If someone can point me in the right direction that would be great <ol> <label for="closetime">Registered between:</label> <input type="text" class="datetime-pick hasDatepicker" name="registereda" id="registereda"> - <input type="text" class="datetime-pick hasDatepicker" name="registeredb" id="registeredb"> </ol>
  8. Hi I'm using CKfinder and I'm trying to get the file thumbnail url rather than the fileurl does anyone know how exactly to pull this through. function BrowseServer() { // You can use the "CKFinder" class to render CKFinder in a page: var finder = new CKFinder(); finder.basePath = '../'; // The path for the installation of CKFinder (default = "/ckfinder/"). finder.selectActionFunction = SetFileField; finder.popup(); //StartupPath = 'Images:/images/'; // It can also be done in a single line, calling the "static" // popup( basePath, width, height, selectFunction ) function: // CKFinder.popup( '../', null, null, SetFileField ) ; // // The "popup" function can also accept an object as the only argument. // CKFinder.popup( { basePath : '../', selectActionFunction : SetFileField } ) ; } // This is a sample function which is called when a file is selected in CKFinder. function SetFileField( fileUrl ) { document.getElementById( 'imagethumb' ).value = fileUrl; document.getElementById('imagedisplay').src = fileUrl; }
  9. I can't disable the dropdown obviously So how do I stop users from being able to edit the dropdown but post the value. <select id="prizetype" name="prizetype" onchange="showDivs('div',this)" /> <option name="div1" value="regular" <?php if($prizetype=="regular") {?>selected="selected"<?}?>>Regular</option> <option name="div2" value="voucher" <?php if($prizetype=="voucher") {?>selected="selected"<?}?>>Voucher</option> <option name="div3" value="affiliate_link" <?php if($prizetype=="affiliate") {?>selected="selected"<?}?>>Affiliate link</option> <option name="div4" value="points" <?php if($prizetype=="points") {?>selected="selected"<?}?>>Points</option> </select>
  10. I am making progress and have one field searching but how do I search using more than 1 field to search by and only the fields which have search criteria in. eg search "Nick" & "Hill" returns Nick Hill search "Hill" returns Nick Hill search "Nick" & "Rob" returns no results Also I need to search between 2 dates which are stored in the database as datetime fields Any help is muchly appreciated
  11. I've got an existing website in development Yes I'm using Javascript framework /js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js /js/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js I have this basic function so far just posting firstname into a div But I know I need to post that off to the controller then to model etc Then all the other fields need to do the same eventually $(function() { // turn the href into a submit trigger $("#searchplayers").click(function() { $("#searchplayers").submit(); return false; }); // check the mobile number format and submit or return error $("#searchplayers").submit(function() { var firstname = $('[name=firstname]').val() var lastname = $('[name=lastname]').val() var registereda = $('[name= registereda]').val() var registeredb = $('[name= registeredb]').val() var lastlogins = $('[name=lastlogina]').val() var lastlogine = $('[name=lastloginb]').val() var lastdrawentereda = $('[name=lastdrawentereda]').val() var lastdrawenteredb = $('[name=lastdrawenteredb]').val() $("#searchresults").html(firstname); //$.post( //$("#searchplayers").attr("action"), //$("#searchplayers").serialize(), //function(data){ // $("#downloadnowinfo").html(data).show(); //} //); return false; }); });
  12. Hi I have no idea how to do this and Googled and not found much help I have a search form below and I want the user to be able to search by as little or as much as they want using the fields by the fields. I am searching just one table called players I want it to be an ajax form and load the results below the form. <fieldset id="search"> <legend>Search Players</legend> <form action="/search.php" method="post" name="searchplayers" id="searchplayers"> <ol><label>First Name</label><input id="firstname" name="firstname" type="text"> <input id="lastname" name="lastname" type="text" style="float:right"><label style="float:right;">Last Name</label></ol> <ol> <label for="closetime">Registered between:</label> <input type="text" id="registereda" name="registereda" class="datetime-pick"/> - <input type="text" id="registeredb" name="registeredb" class="datetime-pick"/> </ol> <ol> <label for="actiontime">Last Login between:</label> <input type="text" id="lastlogina" name="lastlogina" class="datetime-pick"/> - <input type="text" id="lastloginb" name="lastloginb" class="datetime-pick"/> </ol> <ol> <label for="actiontime">Last Draw entered between:</label> <input type="text" id="lastdrawentereda" name="lastdrawentereda" value="<?=set_value('actiontime');?>" class="datetime-pick"/> - <input type="text" id="lastdrawenteredb" name="lastdrawenteredb" value="<?=set_value('actiontime');?>" class="datetime-pick"/> </ol> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" name="search" value="Search" /> </fieldset>
  13. There not available on weekends and just can see something is wrong and sent me a screenshot but don't know anything other than that to help me.
  14. Anyone know how I can test chrome on a mac when I don't have a mac. www.oddlondon.com is the website and apparently theres an issue with the image rotator at the top looks like width or something? If anyone can see this can they look and let me know whats up with it Thankyou everyone in advance
  15. Hi I am trying to get a column layout to display 3 divs in different order depending the screen width using media queries <div class="slot-0-1 feature homedrawdate"> <div class="block"><h2>Open for entries in</h2></div> <div class="block">Sign up with facebook</div> </div> <div class="slot-2-3 feature homeimage"> <div class="block"><h2>Product Image</h2></div> </div> <div class="slot-4-5 feature"> <div class="block"> <h2>Draw info</h2> </div> </div> when screen width is above 720px width I want the blocks to display in order they are above from left to right. But when screen width is below 720px I want the middle div to display first, then the first once then the last one staying last. ie Product Image - Open for entries in .. - Draw Info Anyone got any suggestions of how I can achieve this?
  16. Still not working This is the full section of code elseif($action=="confirm" && trim($title)!=NULL && trim($firstname)!=NULL && trim($lastname)!=NULL && trim($email)!=NULL && trim($add1)!=NULL && trim($city)!=NULL && trim($county)!=NULL && trim($postcode)!=NULL && trim($tel)!=NULL){ $supporters_details_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id='$eid' LIMIT 0, 1"); foreach($supporters_details_result as $supporters_details_result){ $name = ucwords($supporters_details_result->ename); } $price = $_POST['grandtotal']; $indatabase = NULL; $check_sessid_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM events_bookings WHERE booking_id='$booking_id' ORDER BY id LIMIT 0, 1"); foreach($check_sessid_result as $check_sessid_result){ $indatabase = $check_sessid_result->id; } if($indatabase==NULL){ $event_result = mysql_query ("INSERT INTO events_bookings (id, booking_id, event_id, displayname, title, firstname, lastname, email, add1, add2, city, county, postcode, tel, how, ref, status, date, team, quantityteam, tt1, quantitytt1, tt2, quantitytt2, tt3, quantitytt3, grandtotal) VALUES('NULL', '$booking_id', '$eid', '$displayname', '$title', '$firstname', '$lastname', '$email', '$add1', '$add2', '$city', '$county', '$postcode', '$tel', '$how', '$ref', '1', '$bookdate', '$teamticket' , '$quantity', '$t2ticket', '$quantity1', '$t3ticket', '$quantity2', '$t4ticket', '$quantity3', '$price')"); } $subject = 'Event Booking received'; $supporters_details_result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id='$eid' LIMIT 0, 1"); foreach($supporters_details_result as $supporters_details_result){ $priceQ = $supporters_details_result->price; $priceQ = number_format($priceQ, 2, '.', ''); $enameQ = $supporters_details_result->ename; $causeid = $supporters_details_result->cause_id; $sponsored = $supporters_details_result->type; } $getcauseemail = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM causes WHERE id='$causeid' LIMIT 0, 1"); foreach($getcauseemail as $getcauseemail){ $cemail = $getcauseemail->email; } if($quantity != 0) { $team = "Team x $quantity</br>"; } if($quantity1 != 0) { $t2 = "$t2ticket x $quantity1</br>"; } if($quantity2 != 0) { $t3 = "$t3ticket x $quantity2</br>"; } if($quantity3 != 0) { $t4 = "$t4ticket x $quantity3</br>"; } $to = 'testemail@test.com'; // message $message = " <html> <head> <title>Event Booking received</title> </head> <body> <p>Event Booking received</p> <p>User: ".$title." ".$firstname." ".$lastname." (".$email.")</br> Event ID: ".$enameQ."</br> Booking ID: BID".$booking_id."</br> Address Line 1: ".$add1."</br> Address Line 2: ".$add2."</br> City: ".$city."</br> County: ".$county."</br> Postcode: ".$postcode."</br> Telephone: ".$tel."</br></br> Tickets purchased</br> ".$team." ".$t2." ".$t3." ".$t4." Total Paid - £".$price."</p> <p>Please login and check payment status of booking to see if payment has been recieved</p> <p>Kind Regards</p> <p>Test Team</p> <br/> <img src='http://www.test.co.uk/images/email-logo.jpg' alt='logo'> </body> </html> "; // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set $headers = "From: Test <noreply@test.co.uk>\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; "; $headers .= "boundary=".$num."\r\n"; $headers .= "--$num\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; // Mail it //echo "TOP<br>"; //echo "EMAIL: ".$to."<br>"; //echo "SUBJECT: ".$subject."<br>"; //echo "MESSAGE: ".$message."<br>"; //echo "HEADER: ".$headers."<br>"; //end of news nottification $num = md5(time()); $subject1 = "Event Booking Confirmation"; $geteventtype = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id='$eid'"); foreach($geteventtype as $geteventtype){ $sponsored = $geteventtype->type; } //echo $sponsored; if($sponsored == "s") { //echo "Sponsored"; $message1 = " <html> <head> <title>Event Booking Confirmation</title> </head> <body> <p>Dear ".$title." ".$firstname." ".$lastname."</p> <p>You have succesfully booked a ticket for <b>".$enameQ."</b> at Simply Fundraising!</p> <p>Here is your booking confirmation number: <b>BID".$booking_id."</b></p> <p>Tickets purchased</br> ".$team." ".$t2." ".$t3." ".$t4." Total Paid - £".$price."</p> <p>We have received your booking details and they have been passed to the event holder</p> <p>*Subject to payment being made</p> <p>The event organiser will be in contact shortly with further event details.</p> <p>To start your fundraising efforts you can now create a fundraising page by clicking <a href='http://www.test/register/fundraising-pages'><u>here</u></a><p> <p>Thank You for your booking.</p> <br/> <p>Kind Regards</p> <p>Test Team</p> <br/> <img src='http://www.test.co.uk/images/email-logo.jpg' alt='logo'> </body> </html> "; $headers1 = "From: TEST <noreply@test.co.uk>\n"; $headers1 .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; "; $headers1 .= "boundary=".$num."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "--$num\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; } elseif($sponsored == "ns") { //echo "Non-Sponsored"; $message1 = " <html> <head> <title>Event Booking Confirmation</title> </head> <body> <p>Dear ".$title." ".$firstname." ".$lastname."</p> <p>You have succesfully booked a ticket for <b>".$enameQ."</b></p> <p>Here is your booking confirmation number: <b>BID".$booking_id."</b></p> <p>Tickets purchased</br> ".$team." ".$t2." ".$t3." ".$t4." Total Paid - ".$price."</p> <p>We have received your booking details and they have been passed to the event holder</p> <p>*Subject to payment being made</p> <p>The event organiser will be in contact shortly with further event details.</p> <p>Thank You for your booking.</p> <br/> <p>Kind Regards</p> <p>Test Team</p> <br/> <img src='http://www.test.co.uk/images/email-logo.jpg' alt='logo'> </body> </html> "; $headers1 = "From:Test <noreply@test.co.uk>\n"; $headers1 .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; "; $headers1 .= "boundary=".$num."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "--$num\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; } //echo "BOTTOM<br>"; //echo "EMAIL: ".$email."<br>"; //echo "SUBJECT: ".$subject1."<br>"; //echo "MESSAGE: ".$message1."<br>"; //echo "HEADER: ".$headers."<br>"; //Problem line of code everything after this line doesn't execute mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if($price==0){ ?> <div style=" float:right; width:700px;"> <div class="box_content_right"> <div class="reg_header">Event Booking - Thank You</div> <div class="reg_content"> <p style="margin:0px 50px 0px 50px; padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;"><strong>Thank you.</strong><br/>We have received your booking details and event holder will contact you shortly.</p> </div> <div class="reg_footer"> </div> </div> </div> <?php }else{ ?> <div style=" float:right; width:700px;"> <div class="box_content_right"> <div class="reg_header">Event Booking - Payment</div> <div class="reg_content"> <p style="margin:0px 50px 0px 50px; padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px;">Please wait while we transfer you to the secure payment area to pay <strong>£<?php echo $price;?></strong> for your event ticket/s.<br><br><img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/paymentcards.JPG"/></p> <div style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;"> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" name="paypal"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="paypal@test.co.uk"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Event Payment (<?php echo $booking_id;?>) by <?php echo $displayname;?> - <?php echo $email;?>"> <input type="hidden" name="country_code" value="GB" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $price;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/event?booking=<?php echo $eid;?>&action=approved&sessionid=<?php echo $booking_id;?>"> <input type="hidden" name="cancel_ return" value=<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/event?booking=<?php echo $eid;?>&action=canceled&sessionid=<?php echo $booking_id;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP"> <input type="hidden" name="login_email" value="<?php echo $email;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="first_name" value="<?php echo $firstname;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="last_name" value="<?php echo $lastname;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="country_code" value="GB" /> <input type="hidden" name="address1" value="<?php echo $add1;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="address2" value="<?php echo $add2;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="city" value="<?php echo $city;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo $email;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="H_PhoneNumber" value="<?php echo $tel;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest"> <!---<input type="submit" value="Pay with PayPal™" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"/>---> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout(document.paypal.submit(),10000); </script> <div class="reg_footer"> </div> </div> </div> <?php } NOTE: I have changed email addresses etc to test.com just for confidentiality Any questions just let me know and apologies for the messy code.
  17. The rest of the page does not load after this line mail($email, $subject1, $message1, $headers);
  18. Pikachu2000 from the test echo '<br>mail() function returned:<br>'; var_dump(mail($email, $subject1, $message1, $headers1)); echo '<br>On line: ' . __LINE__ . '<br>'; I received mail() function returned:
  19. I don't have direct access but I can get access to it. What do I need to look for do in php.ini? There are other places in the file where the following line of code is executed ok mail($email, $subject1, $message1, $headers1);
  20. Strangely my code works executes ok but obviously doesnt send the emails when I take out this line from the two if statements in the code I posted mail($email, $subject1, $message1, $headers1); Is there any expectational reason why the above line would cause problems?
  21. Hi I have this code in a huge PHP file but when I have this code in the page wont load but if I take it out it does anyone see whats wrong with this code. if($sponsored == "s") { $message1 = " <html> <head> <title>Event Booking Confirmation</title> </head> <body> <p>Dear ".$title." ".$firstname." ".$lastname."</p> <p>You have succesfully booked a ticket for <b>".$enameQ."</b></p> <p>Here is your booking confirmation number: <b>BID".$booking_id."</b></p> <p>Tickets purchased</br> ".$team." ".$t2." ".$t3." ".$t4." Total Paid - £".$price."</p> <p>We have received your booking details and they have been passed to the event holder</p> <p>*Subject to payment being made</p> <p>The event organiser will be in contact shortly with further event details.</p> <p>To start your fundraising efforts you can now create a fundraising page by clicking <a href='http://www.test.co.uk/register/test'><u>here</u></a><p> <p>Thank You for your booking.</p> <br/> <p>Kind Regards</p> <p>Test Team</p> <br/> <img src='http://www.test.com/images/email-logo.jpg' alt='logo'> </body> </html> "; $headers1 = "From: Test <noreply@test.co.uk>\n"; $headers1 .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; "; $headers1 .= "boundary=".$num."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "--$num\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; mail($email, $subject1, $message1, $headers1); } elseif($sponsored == "ns") { $message1 = " <html> <head> <title>Event Booking Confirmation</title> </head> <body> <p>Dear ".$title." ".$firstname." ".$lastname."</p> <p>You have succesfully booked a ticket for <b>".$enameQ."</b></p> <p>Here is your booking confirmation number: <b>BID".$booking_id."</b></p> <p>Tickets purchased</br> ".$team." ".$t2." ".$t3." ".$t4." Total Paid - ".$price."</p> <p>We have received your booking details and they have been passed to the event holder</p> <p>*Subject to payment being made</p> <p>The event organiser will be in contact shortly with further event details.</p> <p>Thank You for your booking.</p> <br/> <p>Kind Regards</p> <p>Test Team</p> <br/> <img src='http://www.test.com/images/email-logo.jpg' alt='logo'> </body> </html> "; $headers1 = "From: Test <noreply@test.com>\n"; $headers1 .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; "; $headers1 .= "boundary=".$num."\r\n"; $headers1 .= "--$num\r\n"; $headers1 .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; mail($email, $subject1, $message1, $headers1); }
  22. SELECT a.email, SUM(b.total_amount), SUM(c.total_amount) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT email FROM cashsumtotals UNION SELECT DISTINCT email FROM cardsumtotals ) AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN cashsumtotals b ON a.email = b.email AND b.cause= '1st Lawford Scout Group' LEFT OUTER JOIN cardsumtotals c ON a.email = c.email AND c.cause = '53' GROUP BY a.email ORDER BY SUM(b.total_amount) + SUM(c.total_amount) DESC LIMIT 5 Result testemail2@ifaw.com NULL NULL conniebushby@aol.com NULL NULL jackielovesbrian@hotmail.co.uk NULL NULL ronniebartlett@mail.com NULL NULL simone@coolcatpr.com NULL NULL
  23. SELECT name, email, SUM(total_amount) as total FROM ( SELECT name, email, total_amount FROM cashsumtotals WHERE cause= '1st Lawford Scout Group' UNION ALL SELECT name, email, total_amount FROM cardsumtotals WHERE cause = '53' ) tmp GROUP BY email ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 6 pull out these results name email total Daniel A Dan@griffin.co.uk 16.66 Peter G hero1@awebsite.com 5 The 16.66 in this example is made up from just cardsumtotals The 5 in this example is made up from just cashsumtotals But I want to be able to to show how much some from cardsumtotals and how much come from cashsumtotals for each email.
  24. I tried the above but this doesnt pull out the correct emails addresses and the total_amount comes out as NULL So that is not doing what I want
  25. I havn't got a table called People or like people that kickstart suggested.
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