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  1. Hi there, In addition to the suggsted solution by gaza165, you need to make both Store_ID and Employee_ID as the primary key of the table. This will enfource that no duplicate can happen and even when you have no check the system will through an error messge. Regards
  2. Hi there, you should always escape output before you display it in the HTML page. This can be done using the function htmlspecialchars
  3. it actually depends on your requirements but I would go for codeigniter as it is simple to learn and has all required basic functionalities that you need in order to build a complete website in no time
  4. You can do something like this in order to print the key value foreach ($array as $key => $value) { echo "$key => $value\n"; }
  5. Hi there, One way of doing this function getUniqueCode($length = "") { $code = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); if ($length != "") return substr($code, 0, $length); else return $code; }
  6. Hi there, If you just want to count the total number of elements in your array, then you can use the count function echo count($_SESSION['basket']); Regards
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